
by Robert Teague

This story was written for the entertainment of Winx Club fans, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story may be reproduced, provided no changes are made, and you let me know.

Author's Note: This is the sequel to "The Linphea Connection", starting a few months later.

Chapter One

As she went to and fro in her room packing to leave for Alfea, Mirta thought back on her life over the last year and a half.

She had been legally disowned by her parents for becoming a Fairy, but was taken in and adopted by the Winx Club member Flora's. She was now living with them on Linphea.

Near the end of her junior year she, Timmy from Red Fountain (and Tecna's boyfriend) and her best friend Lucy had gone to the dead planet Bekisan to prevent a Coven of Witches from getting a powerful weapon. They succeeded but lost the weapon, and along the way she had earned her Enchantix form by saving Lucy's life.

And just a couple of months ago she had become Flora's assistant as her sister was now Guardian Fairy. They had enlisted Lucy's help with a strange fire, and now she was a member of the staff as well.

Lucy had found an apartment in town and was settling in nicely. The fame she had gotten by helping Flora was reflecting on her, and she was enjoying it very much.

But the best thing of all was Brannan, her boyfriend. He had arrested her for being an unregistered Witch when she first arrived with Flora. But now they were getting closer, and she was really happy. Her life couldn't get much better.

She paused. "Better not think that too loudly; that's tempting Fate..."

She smiled and went back to packing. While she would miss being here and her job and her boyfriend, it was important to finish her Fairy education, a fact recognized by everyone involved.


At the transfer station the goodbyes were both tearful and happy. Lucy broke Witch's Decorum to give her a brief hug in front of everyone, but they were polite enough not to say anything. One of their long-term goals was getting Lucy to relax and trust them, and they didn't want to upset her when she did things in a non-Witch manner and they made comments about it.

Her last goodbye was with Brannan, and that was the most painful parting of all. He promised to come visit her when he got a chance (or an invitation).

With a final wave she disappeared from Linphea and appeared in Magix.


She caught the bus to Alfea, sitting by herself and watching the trees go by. While reluctant to leave home, she was also looking forward to her senior year. Zing had gone back to the Pixie Village to rest and reconnect with the others, but she would find her bonded Fairy when it was time.

Suddenly someone sat down by her. Looking over she found it was Elanor, who was also a returning senior. After Mirta had gotten her Enchantix and her light magic became greater than her dark, several Fairies had become much more friendly. Elanor had been with them, but was too shy to make the first move, so Mirta had had to break the ice and they had become friends.

She had dark blue hair and lighter blue eyes, and brown skin. She wore reading glasses when she needed to. She was also a couple of inches taller than Mirta. The base of her power was Bad Luck, and she was from the realm Delona. Others were sometimes nervous in her presence because of her power.

"Hi, Mirta, good to see you!" said Elanor, softly. She smiled shyly.

"Hey, you too!" she replied, "Looking forward to senior year?"

"Yeah, a lot..." was the reply.

"To quote Ms. Faragonda, 'what are your goals this year?'" asked Mirta, grinning.

"I want to get my Enchantix this year," she replied.

"Not every Fairy succeeds," said Mirta.

"I know. But I was hoping to be in line for a Guardian Fairy post someday," she replied.

Mirta smiled. "I can tell you from experience it's both challenging and fulfilling," she said.

Elanor looked at her sharply. "Really? How do you know?"

"My sister Flora is the Guardian Fairy of Linphea, you know," she said, and Elanor nodded, "Well, I'm her assistant and we go on missions together."

"Wow. that's great! I'm happy for you," said Elanor with a smile.

"Thanks," said Mirta. "It gives a wonderful feeling to help people and plants and animals."

They rode in silence for a few minutes, then Elanor asked, "Who do you think will be back this year?"

"Oh, uh, I hadn't thought about it, actually," said Mirta, "I just want it to be a good year!"

"Guess we'll find out soon enough," said Elanor, "Alfea coming up!"


They joined the excited throng of Fairies, new and returning, in the quad. Ms. Griselda was at her post, checking them all in.

"Mirta of Linphea! Good to see you!" said the Head of Discipline, "I've heard many great things about you on Linphea, and I expect you to keep it up here!" She checked off Mirta's name with a flourish.

"I'll do my best, ma'am," she replied.

"Elanor of Delona... welcome back!" she put down a check.

"Thanks, ma'am, good to be back!" she replied.

Griselda took another look at her clipboard. "Mirta, Ms. Faragonda would like to see you in her office as soon as you can."

Mirta looked at Elanor, then back at Griselda. "Yes, Ma'am... do you know what it's about?"

"Yes, I do, but you need to talk to her," was the answer.

"I'll do that," said Mirta, "Oh, here she comes."

After the mandatory welcome speeches from Griselda and Ms. Faragonda, they were all released to find their quarters, but Ms. Faragonda had noticed Mirta in the crowd, and called her aside.

"I'll see you later, Elanor," she said to her friend.

"Okay, good luck..." said Elanor, uncertainly, but turned toward the dorm part of the building.


In Ms. Faragonda's office, Mirta was offered a seat. Griselda had stayed behind to keep an eye on things.

"Mirta, I'm very glad you're here this year," said Faragonda. "I have a huge favor to ask you, but if you don't want to do it, I'll understand."

"I'm willing to listen, Ma'am," replied the Fairy of Pumpkins.

"Good. As you know, as students pass though the school year, we encourage them to make friends and form bonds," she started.

Mirta nodded.

"I know you have friends, but haven't bonded with any of them," said Faragonda.

"Yeah, I've been an outcast both here and at Cloud Tower," replied Mirta. Faragonda looked about ready to object, so she added, "I don't mind, really... you can't force somebody to be your friend. And I've got Flora and Lucy at home."

"That's true," said Faragonda, "This year there are five other students like that. But rather than place them where they would be uncomfortable for another year, I want to ask if you would mind rooming with them."

"Hmmm... An outcast to take care of other outcasts, huh?" Mirta smiled to show the teacher she wasn't serious. "I have an idea who they are, but would you confirm it?" asked Mirta.

The Headmistress nodded. "Elanor of Delona, Trasundah of Downland, Luna of Caron, and Priscilla of Bronn. You, Elanor, Priscilla and Luna are the only seniors this year."

Mirta looked thoughtful. "Thought so... That's quite a handful, and going to be a real challenge."

"You'll take it on, then?" asked Faragonda.

Mirta grinned. "Sure. Make the year more interesting."

"I had hoped you were up for it," said Faragonda, with a smile and relief in her voice. "One more thing. As seniors, I might be sending you on missions."

"Who is the fifth?" asked Mirta.

"Kansa of Ektar," was the reply. "It's been predicted she'll have problems, and I feel the five of you will be the best to help her."

Mirta smiled. "Thanks, Ma'am. I know what's going on. You're hoping we'll bond and make another Winx Club."

Faragonda looked shocked for a second, then smiled. "You're the first student Fairy to figure that out."

Mirta smirked. "Being a Witch has its advantages. They look deeper into situations than Fairies tend to, and I remember Deception class. What's the reasoning behind it?"

"It's been known for many, many years that four Fairies whose powers are an Elemental set tend to make deep bonds and are very effective as a unit, so we encourage it by rooming them together," said Faragonda, "But the Winx girls are an exception with how strong the bonds are."

"But I know their powers, and we don't form such a set," said Mirta.

"True. This is a bit of an experiment, to see how far the bonding goes," answered Faragonda.

Mirta nodded her understanding. "Okay, then, and I can guess you want me to keep all this to myself." She stood up.
"Please," said Faragonda.

"I will. See you later, Ma'am," said Mirta, and took her leave.