AN: Thank you all so much for your reviews, alerts and favourites. This is the closing part so enjoy the heartwarming FR reunion. Let me know what you think!

Isn't She Lovely Part 2

How dare he? Who did he think he was pouncing on Jesse like that in a fit of jealous rage?

She slipped off her shoes and unzipped her lilac feathered dress as it eased off her tense body, enraged and furious by his violent outburst tonight. This was supposed to be her perfect night, as perfect as it could be with his arms around blonde chiselled prom queen wannabe Quinn; she was determined to enjoy the dance with her single friends. Determined to forget him and what he thought of Jesse.

She had a nerve to stalk into his room and give him a piece if her mind, her fist balling up, her face flushed with fury as the motions of the fight flashed through her tired mind. Prom was great, she danced with Sam and Puck and chitchatted with Mercedes and Kurt until he launched into Jesse like that. The poor guy had a broken jaw.

What was wrong with him? He didn't want her but he couldn't have anybody else have her? She was tired of this cat and mouse game they played. A part of her thinks he just likes the chase instead of her; he only wants her when he can't have her, first with Quinn then with Jesse. This had to stop.

Jesse had returned only a fortnight ago to announce he was taking a sabbatical from university to focus on this New York theatre program he's recommended her for, he was assistant coach and Mr Shue had though it wise to use his coaching talent to assist in Glee.

She saw Finn's face crease up with frustration at the thought of him and Rachel spending more time together. He'd clasped her wrist and pulled her into the hallway, pleasing her to tell him she was kidding, that she wasn't thinking of taking him back after what he did to her. She scoffed, freeing herself from his grip.

'So what if I did? You don't have a say in this. You made your bed and now you can lay on it. With Quinn, rolling around giving her hickies.'

Her voiced was laced with a mixture of spite and venom to hide the hurt she felt. She was sick of being second choice all the time. Jesse had explained about Shelby and the egging and how their relationship was real. Even she couldn't deny those 3 months were blissful.

Jesse understood her like nobody else could, he understood her strive for stardom, he understood her quirks and her dramatic nature, mostly he understood her insecurities. Insecurities he brought up and never consoled. They'd talked about Finn, the whole shenanigan with Santana then Quinn and Puck, he listened to her ramble on while stroke her hair and rubbing her back in comfort. Finally, somebody who understood her outlook.

She paced back and forth, recollecting their conversation and his jealousy, his shock at them being friends and her forgiving him. What did it matter to him? He wasn't her and she wasn't his, they were over. It was time for her to move on, finally she was starting to.

She slipped on a dress and grabbed her coat, getting in her car to get this out of her chest.

He can't just become all caveman-like and macho whenever she was with another guy. It wasn't fair to them, to her or him. He either wanted her or he didn't. She was going to find out.

She rushed up the stairs with a vehement rage and burst into his room, stirring him awake in his slumber state, his russet hair messed up and still clad in his shirt and trousers while he lay on the bed lazily. Her eyebrow crook up and the veins in her temple were popping out.

Kurt was right, she was pissed.

'What the hell, Finn!' Her fist her punching his chest as he got up to defend himself. She kept hitting him with her tiny hands, for a small person her hits hurt a bulky guy like Finn.

He couldn't help it, she looked cute when she was mad, her face all flushed her angry vein out and her hair all messed up.

'You're unbelievable!'

Finn finally stilled her hands, interlocking them with his massive ones to calm her down.

'I'm sorry. It's just, Jesse, that jackass, he just rubs me up the wrong way.'

'I don't care!' She was shouting now. 'You're not my boyfriend and you do not get to play the jealous ex anymore. Jesse and I we're just friends, you had no right to knock him up like that! He was gonna press charges until I begged him not to. You idiot!'

Now she was slapping him, his cheek reddened from the force of her hand and her felt a sting on his face.


'I thought you were a pacifist.'

She glared at him, her eyes all cross, dark with anger and arms folded. God she was adorable.

He rubbed his face to ease the pain of her strike.

'I'm sorry, Rach.' His voice was soft and tender now, his eyes gazing at her affectionately. She sat down at the edge of the bed, the mattress sinking a little as he pulled her against him, smelling her fruity scent as she sighed heavily.

'You suck.'

She muttered this like a petulant child, just when he thought she couldn't get cuter. He chucked a little, his chest vibrating a little as her shining hair fell on his shoulders, embracing him.

'I know.'

Their eyes met as she glanced up at him, her eyes gleaming with hope and his own with desire for her, to have her, with him, always.

'I just flipped. I can't stand that guy. He doesn't deserve you.'

'And you do?'

He swallowed.

'No, but...I just don't get it. How can you just forgive him like he just stole your pencil or something? He left you high and dry, Rach. I saw you, you barely talked for a whole month when we got together, you just shut off. I don't want you getting hurt again.'

She felt a waterfall of hot salty tears fall from her cheeks as his hands reached to wipe them away.

'Why her? How could you forgive and not me? She lied to you about a baby, something that affected your entire future and she planned it all out for you without giving you a second though. How could you let her do that to you again? The Finn I know has more self respect.'

She sniffed and he sighed, his eyes glued to the sheets beneath him as his arms circled her waist, drawing her closer until their bodies collided radiating warmth.

'I just...I guess I just forgot. With you, I didn't expect it. You were supposed to be perfect.'

'Well I'm not perfect.' Her tears fell as she bowed her head down, ashamed.

His eyes gleamed with adoration as he tilted her chin with his finger, forcing her to look at him.

'You are to me.'

Their lips crashed together then, his lips tasting her salty tears mixing with her strawberry tasting mouth, his tongue battling for dominance against hers as she moaned into the kiss, his hands cradling her face as he devoured her mouth before breaking for air.

'I love you, Rachel. I don't want you dancing with anyone but me and my two left feet.'

She giggled, nuzzling her face against his naked neck.

'Quinn dumped me by the way.'

'Oh, sorry.'

'No you're not.' He bumped her shoulder with his.

'I'm not.'

Their faces mirrored eachother in a content smile as he held in his arms that night.

'I love you too, you know.'

Her eyes flicked shut as she pulled her against him, falling asleep with her serene face looking like that of an angel. He kissed her head before looking down at her, content.

He sang into the silence. Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?

Not a bad night.