A/N: I can't believe this is the last chapter...WOW. I have to say, I feel pretty accomplished. As a goodbye gift, a bunch of reviews may not be bad, ne? Anyway, check out my other Fanfic, if you're a Bleach fan. It's an UlquiHime, and WAY better written than this one.

Oh, and thank you, everyone, who reviewed last chapter. (Which was NO ONE.)

Angel of the Sand: Chapter 20

Gaara's eyes fluttered, feeling something warm on his face. He opened his eyes, looking around. He was met with a bright emeral, and carnation pink. When his vision became less blurry, he noticed that it was Sakura who was leaning extremely close to him. Was she...crying? Why would she be crying?

"Hold on, Gaara. I'm going to fix you." She said, smiling slightly. Gaara winced, remembering the gash Suigetsu had given him. Gaara thought for a moment. He had died before, and this time, it would more than likely be permanent.

"Sakura..." He started, trying to control his emotions. He took a breath, continuing. "Sakura, you're the best friend I've ever had...you've been so nice to me, even when others weren't. I'm sorry for getting grouchy yesterday." He said, searching her eyes.

She smiled a sad smile, replying with, "Well, Gaara, I understand now. I didn't know at the time you were in love with me...and your apology is accepted." She paused, continuing. "And I'm also in love with you." She admitted, knowing it to be true. Gaara almost smiled, turning his head.

"If only I had realized it sooner...and acted on those feelings..." He said sadly. "Now it's too late." Sakura shook her head, panic filling her voice.

"No, Gaara. You can't die. You just can't." She shook his shoulders slightly, causing him to look up at her.

"Sakura...I've died once before, and you saved me. This time, you saved me before I died." He said, raising a hand, and brushing her cheek with it. Sakura, realizing if she didn't hurry, he would be gone, started healing his wound.

"Sakura...there's no point. I..." He trailed off, his eyes closing as his arm fell. Sakura held in a sob, the tears falling freely down her face now.

"Oh god, Gaara, I'm in love with you. Why'd you have to die?" She asked, beating his chest with one of her hands. She laid her forehead on his, feeling his skin grow cold. She pressed her palms to his chest, focusing her chakra to use them as a defibrillator of sorts. His body convulsed with the chakra that was supposed to kick start his heart.

"Ow..." She heard come from the redhead's mouth, a smile growing on her face. "Okay...maybe I won't die today." He said, opening one of his eyes. He looked at Sakura, pulling her face down to his, kissing her. Sakura kissed back, closing her eyes as she did so.

A/N: Aww, wasn't that sad? Well, thank you all for reading! I'll be sure to start another Naruto fic soon, but I think this one will be about Sasori, and WAY better written.

Everyone's Truly,

Kilik Saiyaku-Captain Green