Disclaimer: I do not own Kaichou wa Maid-sama, or anything that I might add in the future, except on some things here... all rights reserved to their owners...

The sun shone upon the grounds of the Chevalier Manor, revealing its grandeur. The majestic building stood proudly on its grounds for the past years. The roses in the garden each showed off their beauty, adding the manor's beauty. The birds flew by and sang their morning songs. It was such a beautiful morning, despite all the heavy rain from the previous night.

And every morning, rain or shine, the servants were now all up, fulfilling their duties assigned by the head butler, who was now tasked to take care of Angelique Chevalier, the daughter of his current mistress, Annabel Chevalier. Right after managing the servants, he himself prepared the young lady's morning tea, which consisted of Earl Grey, along with some scones to eat, and carried it with a tray. He passed along the grand hall, wherein the portraits of the past masters of the Chevalier house were displayed, and on the middle was the tapestry of the family crest, which was a blue rose.

Everything was in order, yet there was something he least expected that morning which may disrupt the peaceful morning.

He was now in the young lady's room, which was locked. He set aside the tray in the nearby table and knocked while calling out to her. No one answered, so he assumed that she was still asleep. He brought out the duplicate key in his pocket, unlocked the door and said, "Pardon my intru-", yet he cannot continue to speak after what he saw.

He was now staring wide-eyed on the sleeping young lady, who was now lying on the floor, bathing with her own blood.

I just randomly thought of these things... after I watched a movie... :)

Anyways... it's a sort of "remake" or my own version of a classic story (actually, from a novel and a movie) along with some added details... explanations on the next chapter... maybe... :P