Summery: A seven year old underweight Raito (Light) is to smart for his own good. He knows that his father thinks that he is a freak, he knows his mother loves her daughter more and wants only one child not two, and he knows that he is not wanted nor loved by the fact that he is completely ignored. Can being an orphan make everything better? No family is perfect and Raito's family is far from it.

Disclaimer: Own nothing. T.T

A/N- Hey its me again. This ideal came from another story I am currently writing about light and ryuzaki. It came from one of L's questions about why light never skipped ahead in school. Sorry for the grammar my beta doesn't care that much about it, but she's nice thanks a.c.r.o.n.y.m

Matt mello and near will be in this at the same age they are in the normal story, this is my story so I can change it a litte right? So yeah AU, umm L is going to be in this he will be about seven years older then light so a teen, possible ai in the future, but when light gets older.

Raito Yagami sat alone in his room with a collage English world history text book. Reading was one of the few things that took him away from this world, and the English world history book was the only thing in the house he had not read.

Translating the text was fun for him, being able to read was fun for him, but the thing he really wanted was his mom to come in and wish him a happy seventh birthday. But that was impossible he was quite sure she had completely forgotten. She was bringing his little sister to a play date. So why remember him.

The door to his room opened and his father walked in looking very mad. "Raito if I had told you once I have told you a million times do not take my books!" His father walked over to him and tore the massive book from the little boy's hand.

Mr. Yagami looked at the book and tossed it back down. "I wasn't looking for that one, where is my criminal minds book Raito?" The small boy looked around and shrugged. "I promise if I find out that you have hidden it I will ground you for two weeks. "Now for stealing my History book go set outside facing the wall I'll come to get you when your punishment is over."

Raito nodded and walked outside. This punishment wasn't so bad it was just that his father often forgot about him but if he came in early then he would get a belt to the butt. He knew where the book was, under his floor boards hid everything, but he didn't care to tell his father.

Six hours later Raito was facing the wall while a strong rain was falling on his head . Raito ignored it and continued to think of complex equations that he had found in his mothers math book. As soon as a car pulled up Raito stopped. His mother stepped out an pulled out her umbrella. Covering a four year old that was his little sister.

His mother walked to the door and let his little sister inside then turned towards him. "Let me guess took one of your father's books?" The small boy nodded. "Have you learned your lesson?" Raito shrugged. "Then you will stay out here for another hour, then come in and go to bed." The boy nodded and started to count to 3600.

It was now 6 p.m when the boy finally got inside he walked in to the kitchen and bowed. "Did you learn your lesson." The boy nodded. "Then dry yourself off and go to bed. Raito nodded and walked away listing to his fathers loud voice.

"He's not normal." His father said as he took Sayu down from the chair. His mother sighed and turned to face him while Sayu grabbed a bowl of rice and fish from the table and walked up stairs without either of them noticing.

"You don't think I know that. He doesn't speak he can read to well and he acts like he's in his own world." She sighed and picked up the dishes. "What are we going to do. Grounding him isn't working and not letting him read just makes him want to read more.

"I don't know, I'm heading to the office at least there I can think." Mr. Yagami sighed and walked out as Mrs. Yagami cleaned.

"Here you go." A little girl said handing her brother a bowl of rice and fish. The boy bowed and began to eat.

"Happy birthday Brother. I got a book for you. It's a mystery novel, that's what the lady at the book store said when mom was buying herself a romance novel." She got really close to his ear and said "I stole it for you. Sorry" She took the book out of a small purse, that she always carried with her. The book itself was small and red, when he opened it he found four hundred pages and very small lettering.

Raito smiled at her. He knew it was wrong to steal but he couldn't bring himself to care enough to say anything. He hugged his little sister then hid the book under the floor boards and started to eat.

The little girl started to talk to the boy like she always did as he ate. "So Summer-chan says that she's related to the queen of England, do you think she's lying." Raito nodded. "I thought so too she always twitches when she lies and she twitched." They sat like that for ten or so minuets.

"Raito come down stairs!" His mother yelled, Raito finished eating quickly and ran down stairs. His mother looked him over and sighed. "I told you to dry off." Raito let his eyes meet the floor. "Never mind, this is Watari-san he would like to talk to you." She said with a question in a her voice.

An older man stood at the door, a wet umbrella in hand and a large green book in the other. "Now that my son is in here I would like to know what you want with him."

The man looked at for a moment and then nodded. "Raito has aced every test given to him and a very advance test that most seven year old's wouldn't begin to understand."

"His father and I have already discussed this test and no we do not want Ratio moved ahead. He needs to learn how to be a normal second grader not a freak and besides he is six not seven."

"Hmm my records must be wrong then, Raito how old did you turn today?" Sayu walked in just as the man was asking.

"Only ask brother yes and no questions he doesn't like to talk, beside today is his birthday and he turned seven right Raito?" The boy nodded and smiled at his sister.

"I see, have you taken Raito to see a therapist about his speaking problem?" Watari asked Raito mother, she just looked annoyed.

"My son knows how to talk he just doesn't want to, he does not need some one to tell us he's a freak or he'll start to believe it, he needs to be a perfectly normal child." She patted Sayu's head while looking at the man with a mix of anger and hate.

"You know that he is not normal and will never be normal, what normal person knows how to write an essay over how to make wireless electrical transponders, when they are seven no less."

"He cheated I'm sure and besides that, what did you come here to ask Watari-san?" She said looking at her son who was trying to stifle some coughs.

"I came to ask you to give him up for adoption." Watari said handing Raito a tissue. Raito smiled a thanks and coughed in to it.

"For one that why would I need to we have enough money to support him and for two I love my son and would never give him up for adoption." She said pulling Raito away from the odd man. "Another thing how do I know you're not a pedophile and will adopt him just to sell him or worse."

"Well I run a very exclusive school Mrs. Yagami for orphans, most are not born orphans their parents just could not handle raising a child who was odd. One of my boys for instance, who has an I.Q higher then mine and yours put together, will only eat food with far to much sugar in it." Watari sighed and smiled at Raito thinking of how this boy and L could be friend.

"If he does not he will not be able to function. That boys parents were not dead they just gave him up when he was three. To much to handle I'm sorry to say. They said that they loved him but he was just to odd."

"Watari-san, Raito is not to much to handle and he is not that odd just reads far to much which is a problem we are willing to work on. We will have no more talk of this Raito is going no where."

"Yes, I can see that now. But if something does come up and you find Raito would be to much of an annoyance or to much of an inconvenience to take care of, just call me. My number is 980-555-2328" He handed Mrs. Yagami a card and looked at Raito. Raito nodded and Watari walked out.

sighed and tossed the card in to the trash. Then walked out of the room to find something to clean. Sayu grabbed the card and put it in her purse. "We'll call him when you don't like it here, kay?" Sayu said looking at the door.

Raito nodded heading in to his room to read his book and write down the number. Sayu followed telling Raito about the day she had, because she knew he would be the only one to listen and understand.

The next morning Raito woke up cold, he had a headache, and for once he was happy. His mother said that she loved him. Maybe he wasn't such a freak after all.

He went down stairs to find his father and mother making breakfast. When he walked in his father gave him a very cold stare. "Your mother got a call this morning Raito, it was from a book store claiming that our perfectly normal daughter had stolen a book. Not just any book but a Sherlock Homes classic, Now why would Sayu steal a book that she couldn't possibly read?"

Raito sighed he knew that even though his parents mainly blamed him they were still mad at Sayu. She would be yelled at and sent to the corner then to bed without dinner and she would cry. The boy pointed to himself, maybe all the blame could fall on him.

"You mean to say you told her to steal it." Raito nodded "Then where is the book boy." Raito looked at his mother and she looked just as mad as his father. He looked at his shoes once more then sighed. "Go get it, and no breakfast today." No food was a punishment that Mr. Yagami found quite useful, his father used it on him and it taught him a lesson so he would use it on his own children.

He walked up stairs and grabbed the book from his secret stash. He looked at it as he started to rolling his fingers down the spine. He opened it to a random page reading some of it quickly so maybe he could dream as how the story goes.

"There is no great mystery in this fact or matter." He said, taking the cup of tea, which I had poured out for him, adding many sugar cubes. "The facts appears to admit of only one explanation." He read it quietly to himself as he ran his fingers down the spine once more. He smiled closing the book and headed down stairs.

His father looked at him when he entered the room an angry stare laid on his face. "Do you know what I do for a living Raito?" The small boy nodded. "I'm a police officer, do you know what it looks like when my own son conveniences his little sister to steal a book?" He put the book down on the kitchen table.

"Do you know how this might affect my life, our life? Do you not want to eat today, to just stand in that corner all your life?" Raito shook his head and continued to look down at his feet. "Then you will learn the way the world works."

Mr. Yagami took the small boy and stood him outside facing the wall once more. "I will come back near lunch and will give you a whipping, I don't like to do this Raito it really does hurt me more then you." Raito let a few tears fall as his father walked away leaving him in the rain once more.

After about an hour of standing there he looked in to the window and saw his father brushing out Sayu's hair they were smiling, while his mother was picking out a movie to watch. He watched for a few minuets letting a few stray tears run down his face.

He then turned towards the tree where a few branches lead to his window. He climbed the tree very skillfully. Opening the window from the outside he quietly entered. He moved the floor boards and grabbed the books hidden under them.

He put the books in to his school bag then went down stairs to grab his Sherlock Homes novel his sister had got for him. He put that in to the bag then left the same way he got in. He walked down the wet street for a while until he found a store with a pay phone.

He called the number Watari gave him, long distance. "Hello, this is Watari speaking." a voice answered after the fourth ring. Raito remained silent only breathing very harshly. "If you have this number then it must be important."

The boy remained silent. "Is this Raito?" A sharp breath was taken in. "I'm have your location Raito if that is you, then please stay where you are I'll be there shortly." Watari hung up and Raito sat down folded his legs to his knees and cried. All the boy ever wanted was to be normal and have someone love him but now he knew that wasn't possible.

A/N: well I'll see you next time.

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