chapter 1


I can't believe he left me all alone in the forest on my own i mean what type of gentlemen does that to a ladie and i could have kicked his ass but then that would reveal who i really am and we wouldn't want him to know im a actual vampire would we? nope i don't think so i'm a real vampire not like the one's that sparkle and i'm inlove with klaus the oringinal vampire and i'm the little sorella of damon and stefan salvatore i love them very much but last time i saw them they were stuck on katerina petrova and iwas geting pushed to the side and tyler was going out with that slut elena but from what i hear broke up and she is now going out with my brother stefan and that just doesn't work for me soo i sent her a letter or a little warning a few hours ago it goes a little something like this...

Dear gilbert

you and me have a little problem you see youre

inlove with my older brother and darling that just won't

work so i'll see you in a short little while and you are

going to get a rude awakening

oh and tell damon his little sorella said hello

love aand hate always,

Lucinda salavatore

too bad i won't be your savior



I was on my way to stefan and damons to talk to them about this weird letter i recieved i don't know who lucinda is but hopefully they will tell me i was almost there when all of a sudden my passenger door was swung open i look to the side and see a gorgeous girl with violet colored eyes and long black hair with gray streaks in it i was soo scared she looked like damon but that could be my eyes playing tricks on me i was about to say something when she spoke in a itailan accent "well hello elena how nice to meet you did you get my letter?" she asked and then cocked her head to the side a little i was soo scared all i could do was nod my head yes she looked at my face and laughed "oh dear don't be frightened i won't hurt you... yet... now i believe you were going to my brothers boarding house carry on with your granny driving darling" she said to me i sped the car up a little faster... about 15 minutes later we made it to the house i ran out the car door but all of sudden i was pulled from the side and knocked unconsices all i could think about was not again...


I knocked the little katerina look alike out and walked in the house where my favorite brother damon was as soon as i walked through the door i was graved from behind i kicked whoever was holding me which caused me to drop elena and caused the whiny brat stefan to hiss at me i turned around and looked at him "aww little brother you don't even remember me such a shame i'm so hurt" i said and put on a mock hurt face he looked at me then elena and then ran to elena i knew he would chose that bitch over me ugh where's damon hmmm... i sniffed the air and i smelt him and my little creation rose... i ran to where i smelt them and covered my eyes "hello big brother can you please put your clothes on i could go without seeing my best friend and brother geting busy ugh-" before i could finish my sentence i was tackled by damon he was saying something with a smile on his face but i wasn't paying attention to him i was looking at the one and only tyler lockwood... before damon finish what he was talking about i pushed him off and ran to tyler hugging him before i could say and=ything damon had me behind him and he was crouhced safely in front of me i'm pretty sure i looked confused and then he called the love my life the most horrible thing ever "what are you doing here you dog?' damon said i was so confused at first but then i thought about it OMG tyler is a werewolf i can't believe it but i still love him no matter what and he is hot and immortal thanks to my blood i used to used to save him in that car accident... "I'm here to see my girlfriend thank you very much" ummm okay when did i say we were together but hey whatever it would have happen sooner or later damon looked at me to say he was mad would be an understatement before he could yell at me stefans rag doll had to say something that would make me forget abbout tyler in a heart beat "klaus is here and he want's lucinda" all that was going thru my mind at the moment was hcould is name klaus was back and he was back for me;) i ran downstairs vampire speed before anyone could stop me and before i knew it i was staring into the gray eyes of klaus my one and only love the one i thought forgot about me and then he spoke "hello my dear fiance it's been a while hasn't it?" after he said that all hell broke loose


Did klaus just call my baby sister his fiance no no i must be hearing things why would she agree to marry him i decided to voice my thoughts but elena beat me to it and it already looked like lucinda didn't like her this is not good at all... "why would you agree to marry him he's evil and he's trying to kill me" elena said "well it looks like i'm not the only one" i heard lucinda say wait she's trying to kill elena to? "lucinda why are you trying to kill elena?" she looked at me and smirked then whispered something to klaus he laughed and picked her up and they ran to the living room and sat down on the couch with her in his lap we followed them in there and i sat on the couch with rose next to me and stefan and elena stayed in the entry way of the living room looking scared for there lives " i guess i should tell you why i hate your little play toy so much stefan well for starters she's a heartbreaker she broke matts heart,tylers and my future in law jasper whitlocks heart now little elena what do you have to say for yourself and jazz you can come out now they won't hurt you and i see you have your true mate hello rosalie" when i turned around to say i was shocked would be an understatement it's the god of war and the most hottest sparkly vampire in existence well she would be second to lucy (lucinda) if lucy was a sparkly vamp but god she's a hot one i guess we better here what they have to say it looks like are little human has been keeping secrets from us hmmmmm:...