* I don't own Glee or any of its characters. It all belongs to its rightful owners.*

Kurt rushed into the choir room, looking around anxiously. Where was he? Kurt had been late to practise anyway after taking a detour to the Nurse's office for a pack of ice.

"H-has anyone seen Blaine?" Kurt asked, the fear in his voice confirming the severity of the situation to not only himself but to the rest of the Glee club.

Mercedes stood up from her chair, walking over to Kurt. "What's wrong?"

Kurt backed away slowly, heading for the door. "He's not here? I told him not to get involved…I told him!"

The rest of the Glee club rose from their chairs in unison, slowly walking towards Kurt. They'd obviously been filled in on the situation in the cafeteria by Mercedes.

"We'll find him." Santana assured, grabbing her coat from the back of her chair. Santana's concerned almost going unnoticed by Kurt as he sprinted out of the room, frantically checking in classrooms down the hall.

"What if he's fighting with Karofsky?" Rachel asked Finn who was leaning against the piano.

"Then we'll have to back him up, that's what friends do right?" Finn replied, grabbing Rachel's hand and leading her out of the choir room and down the hall.

Artie sat helplessly in his chair with a stern look on his face.

"Everything will be okay though…Karofsky won't hit Blaine…his hair gel with break his hand." Brittany explained, still sitting in her chair.

Artie turned to look at her, assessing her face to decide whether she was being genuine or not…she was. He let out a sigh of disappointment.

Meanwhile, Kurt had made it into the cafeteria where he was searching the faces hoping to find Blaine. All he did find was a few people waiting to be picked up and taken home.

Now he was starting to panic…really panic.

"Mercedes, what am I going to do?" he asked, sounding exhausted.

"Look we don't have any proof that he's actually with Karofsky…he could be in the library or gone home or anything." Mercedes suggested, trying desperately to calm Kurt down.

Kurt's thought processes were cut short by a growing mumble of sound rising from the parking lot.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!"

Kurt rushes out into the parking lot, closely followed by Mercedes, Finn, Puck and Rachel. Kurt couldn't see what was going on for the mass of people crowding around the action.

Kurt makes a run for the action, pushing past people; frantically trying to get to the front. When he finally manages to catch sight of the fight, he realises that it isn't who he wanted to see at all…or maybe it was…whoever it was, it wasn't Blaine nor Karofsky.

Now Kurt didn't know whether to be relieved or more frightened, granted it wasn't Karofsky and Blaine that the crowd were chanting at, but he was still unaccounted for…

"Now what do we do?" Kurt asked, feeling exhausted from the adrenaline.

"Have you tried calling him?" Finn asked, with Rachel clutching his hand.

"Yes…but I'll try again…" Kurt replied, feeling for his phone in his pocket. His face dropped as he frantically pats around his pockets with no success. "Where is it? Where is my phone?"

"Just stay calm, you're freaking out and it could all be for nothing. Just breathe Kurt." Mercedes said soothingly, trying her best to keep her friend focused.

Kurt's shaking hands finally found his phone and he dialled Blaine's number, biting his lip as he waited anxiously for him to answer the phone.