AUTHORS NOTE: I couldn't help myself people! I'm a person that needs to write several stories at once! I promise you guys that I wont start any more new ones until I finish one of the others. I hope you guys like this one.

Chapter 1. The Call. Sams Pov.

I hear a phone ringing in the distance of my tired mind and I groan.

"Ugh Sam." Jessica moans, her grip around my waste tightening. "Your phone."

"Fuck." I grope around till I feel my phone, flipping it open and putting it to my ear. "Hello?"

"You sound like shit Sammy." My eyes widen and I sit up, being awoken by the familiar voice.

"Dean? What the hell?"

"That's just how I wanted to start out our first conversation in years dude." He says sarcastically.

"Sam who is it?" Jessica asks, her eyes still closed.

"Um, I'm going to take this in the kitchen Jess." She weakly waves her hand for me to go and rolls over.

"Sam who was that? Is she your girlfriend? Is she hot? I bet she's totally out of your league." I can't help but roll my eyes as I walk out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

"Why are you calling me Dean?"

"I'm going to be at your apartment in ten minutes so…" I cut him off.

"Wait you're coming here? Why?"

"Do I need an explanation to visit my little brother?"

"When you've never visited me before then yes, I want an explanation." He sighs.

"Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been back for a few weeks."

"Dean he's probably…"

"No, I know he's been late before but this is different. He left me a weird message so I streamed it through gold foil and guess what I found."


"It was a woman whispering I can never go home." I turn on the light in the kitchen and yawn into my hand. "I need your help Sam."

"Why are you calling me about this Dean, you can do this by your self." He's silent. "Dean?"

"Things have changed since you left college boy." I want t ask how things have changed but he doesn't give me the chance too. "How about a change of plans, you know the Denny's on Bridge Street?"


"Meet me there, and bring some of your shit." He hangs up the phone and I groan in annoyance.

"God damn it." I look at the time on my phone; 3:45.

Dean wouldn't have called me if it wasn't an emergency. He sounded freaked out about something, and when he said things changed…

"Sam?" Jessica walks out of the bedroom, crossing her arms over her chest. "Who was that?"

"Dean." Her eyes widen slightly.

"Dean as in your brother that you barely talk about?" I nod. "What did he want?" I walk past her and into the bedroom, grabbing a bag from the closet.

"Our Dad's on a hunting trip and he wants my help finding him." I walk to the drawer to get a few shirts, discreetly placing my hunting knife and gun in the center of them and wrapping them up so Jess can't see them. I walk over to my bag and stiff them in.

"Is he ok?" She asks, handing me a few pairs of jeans.

"Yeah, he probably just got too friendly with Jack and Jose." I close my bag up then walk back to the dresser to put on some clothes.

"Sam you have your interview Monday." I zip my jeans up and grab a shirt. "And why are you even leaving in the middle of the night without much detail about this?" I sigh, brining the shirt over my head quickly and pulling it over my belt.

"Dean has never acted like this before; it's freaking me out a little." Her eyes soften slightly and she nods, walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek.

"You're a good brother you know that." I chuckle slightly and she smiles. "Where are you meeting him?"

"The Denny's that's like two blocks away." She nods. "I'll call you once I know what's going on, he just told me to meet him there and bring some stuff."

"Be careful ok?" I pull her into my arms. "And you better come back before your interview." I peck her on the lips and we pull away.

"Don't worry about it." I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. "Go back to sleep." She nods. "Love you."

"Love you too."

I walk into the Denny's to see Dean at a center table facing the front door. He looks up and gives me a small, tired grin. He still wears the same leather jacket and cropped hair style that he did when I left, but his arms look more muscular then before.

"Sammy!" I walk over to the table and sit across from him. "Jeeze you've gotten tall dude."

"Its Sam Dean, Sammy is a chubby twelve year old." He rolls his eyes, taking a sip of coffee. "So…" I'm cut off by the waitress walking towards us.

"What can I get you boys?" She asks, brining up her pad and pencil.

"Just coffee for me please." She nods then looks to Dean.

"Eggs, bacon and sausage." She writes his order down and gives us both a tired smile.

"That'll be up in a little bit." She walks away and goes to the only other patron in the restaurant.

"What's going on Dean." He sighs.

"Dad was in Jericho the last time I talked to him…" I cut him off.

"No that's not what I'm talking about. I'm going to help you, but I need to be back on Monday." I state.

"What's happening Monday?"

"I have an interview."

"A job interview? Skip it." I take a sip of water before answering.

"It's a law school interview, its practically my whole life on a plate." His eyes show a hint of pride before he laughs it off.

"I always knew you were a geek boy."

"Dean stop getting off topic, what's going on with you?" he looks down at the ring on his right hand, playing with it a little before talking.

"Um, after you left there was an accident." He looks back up to me and drops his hand on the table.

"What type of an accident?"

"Hunting accident. Me and Dad were hunting a ghost in this old five story house and we couldn't find the body for a while." He leans forward on the table. "It kinda threw me out the window." My eyes widen.

"How high up were you?"

"Fourth floor." I hiss at thinking about the pain and he nods. "All I remember was a shit ton of pain and Dad saying help was on the way. The next thing I knew I was waking up and Dad was sitting right next to me." There is an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Something happened to you didn't it?" he nods, pushing himself from the table but not standing up. His sitting torso moves around the table till he's in front of me and I have to grab onto the table to stop myself from falling over in shock.

"I'm paralyzed Sam." He says, and all I can look at is the wheelchair he's sitting in.

END OF CHAPTER 1! So what do you guys think? Like it? Hate it? Should I continue it? Please let me know people! Thanks for reading!