This is kind of short. And I'm not completely sure how it turned out. But I hope y'all like it! ^_^

I'm not sure if this has been done before, because I haven't read a lot of Link and Navi fan fictions. So, yeah. =)


"Are you even listening to me?"

The young boy didn't answer. He just kept storming down the mountain.

"You should know by now that you're not yet finished with your quest!"

He still ignored her. She was beginning to annoy him.

She, however, was his fairy, Navi. She was kind, most of the time, but she never did stop talking.

The boy was Link, a hero even at his young age.

Navi fluttered her wings to keep up with his steady pace. "Link! Hellooo? Anyone home?" She paused. "Are you ignoring me?"

No, Link thought sarcastically. Of course not. Why would I ever do that?

"We have to get back up to Death Mountain! Don't you see that cloud around it? It looks dangerous!"

Link sighed through clenched teeth and kept going. His hands were fists by his side as they entered Kakariko Village. It was hard to ignore Navi's annoying, high-pitched voice.

"Where are you even going!" she asked him.

"You'll see," he muttered.

At first his trip all the way back down the mountain had mainly been to find something to make his somewhat small injuries better. But as the trip went on, he realized that there was something else he wanted to do while he was in the village.

He went to a nearby store, the Potion Shop, and bought a bottle full of healing potion. He went back outside.

"Great!" Navi exclaimed. "You've got your potion! Now, let's go!"

When Link didn't move, she began to tug on the back of his green hat. "The faster you move, the faster we'll get there!"

He stared at her incredulously, still not moving. "Navi..." he muttered.

"What is the matter with you, Link? Why are you acting so stupid?"

That was the final straw. Despite the fact that Navi had never said anything mean to him before, her annoying orders and voice were getting on his nerves before that. So, she had spoke at exactly the right time to make his irritation at her grow stronger.

He quickly drank all the potion out of the bottle and felt a lot better.

"There? Are you happy? Let's go! Quickly! We've got to save the mountain and this town!" Navi insisted.

Link grinned at her. "Okay. I'm ready," he said.

Navi smiled widely.

"But first..." Link muttered. He took the top of the bottle off, scooped Navi into it, and put the top back on.

"Ah, peace, at last," he said to himself.

Navi, inside the bottle was going crazy. She moving around the bottle frantically and angrily looking up at him.

But he didn't care. Now, he could do what she wanted, save the town. And do what he wanted, concentrate while defeating his enemies instead of hearing her right by his ear, screaming the whole time.

He smiled as he marched back up to the mountain with Navi in his pocket and in the bottle.

And what did he hear?


He could actually think straight for once.

Thanks for reading! Review if you like it, please! =D