Marks POV.

We all just sat there, on our lumpy old couch and chairs. All with different expressions on our faces. Confusion, sadness, worry, and the list goes on. I held Maureen close to me as she sobbed into my chest. The sounds of the ambulance could still be heard in the distance. A warm spring draft comes in threw the windows, it was beautiful out, a perfect day, which just made it more unexpected. If we just saw what was happing in front of us, maybe we would have caught it… But somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that there was no way we could have prevented April's death.

Suicide. That's how she went. Slit her wrists in the bathroom when we where at the life café. I should have known something was up when she didn't want to come; April always wanted to get out and do things. But I didn't say anything. I should have. Collins and Benny sat in silence, looking down at the floor, probably thinking the same thing as me- The "What if's."

But I knew I couldn't even try to compare my pain with Rogers. They loved each other. I've never seen Roger so happy when he was with her, and I've never seen him so heart broken when they where taking the body away. He locked himself in his room, not wanting to cry in front of everyone. If there is one thing my best friend Roger Davis will not do, its cry in public. He was supposed to be the strong one, the one we looked up to, of course that changed when he started to do heroin. April got him started. We all wanted to say something to them as it started to get bad, but none of us had the guts to say anything to them, they where too happy. Or was it fake happiness? Was it just the heroin that made them like that? Even if it did, it brought them to there downfall.

WE HAVE AIDS. That's what was written in neat cursive letters, and that's all. Maybe they got it from a bad needle, maybe from someone… Who knows, but does it really matter now? Now that it's over, they got it, Just like Collins.

"Oh Marky!" I was brought back to reality when I heard my girlfriend call out my name in-between a sob. I held on to her tighter and rubbed small circles on her back.

"Shhh it'll be okay shhh." I attempted to calm her down, but the drama queen wouldn't have it.

"She's dead! How will it be okay! She isn't coming back!" Maureen yelled at me. I knew she didn't mean her anger towards me; she just had to get it out. I just held her as tight as possible and continued to rub her back. "Oh pookie I'm sorry I-" She started.

"It's okay, I know." In the silence you could hear a muffled cry come from Rogers's room, fallowed by crashes and bangs. I looked up at Collins and Benny and they nodded almost knowing that I was going to ask them to check on him. They both got up and tried to open Rogers's door, which has been barricaded.

"Roger open up its Collins and Benny." Collins called through the thin door. The only answer he got was another loud crash and more sounds of crying, that was being attempted to stop. Collins looked at Benny. "On three." He said. "One…Two…Three!" Both boys rammed into the door forcing it open with a bang. Maureen jumped closer to me and hid her face in my shirt.

All three of us where shocked by the sight the greeted us. Rogers face was red with tears streaming down it, and the room was a mess. Ferntree was knocked over and there was stuff everywhere.

"What the hell?" Roger yelled.

"What did you do in here?" Benny asked in a clam voice hoping to relax Roger.

"Looking for my fucking smack what the hell do you think?" Roger said, obviously not calming down. He continued to search the room violently, trying to control his sobs like we weren't even there. Maureen started to watch the scene as well, her crying slowing down. I watched as Collins slowly walked up to Roger putting a hand on his shoulder turning him around. The two locked eyes for a second, Roger green meeting Collins brown. They didn't say anything but a whole conversation passed through them as Roger crumpled to the ground and sobbed into his hands.

After sixteen years of knowing Roger this was the first time I saw him cry. I couldn't control my self as I let a tear slip from my blue eye. Collins bent down next to Roger and pulled him into his arms, as if the rocker was a child. Benny stood at the doorway, his eyes glassy watching. "S-she's gone…" he choked out "I need it Tom… I need it so bad." Roger begged Collins. He wanted to feel numb, forget all his pain… I left my girlfriend on the couch as I got up and walked into the room and sat down next to Roger.

"You have to stop." I told him. His shook his head violently.

"N-No, no I-I can't" He argued.

"Yes you can, you need to, and we'll help you through it." I pressed on. He needed to stop, I couldn't just sit by and let anyone person destroy their own life.

"I-I need help Mark." Roger finally admitted still crying in Collins arms. I gave a sigh in relief and put my arms around roger as well. Benny and Maureen finally came over and joined in on the hug all of us freely crying now. All of us not knowing the hell that was going to break louse.

Thanks so much for reading! this was just the prologue, Rogers actual withdrawl will start in the next chapter! Thankyou! and please review!