Hey guys. Wanted to firstly apologize for the VERY long delay in this story. I know people have probably forgotten all about it and will take you all a while to get into it. The reason as to why I haven't had my head in my writting is because of one simple fact.. my Dad died. He loved my writting and I guess it's taken me ages to build up the courage to continue with what I love to do. This is the next installment! I do hope you like it and that it fits in with the wonderful reviews I've been given for this storry soo far xx

rate, fave, reviews are all welcome and wanted :) and please do enjoy :) x

Arthur choked on his food as Merlin's last few shocking words reached his mind.

Probably wasn't the best time to tell you yeah? Merlin returned to the room, opened the bottle and poured Uther's favourite wine into his now almost empty cup. Arthur glared at Merlin as Merlin did his best to avoid Arthur eyes. They spent almost all week avoiding each other's thoughts and words because Arthur was just plain angry and he didn't even understand why, maybe it was because it meant that Kirsty was not longer his sister and was Merlin's instead, maybe it was the fact that even after he learnt about Merlin's magic, Merlin failed to mention other things he'd kept to himself or maybe it was the fact that even with knowing Merlin's every thought he still didn't know the truth about Kirsty because either Merlin avoided thinking about her or just generally didn't think about her. So yes it made him angry.

As for our young Wizard he knew why Arthur avoided him so and even with his duties to perform and him knowing Arthur's internal battle about how much Merlin apparently didn't care, Arthur still failed to hear Merlin's cries of help as his mind ached from him getting use to his new ability or the fact as to why he avoided thinking about the lost princess, it wasn't he didn't care or didn't want to tell, it was because knowing the truth would hurt Arthur and Merlin almost sub-consciously now did everything in his power (and he had quite a lot of that) to protect him even from himself sometimes.

They were sitting in the Throne room Uther and Arthur arguing about the fact that the troops to find Kirsty were returning early and Arthur wanted them to get at least a couple days rest before they went in search again (Arthur gave up hope of his father ever stopping the searching and accepting the truth many months ago) But Uther was rather insistent that they leave after a visit to Gaius and half a night's sleep.

"But father you'll kill them. Is that what Kirsty would have wanted, more men dying for her when they could be serving the kingdom she loves so much?" It was a logically almost unarguable reason, but Uther was always one to know the 'almost' part to any argument. Many years of practice Arthur had figured.

"No Arthur... The Knights promised their lives to the protection of the princess and I will not let them rest until they have found her once again.. now Leave" Merlin had been standing near the doors as far away from Arthur as he knew as acceptable but also so even with their petty disagreement Arthur knew he had his undying support. That's when a laugh echoed in the room, it was a familiar laugh and cut Arthur's attempts to argue with his father, that laugh was so familiar it put the royalty in the room on edge. Arthur without thinking rushed to Merlin's side and silently asking

"I'm sorry Merlin, I never meant to be so stupid, it's just I thought you didn't care" Merlin scoffed inwardly as he looked at Arthur was standing very close next to him as if to make sure that something was real as this happened.

"Arthur... I didn't tell you because I knew the pain the truth would bring you. I never meant for my secrecy to hurt you" Arthur sighed out loud as the laughter finally faded

"Merlin... That's the whole problem, secrecy, It's not so much the fact of why you kept it from me, it's that fact that you actually kept it from me, even after I knew the truth about your magic... can we agree from now on. No more secrets, none at all... no matter how painful the truth may be?" Merlin nodded to him in silent agreement just as a figure appeared at the end of the long table in front of Merlin and Arthur. The hooded figure stood between the 3 in the room, the laughter genuine and light as the hood fell to her shoulders.

Arthur knew who it was when the first ring of laughter came to the room that's why after hearing it he had to tell Merlin how sorry he was because if Kirsty was alive and well and in the protection of Merlin then it meant that she must understand why he did what he had to and if Kirsty can forgive him and come to love him as Arthur was sure she could then Arthur didn't need or want an argument with his servant and friend.

Kirsty looked at the king then looked behind herself to see her smiling widely brother and the prince close at his side, as it should be she thought as she turned to Uther(always Uther never Father, unlike Morgana she remembered her father) once again, her laughter dying as her anger took control.

"Uther... still as evil as ever... " Spitting it out as Uther stood there in paralyzed shock. She spun on her heel to revel her dark red body-length dress that hugged her shoulders and showed of her figure and show her cloak to be a deep royal blue one of her all time favourite colours. She smiled hugely, the smile reminded Arthur of Merlin as it always did when she smiled.

"Arthur dearest, finally figured it out huh?"