"Please!" Selene say once again. "I want to know if he survive!"

"If I let Alan have his turn will you shut up for like a month." Punxy growled at Selene who just nodded in agreement. "Fine."

"YAY!" Selene screamed in victory.

"Who knew the girl would be so damn annoying." Summer asked sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Don't know don't care." Punxy say pulling out his laptop. "All I know is that we will have Briana, crazy Calvin, Jaydee, Alan and Wolfgang and Emily and Adam, Leola and Ben and Jacky this time."

"Yeah good luck with that." Ludwig say as Punxy is typing. "Don't know why it take you this long to sumbit something."

"Let me guess." Dallis sighed. "You got lazy again didn't you?"

"TABATHA!" Punxy screamed. "WHY IS DALLIS HERE?"

"Suck it up and sumbit the chapter!" Tabatha screamed from the kitchen.

"Fine." Punxy grumbled to himself while sending the story. "ENJOY!"


"So wait is this like a 3 on 1 match against every player?" Leola say kicking Peach away.

"Yeah I'm guessing so." Jacky say hitting Sonic with a hammer.

"Well this effing suck." Ben complained holding a bomb.

"BEN THROW THAT BOMB!" Leola and Jacky say as Ben toss the bomb at Bowser.

"How did we even end up here?" Ben say sitting on the edge while Jacky kick Captain Falcon out of the stage.

"I think we got struck by lighting." Leola say throwing Kirby.

"Well that is just plain stupid." Ben say throwing Luigi down the pit. "There have to be a way out of here."

"And there it is." Leola say grabbing Ben.

"To the portal!" Jacky smiled as the three enter the portal.


"How long have they been crashing into each other?" Emily say as they are still driving behind Adam and Wolfgang.

"I have no clue Emily." Alan say looking to see a nitro boost. "Let go Nitro."

"Isn't that like super fast?" Emily paniced in fear.

"If we crash into them, maybe we can get them to stop." Alan tell her with a smile.

"You know I'm not into you right?" Emily say hitting the nitro boost.

"Bummer." Alan frowned hitting the boost as well.

The two cars crash into Adam and Wolfgang car sending them flying into the air.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" the two angry males screamed.

"We needed you guys to stop fighting and that how we choose to do it." Alan say as he saw two portals open up.

"Wait where are you three going?" Emily say as she fly into one portal and the three males fly into the other one.


"Wow I look good on that poster." Calvin laughed looking at a wanted Poster of himself. "Maybe I should read it."

"Freeze ninja!" a ninja wearing a mask say dropping down next to him. "You are under arrest for the attack of the city."

"Attack on the city?" Calvin say in a confuse way. "All I did was blow up some buildings."

"Well now your coming with me." the ninja say charging at Calvin.

"Here have a bomb." Calvin say pulling out a big firecracker and toss to the ninja.

"What the?" the ninja say as the firecracker blew up.

"Oh my god!" Calvin say in horror. "I killed him!"

"I'm okay." the ninja say as Calvin walked backward into a portal. "Hey where did he go?"


"CAN SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN BALL?" Briana screamed in rage as the monkeys were looking at in a strange way. "What the hell is wrong with you monkeys?"

The monkeys never seen a human before and though it was a moving banana.

"Okay you guys are creeping me out." Briana say rolling away from them.

What Briana didn't know was that the monkeys were running after her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Briana screamed rolling into a portal without knowing.


"Ahhhhhh!" Jaydee screamed running from monsters.

"Stab them with your sword." a blue fairy tell her.

"WHAT SWORD?" Jaydee screamed witnessing a guy in green jumping from the side and attacking the monsters.

"Whoa." Jaydee say as she walk up to the guy in green. "Hey I'm Jaydee who are you?"

"RAH!" the guy in green screamed making Jaydee tumble backward into a portal.

"Who was that?" Navi say floating around the guy in green.


"So that was everyone right?" Dallis asked the writer who gave a nod.

"So who is with who now?" Greyson asked walking into the room.

"LUDWIG!" Punxy screamed for him. "CAN YOU TELL EVERYONE FOR ME PLEASE?"

"Fine." Ludwig say pulling out a list of paper. "In one portal will have Southern boy Zakk, Silent Man Chase, Wiccan chick Rosalina, Tomboy Girl Bailey, Shy Samantha, Animal Lover Angie, Punk boy Wolfgang, Hating On Wolfgang Adam, Ladies Man Alan, Bitchy Briana, and Punk Girl Jaydee."

"Leaving Chef Christopher, Royal Frances, Loud Mouth Bunfia Latifa Halifa Sharifa Karifa, New Yorker Delia, Detective Lucian, Gamer Richard, Leola the musician, Ben the music man, Crazy Calvin, Goody Good Jacky, and Book Lover Emily." Lorelei say walking into the room.

"Correct!" Punxy say laying on the sofa. "Please leave a review!"