Disclaimer: Just to be safe :P I don't own/ have not created these characters or the Harry Potter franchise (Duh) But I wish I had :(

There was most definitely something different about James Potter. He barely smiled, he never laughed and his attention span was shorter than ever, so much so that his best friend Sirius Black was often seen shooting him concerned sideward glances when he wasn't looking. The reason for this strange behaviour however, was not unknown; Lily Evans, the girl James had chased for many a year was officially Amos Diggory's girlfriend. It was bad enough that James would finally have to come to terms with the fact that he would never be with Lily, but the fact that she had chosen his Quidditch rival, fellow prefect and an overall girl magnet was an extra kick in the teeth; how could he have ever hoped to compete with that?

"So now you're with Amos you don't mind if we have a go do you?" Felicity Blakely from Ravenclaw asked as both she and a small gaggle of girls squeezed in beside Lily at the Gryffindor table, "It's just with you in the picture none of us had a chance with James and now you're well and truly out of it…well a girl can dream right?" Swallowing a mouthful of toast Lily stared bewildered at her group of friends' eager faces; tempted to ask Felicity to repeat the question just to be sure she'd heard it right.

"Erm…sure?" she replied, "I never knew you-"
"Liked James?" Felicity grinned, "Lily you have no idea how many girls do."

"It's just none of us have done anything about it because…well…we thought you might come to your senses and give in." Janie Evergrot, Lily's fellow Gryffindor explained.

"Not that Amos isn't absolutely gorgeous," piped up Emmi Taylor from Hufflepuff, "It's just…well James has that jokiness about him, doesn't he?"
"Well not anymore," Amy McGovern, Amos' prefect partner sighed, "He does seem rather gloomy now a days."
"Oh it's all for show," Lily said, rolling her eyes as she took another bite of toast, "The only thing he's worried about is how much of an idiot he's made himself look for being so big headed and actually believing that I had any sort of feelings towards him."

"Oh I don't know," Lily's best friend Alice Prewett muttered in a low voice, "Frank told me he won't even joke around with Sirius anymore."

"Oh he's so heartbroken it's adorable!" squealed Janie, "You're so lucky Lily!"

"If you say so," Lily muttered, glancing further down the table to find Sirius dangling a piece of bacon in front of James.

"Just look at him, he's even lost his appetite," Sighed Emmi and all girls turned to stare at James further down the Gryffindor table, "He has the most amazing eyes I've ever seen…"

"Amos' are better," Lily said bluntly, her eyes fixed on the plate in front of her.

"Well of course you'd say that," Felicity smirked.

"She's supposed to," Jabbed Amy.

"Look, I've had enough of James Potter," Lily said, irritated, "Can't we talk about something else?"

"Feeling guilty are we?" Joked Alice, receiving an irritated glance from her best friend.
"What do you reckon he looks for in a girl?"Amy whispered to the other girls.

"Lily," Alice smirked, biting a large chunk out of Lily's toast and all the girls turned to stare at her causing Lily to elbow Alice in the ribs.

"Look, I'm sure if you make it known you're interested he'd jump on all of you," Lily said bitterly.

"That's a point," said Alice, swallowing her large mouthful.

"What?" Amy asked.

"All of you are interested in James; are all of you going to try it on with him together?" Alice replied and the group of girls looked at each other, the problem only now beginning to rear its ugly head.

"I…never thought of that," said Amy biting her lip, "This could get really messy."
"Well then there you go I guess you'll have to forget about it," smirked Lily, "So Janie have you done that essay for Slughorn?"

"We'll have to make a pact!" Felicity exclaimed a flash of Ravenclaw genius in her eyes and Lily groaned.

"What sort of pact?" Janie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we're all interested in James right?" said Felicity, "And if anyone's going to end up with James it might as well be one of us; then we'll know whoever does, truly deserves him."

"Pfft," Lily breathed.

"So why not have a little friendly competition?" Felicity continued.

"As in…we allow each of us to make a move on James-"Emmi began.

"With no interfering!" Felicity interjected, "Or else it wouldn't be fair."
"With no interfering, "Emmi continued, "And whosoever wins him over…?"

"Get's the prize and an envious pat on the back from the rest of us," Felicity grinned.

"I like this idea," Janie grinned, "So long as we all agree not to jeopardize each others chances or future relationship with James…"

"This is ridiculous," said Lily in awe, "You're all genuinely competing for James Potter?"

"How typical," Amy smirked, "Spoken just like someone who's never had to."
"He's not worth it!" Lily insisted, "He's selfish, big headed and annoying; frankly I think you could all do better."

"Uh uh uh! No interfering Lily, remember?" Alice giggled before whispering in her ear, "This is going to be carnage; I love it! Don't mess up my fun."

"What if you all start hating each other over it?" Lily asked, "It's only natural for girls to get jealous and competitive over things like this. All it takes is one massive argument and you'll never speak to each other again."

"Well why would we? We promised no interfering and we can't help it if James likes one of us," Janie shrugged.

"But it's James Potter!" Lily said bewildered.

"Oh we know," Emmi giggled.

"So…all those in favour?" Felicity smirked and all four girls raised their hands with Alice, "Good."

"Alice!" Lily hissed, "Don't encourage them!"

"Oh come on Lily it's only a bit of fun," Alice giggled, "Besides we're all under the pressure of our last year and it's getting pretty boring around here. Let me have some fun…unless…you're jealous?" Lily thumped Alice on the arm in retaliation of her wide grin.

"No I'm not," Lily smirked back at the ridiculous look on her friend's face, "But I suppose this would help get James out of my hair…"

"Exactly," Alice grinned, "You know it makes sense."

"So how will we know who wins?" Janie asked.

"Whoever kisses him first?" Emmi asked.

"No, whoever he kisses first; we can't be the one to make a move," Amy replied, "If we do that anyone could steal a kiss from him."

"Good idea," Felicity nodded, "When do we start?"
"I don't know about you girls, but I'm ready to go ASAP," Janie giggled.

"Ok, as soon as we leave the Great Hall," Felicity agreed.

"Oh my goodness I'm so excited!" Emmi squealed.

"So am I," mumbled Alice.

"Excited about what?" Came a smooth masculine voice.

"Just a little friendly competition Amos," Lily said hurriedly; she didn't like to talk about James around her boyfriend; it made her feel strangely uneasy.

"Speaking of competition I hear you're playing against James tomorrow," Janie interjected.

"That'll be interesting," Alice mumbled.

"With the amount of times I've had to nudge and hit you this morning, you'd think you'd get the message," Lily whispered and Alice grinned.

"Well we're supposed to," Amos replied uncomfortably, "But I don't think it'd be a fair match. He hasn't really been himself after…well…you know…" The girls nodded and an extremely awkward silence descended over them, causing Lily to jump up from her seat.

"I just remembered that I left Slughorn's essay in my trunk upstairs," She bluffed, trying to ignore Alice's piercing gaze, "I'll see you in a few minutes...good luck with your competition ladies." And with that, Lily bent down and briefly pressed her lips to Amos', trying to ignore Sirius Black's attempt to encourage James to eat something, and left the Great Hall.

"Well then," Said Alice, lifting her goblet of pumpkin juice, "Let the games begin."

Author's note: So this idea came from a completely random thought that crossed my mind the other day which was basically 'What if other girls had liked James when he was so obsessed with Lily? Did they try and make a pass at him? After all he was a very popular and attractive lad,' and voila. Hope you like it; I've never had to focus on so many character's before so I'll try not to make it confusing XD As always, please review; you know I love it :D xxx