Rivikin: Peter

He watched his captive intently. This man had murdered his brother; his only family in the world. Michael had been more than a brother; he had been like a father. Their parents had died in an explosion when they were young. Michael his elder brother had looked after him and his sister. They had only each other. His sister, Mary, died of an infection when he was 15 she had been so young and so cruelly taken. If only he had driven faster that night to reach the hospital. But doing that would have meant he would have knocked those people over. It was a sturdy man with a mop of brown hair and his son. Both had pale skin. The boy couldn't have been much older than him. Peter always remembered the boy's expression as he passed; the two sapphire pearls thanking him for not running them over. If he had Mary would still be alive. But was that what she would have wanted; two dead so she could live. It didn't matter now; she had been dead for years. He had lost both his brother and his sister. If he could turn back time, he would save them both. Find DiNozzo and kill him before he murdered Michael, hit those two pedestrians so he would have arrived at the hospital sooner before the infection killed Mary.

He banished these thoughts from his head. His revenge had been granted and the murderer would be brought to justice. Rivikin walked away from the window and unlocked the door. He entered the room boldly a knife in his hand. Tony stared at him intently. The expression was like déjà vu; he had met him years before but when. It started torturing him, when had he met his brother's murderer before? Those blue eyes; the colour of sapphire... He tried to expel the thought but it kept on haunting him. It didn't matter though; this man would die to pay for his crimes. He took the knife and struck...