What? So late? How dare I! Sorry, you guys, new semester in college and all that. Summer classes are significantly harder. I apologize. This is the last chapter, so I promise I won't update late again. Lol!

Thank you to ScreamingInsanity, RedInkMagic, SKYE, COWKu, Darkslayer18 and Alexzandria. I love and appreciate you!

I appreciate all reviews, even after the story is done, so if you're new, rate. Review. Tell me I'm pretty.

Thank you all!

At 8:00 sharp on June 4th, ten South Park high schoolers were ushered toward the back of a crowded restaurant by a terrified maitre d. Bebe, Wendy and Heidi led the pack, giggling and speaking at a speed only bats can understand. Kenny and Butters followed with Stan and Kyle, making small talk about how uncomfortable their tuxedos were. Cartman dallied sullenly with Annie and Emily bringing up the rear, staring sickeningly into each others' eyes.

The rest of the restaurant stared in annoyance because only teenagers can tolerate teenagers.

The maitre d, Andrew, sat the party at a perfectly beautiful table and Bebe handed him a green bill.

"Oh my God, Wendy, that dress looks incredible on you!"

"Oh, Heidi, that's so sweet! But really, you look stunning! Purple really brings out your eyes!"

"Thank you so much! Bebe, who did your hair? It's so perfect!"

"It was actually this guy on the other side of town. He's flaming, so you know he does a good job."

The girls laughed.

Cartman helped himself to another roll.

Kenny half whispered a few off-color jokes to Butters so Bebe wouldn't catch him. Butters blushed and giggled. Kyle playfully smacked him in the arm and turned back to fixing Stan's hair. Annie and Emily stared lovingly at each other.

Cartman helped himself to another roll.

"So, Kenny," Stan whispered across Kyle's lap. "What's the big plan?"

"I'm not doing it tonight," Kenny whispered back. "I need more time."

"Are you totally sure you wanna do this?" Butters cut in.

Bebe snorted in laughter at something Wendy said and Kenny smiled.

"I've always been sure."

"Dibs on best man!" Kyle whisper-yelled.

"What? No way, dick bucket! I'm totally his best man!"

"Yeah right, dude. I'm awesomer."

"Guys, can we wait till she says yes to even start thinking about the wedding?"

Cartman helped himself to another roll.

Andrew came by to collect drink orders. Despite the fact that no one at the table was 21, he was intimidated enough by Bebe to silently agree when she ordered a bottle of some fancy French wine or something. Cartman and Wendy accidentally looked at each other to share an eye-roll before they remembered they hated each other.

When it came, Bebe demurely filled her glass and raised it. "I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for the last twelve years. It's been an absolute blast and I love you guys so much. Except for Emily. She's only a name to fill out the table. Sorry, Emily."

Emily faded in and out of existence and smiled.

"And," added Kenny before everyone had a chance to drink, "I'd like to thank Bebe's boobs. You've really outdone yourselves tonight, fellas."

Stan and Kyle hooted and clapped as the girls laughed. Bebe kicked Kenny under the table.

"Fellas? As in boys?"

"You've heard them talk. They're totally guys."

"Oh, yeah."

Andrew came back to collect orders. Stan ordered for Kyle and Kyle corrected him gently. He ordered for himself and Kyle corrected him again.

"French is hard," Stan whined.

"What else could salade mean, dummy?"

Cartman ordered the only thing he recognized and helped himself to another roll.

Wendy, Bebe and Heidi picked a carefully calculated moment to decide they all had to go to the bathroom and excused themselves. Annie and Emily went out to share a smoke.

When they were gone, Kyle and Kenny turned angrily to Cartman.

"Alright, dude. Stop it." Kenny poked Cartman in the shoulder behind Butters.


"Seriously, man," Kyle said. "Knock it off."

"I'm way to uncomfortable right now to pretend not to notice you and Wendy being assholes."

"We're not assholes! Stop being dicks!"

"Well, it's not like he can help it, guys."

"Pussy," the three said in unison.

"We're not assholes," Wendy scowled at Bebe and Heidi.

"Wendy, you need a friggin chainsaw to cut through that tension."

"Look, I'm trying okay?"

"Well, try harder," suggested Bebe. "If you ruin prom I'm going to murder both of you."

Wendy carefully reapplied her lipstick. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be such a downer, I swear."

Heidi pointed at her. "Wendy Testaburger, don't you dare get emotional at all. If your face shows anything but contentment, your makeup is gonna smear all over the place and you'll have to spend another hour in the bathroom."

"Just contentment?"

"Yeah. No highs, no lows. Smiling will ruin it too."

"Being a woman sucks."

"Work it out with Wendy. If you ruin prom, Bebe will kill you. And me. Out of anger."

"Fine!"Cartman spat. "We'll stay away from each other the whole night! Butters, switch seats with me."

"Hold up," Kyle said. "What do you think working out means?"

"Not fighting, duh."

Stan and Kyle looked at each other and laughed. Kenny smiled and shook his head. Butters fiddled with his thumbs.

"Oh, Cartman," Stan giggled. "You have no idea how relationships work."

"Bebe and I fight all the time. It's totally healthy."

"It's impossible for two people to come together with zero friction," Kyle said. "The relationship is in fighting and loving each other all the more for it."

"But we're not in a relationship anymore," Cartman argued. "We broke up."

"So? Relationship is interaction. I'm dating Stan, but I still have a relationship with Butters and Kenny and Wendy. Even if you're broken up, you're still forced to interact with Wendy. You have a relationship."

"So be a man and fix it before we all die."

After dinner and a substantial tip on Bebe's part, everyone piled into the limousine. Mr Wong turned cheerfully to them.

"Shitty Limo, take order preeze."

"Just drive us to school," Kenny said. "Prom's in the gym this year."

The girls visibly stiffened.

"The gym," said Bebe. "That's so stupid."

"It's all we could afford," said Wendy. "No one took the fundraisers seriously."

"Still. It sucks balls."

Cartman opened his mouth to defend Wendy, but stopped himself. Stan and Kyle rolled their eyes.

Mr Wong babbled to himself in Chinese and Kenny slowly rolled up the window.

The gym was liberally decorated with garish balloons and streamers of all colors and kinds. Kyle smiled indulgently at Butters who excitedly explained how he and the Student Council had spent three days on it and Wendy smacked Heidi when she made a face.

Only a couple groups of students had begun to fill the gym.

"Shit," Bebe said. "I totally meant to be later!"

Kenny tapped her ass reassuringly. "I'm sure it'll be just fine."

"No one is ever on time to these things! No one!"

They filled the table. Butters sat between Heidi and Kenny, chattering happily about how cool the night was going to be. Heidi smiled indulgently and mentally pictured him in a dress and a deep purple gloss, maybe a little rouge.

Annie and Emily were swaying sickeningly on the gym floor to nonexistent music.

Stan and Kyle toyed with the tacky decorative glass sculptures, making them fight each other in a deadly battle of Beiber Fever. The anti-Beiberists were nearly massacring the "Infected."

Wendy rubbed her heel and Cartman watched her sadly.

Bebe was moving her arms violently when Cartman looked back up. "Move," she said, "over there."

Panicking, Cartman stood up and ran behind Stan and Kyle's chairs.

"No, not you, stupid," Bebe said, brandishing her little digital camera. "I'm taking candid photos of the couples."

Kenny stood behind her, worried. "Bebe, do you know what candid means?"

"Yes I do, I'm just making it better. Stan, get your tongue out of Kyle's mouth."

Cartman sighed and sat back down next to Wendy. She was making a point not to look at him while still being completely impartial to him. It wasn't very easy.

Bebe snapped a few pictures and yelled at Heidi to stop staring at Butters' chest.

"You look really pretty tonight," Cartman murmured.

They sat in awkward silence for a bit.

"Your fly's down," Wendy finally breathed.

Cartman swore and zipped his pants. When he looked at Wendy, the ghost of a grin drifted across her face. He blushed.

"You could have told me earlier, you know."

"I wanted to see if you'd figure it out yourself. And do you really think your Terrence and Philip boxers are appropriate for prom?"

"And Hello Kitty is?"

Wendy flashed a look of pure fury.

"Relax," Cartman waved. "You're wearing the pink satin bra. I saw the strap. You always wear your Hello Kitty panties with the pink bra."

"Why do you think it's okay to know this much about me?"

They were blinded momentarily by a flash of light. When they blinked the white away, they saw Bebe holding her camera, arguing with Kenny.

"See? I told you! Regular candid is not nearly as good as Bebe candid!"

Wendy blushed crimson and excused herself to the bathroom. Cartman swore.

The gym was half filled by the time the lights fell and the first song played. It was a drowsy little romantic number and couples held each other close, swaying awkwardly.

Most couples, at least. Stan and Kyle had made up their own little routine, involving lots of dice-throwing and sprinkler moves. The boys around them laughed. The girls glared.

"You're a terrible dancer," said Stan, playing some uncalled-for air guitar.

"You're not so hot yourself," said Kyle with an awkward moonwalk.

"I'm a great dancer. I'm just trying to dance at your level."

"Oh, please," said Kyle with a well-placed cabbage patch. "You're just as bad as me and you know it."

Stan suddenly grabbed Kyle's waist and pulled his face in close. Kyle squeaked.

"I'm a good dancer."

"No you're not."

Stan held Kyles waist in one hand and his wrist in the other. "I'm a good dancer," he said. Elvis crooned on.

Kyle smiled and let himself be steered for a minute before Stan tripped over his own foot, banging his head on Kyle's shoulder. Both of them swore loudly and the girls around them glared so hatefully Stan and Kyle were all but forced to gravitate back to their table on the outskirts of the floor.

Wendy had reappeared and was texting someone viciously. She had moved across the table from Cartman who was also texting someone. Every now and again they looked up, but never at the same time.

Finally, Cartman sighed and sent a short text.

Wendy opened a short text. She looked up.

Cartman stared at her self consciously, fingering the rose in his button hole.

Wendy sent a text back.

Cartman opened a text. He looked up.

Wendy stared at him, twirling a strand of hair self consciously.

Cartman sent a text back.

Wendy opened a text and sighed. She looked up.

Cartman smiled sheepishly. Wendy smiled and shrugged.

Cartman walked over to Wendy and proffered his hand. She took it gently and followed him onto the gym floor.

"What losers," said Stan, rubbing Kyle's head in his lap.

"Yeah. If we ever get that nauseating, shoot us." Kyle held Stan's hand and kissed his fingers.

Kenny and Bebe were dancing gracefully to Poison's "Talk Dirty to Me" when Wendy and Cartman met them on the floor. Bebe squeaked and stopped, grabbing her camera from Kenny's jacket pocket.

"Smile, you guys!"

"Again, baby, not candid."

Cartman grinned and kissed Wendy lightly as the camera flashed.

"I'm telling you, I'm a boy!"

"And I'm telling you, you look exactly like this girl I used to know. Like, to a tee."

"We've been in the same class for twelve years!"

"No we totally haven't, I'd have remembered!"

"Yes I have! Butters! Butters Stotch! Why doesn't anyone remember me?"

"Are you sure you aren't related to a Marjorine?"


"Oh... Sorry. She was awesome, though."

"Heh. Justin Timberlake. Wanna dance?"

"Sure, why not?"

Bebe and Kenny swayed in place to Bryan Adams.

"I hate this song," Kenny said.

"Mm, you don't get a choice," Bebe grinned. She sighed and leaned her head against Kenny's chest.

"I get a choice in some things, though. Right?"

"Not really. I mean, I'll be planning the wedding and everything. And I get final say in baby names and dogs and all."

Kenny reeled. "Wedding?"

"Yeah. I didn't tell you? We're going to get married. Why are you laughing?"

Kenny was, in fact, laughing. Loud enough and obnoxiously enough that girls around him sighed pointedly and their dates pretended to be annoyed rather than bored.

Kenny pulled Bebe into a kiss. "I love you, Bebe Stevens."

"You'd better. It's in your vows."

Kenny grinned and got down on a knee. He pulled a velvet box out of his breast pocket and looked up at her.

"Bebe, you batshit beautiful piece of magic, will you pretend I asked you to marry me first?"

Bebe laughed, relieved. She opened the box.

"What the hell is this?"

Kenny paused, alarmed. "It's... it's a ring."

"How much did you spend on this?"

"Does it matter?"

"Absolutely! Go take it back, I already have my rock."

Kenny stood up. "What?"

Bebe smiled and pulled the dull gray Hellstone from between her breasts by the ragged piece of rope necklace.

"Always and forever, Kenny McCormick."

"Always and forever."

The lights were rising slowly on a mess of a gym. Popped balloons littered the ground and a Mexican janitor whistled as he swept.

Only six people remained, sitting close at their table and talking quietly.

"I'm so glad you two are back together," Bebe grinned at Wendy.

Wendy smiled and looked up at Cartman. "Me too."

"God, I am going to miss you guys," Kyle said. "How weird is it that we're all going away to college?"

"You act like we're never gonna see each other again," said Kenny. "Bebe and I are only going to be three hours from you and Stan."

"Chicago and Ann Arbor are still super far away."

"Bebe, you'll be coming to California for Spring Break, right?" Wendy's eyes were half closed against Cartman's chest.

"Is there any other place to be? How are you two gonna manage with Cartman in Arizona?"

Cartman looked down and brushed a strand of hair from Wendy's face. "We'll manage."

Stan grinned wildly. "You guys, we're graduating!"

Everyone hooted, half asleep.

"I mean, we're actually going off and leaving this messed up town!"

"No more Mecha Streisands!"

"No more singing poop!"

"No more wars with the Indians!"

"Native Americans, Kenny."

"Right, sorry."

Bebe smiled and leaned into her fiance. "Big things are gonna happen. I can tell."

Kyle smiled and held Stan's hand. "I think we'll be fine."

Phew! Long one! Thanks for sticking with me or tuning in, as the case may be. Don't forget to review, the button is, like, right down there. Lol!

Cartman? Thoughts? "Not really. I'm tired." Hims is a sleepy man, neh? "Shut up, dick." Are you at least relieved it's over? "Yeah. I hate having to talk to you." Well fine! Be a dick! Whatever! At least I have a bigger penis than you! "EY! Fuck you, Jew!" There it is.

Final Question: When you were in high school, or now, as the case may be, where did you see yourself going in life? And are you doing it?

