Hello, Akari here. This is a poem i wrote on 5 cm per second, the trailer inspired me.


A tribute to 5 cm per second

I stand there, looking at the lonely railways,

Cherry Blossoms flying around in a beautiful dance

My mind is blank...i'm staring ahead...

As pictures of us appear and pass.

Friends since childhood, sharing every little secret

Those happy days, illusions which dispersed once you left

Every letter made me melt, your handwriting a cure,

My aching heart breathing lighter with every word you wrote and said...

At last in passing did we meet

Fate got ahead and i was late...

Yet you were there, waiting for me, or maybe

For the kiss we shared under the frozen crystal tree

Snowflakes like cherry blossoms in your hair

You were beautiful and fare

Then cruel destiny made her move, she made me lose

My only way to stay with you...

I never saw you again..

Maybe you do not remember, but i do, and always will!

Writing to you without an address

Not expecting an answer...i'm missing you...

Yet just now we crossed out paths,

Like a second chance...

You didn't turn around...

I give a dried laugh

The train of fate, why did you interfere again

I stand there and look ate flowers, sigh

And hands in pockets, walk away...

How fast can you fall in love?

As fast as the flowers falling from trees...

This is how fast you fall in love

5 cm per second.

hope you liked this, please review it :)