I do not own -man or any characters belonging to it.

Recently started getting into -man, so I decided to start writing again. My writing skills are rusty. So please bear with me while I get back into the swing of things. Please enjoy this. I am open to CONSTRUCTIVE NICE CRITICISM! So be nice about it, or else. So Enjoy haha.

Love SakamotoBlossom

Bold - inner

Thoughts - Italics


The broken shards of a mug scattered on the ground, the hot cocoa inside splattering on the ground. The white hair boy stood there, a shocked expression on his face. Looking to his hand, he saw the shaking. For a few months now, Allen noticed changes. For one thing, his left hand would shake at times and he felt somewhat more tired than usual. It didn't seem too important at the time so Allen never thought much of it. But this... was a bad sign.

Allen Walker was a Exorcist of the organization known as the Black Order. He had been there for some time now and lived comfortably with the friends there. Everything had been fine. Up until some recent Akuma attacks that is. He depended on his arm, his parasitic type weapon, to fight. It was his weapon. So having it tremble so was not a good sign. Allen clenched his fist shut, managing to stop the shaking. He let out a shaky breath. He couldn't have problems with his arm... He can't let anyone know.

Gathering up the shards and being careful to not cut himself in the process, the white haired boy threw them away, cleaning up the spill. Luckily he had been in his room at the time, so no one had seen this little incident. Not even a moment after he finished cleaning everything up, Allen was disturbed by a knock at his door. Lavi popped his head in the doorway, a grin spread across his face. "Come on Allen, its dinner time." He said. "Move it Moyashi!" He heard Kanda yell. Putting up a smile, Allen went along with them. "Great! I'm hungry!"

It had been a month later since the incident. And although Allen wished everything would be fine, his wish was ignored. Things only got worse. The shaking got worse. It took almost everything Allen had to hide it from the others. He was sure the others were getting suspicious now. Lenalee had definitely noticed something, asking Allen if he was alright. "I am fine." he simply said, putting up a smile. It seemed to convince her for a while. Allen wasn't really too concerned with her. It was more Lavi and Kanda that he was worried about. Actually, more Kanda. He was sharp, so it was difficult to get past him on that facade.

One day, Lavi, Allen and Kanda were called to Komui's office. "I have a mission for you three. Go an retrieve the innocence as usual." He said to them, peering at them behind his glasses. Lenalee stood near him, having brought him his favorite coffee a moment ago and tried to motivate him to get some work actually done. Of course, he would listen to her. "Its over in Germany. Shouldn't be too much of a challenge for you all." Komui told them. The all nodded and within the hour, they were on a train.

Allen leaned against the window, Lavi chatting besides him on the train seat. Kanda sat on the opposite side of them. When Lavi brought up the topic of eating lunch, he was met with a surprising thing. "I'm not really hungry." Allen said, looking out the cold glass window, out at the snow covered ground. Even Kanda reacted, looking a bit shocked.

"Your not Hungry? Wow, that is a first." Lavi said, looking slightly concerned over at Allen. "Something up?" He asked the white haired exorcist. The other only shook his head. "I'm fine. Just tired." He told him. Lavi and Kanda exchanged glances. "You sure?" The red head asked, pressing on to try and get something out of the other. "I said I'm fine. I am gonna take a nap, wake me when we get there..." He muttered, eye shutting. Clearly something was up that the other didn't want to talk about. But what was it? Even Kanda was curious, though when half the time, he wouldn't give a crap about the moyashi.

Perhaps it was the fact that the three had grown somewhat closer over time that he felt some concern. Whatever the reason was, they would have to speak to Allen. But for now, they would let him rest. 'Who knows...' They thought. 'Allen might tell us on his own.'

With the clacking sound of the train tracks as the only noise besides breathing, the ride was spent in silence. Looking over the white haired boy, Kanda noticed a few things. There was a slight shiver to him, but he figure it may have been caused by being against the window of the train and due to the cold weather. After all, it was winter. Snow lined the ground up to one's knees. So shivering wasn't too abnormal. What was abnormal was the fact Allen looked a little paler than usual. A little listless looking. There were some dark looking circles under his eyes. Was he having trouble with sleeping? Was that why he was so tired now? Kanda grumbled to himself.

Lavi leaned over, looking down upon the exorcist. The Bookman-in-training looked him over, trying to see the other's face better. Having not truly fallen asleep, Allen felt the movement on the seat and could feel the other's breath going onto his face. He sighed. "Can I help you?" He said, with a slight irritated tone as he opened his eyes and sat up straight, eyeing the redhead. Lavi rubbed his head sheepishly. "Oh nothing..." he said, looking back at the other. "Allen... I really don't mean to keep asking, but really, what is wrong with you? You don't look so good, plus you even didn't want to eat." Lavi said. The train came to a halt and Allen stood up quickly. "I told you before! I am fine!" His voice raised and he walked out of the train car and right out of the train to the platform, Lavi and Kanda following after him. After having Allen shout like that, Lavi decided to drop it for a while.

For what seemed like hours, they walked around the streets of germany, trying to track down the innocence that they were sent for. Eventually, they made their way to what appeared to be an abandoned town. The brick buildings were in ruins. Vines grew over broken down walls and posts. The snow there was pure white, showing no one went around there. Allen was about to suggest they check somewhere else when he heard a noise. To him it sounded like a kid laughed. "What in the world...?" He muttered, turning his head around to vaguely catch sight of something running by. Allen turned and ran in the direction of the laughing. "Huh? Allen?" "Moyashi?" They looked in the direction the other ran in, heading on after him. Allen stopped looking down the paths. There were no foot prints, yet he had seen something. He had heard something. "hahaha~!" There was the laughing. Allen started to run again, going around in that ruin maze. "Hey! Wait up! What is going on?" Lavi yelled, having a bit of a hard time keeping up with the other.

The laughing voice lead Allen and the others to a back area. It looked like- "A grave yard." Allen breathed, looking at the many old and broken down graves. Names were so worn down, they couldn't be deciphered. On particular grave caught Allen's attention. His breath hitched. It looked like Mana's grave. Memories swarmed him and he felt like he couldn't take in air. Kanda and Lavi approached, looking around, seeing their friend stunned. "Moyashi?" Kanda called, bring him out of his little stupor. Then, that was when it reacted. Allen's eye. He looked around, putting up a offensive stance. "Akuma!" he shouted. The others got ready, Kanda with mugen and Lavi with his hammer. There were a swarm of level 2s surrounding them. The second they attacked, the three countered. Dealing with a few of them, Allen faced off with the last one. "This one, it is close to turning into a level 3." Alerted Allen. They couldn't let this happen. The town nearby would be in a lot of danger if it were to turn to level three and then to go ravage the place.

Its appearance looked like that of a bird, whose wings were pluck and falling out. It screeched, the high sound causing the three to throw their hands up to cover their ears. It's screeching stopped and it flew around them, circling like a vulture circling a dead carcass. With almost every wing beat, blades of air rained down. The vulture akuma focused its attacks on Lavi and Kanda, losing sight of Allen, who had slipped around and ducked near a large grave. Looking at his arm quickly, he activated his innocence and began his attack. It wasn't easy, since he had to jump onto the back of it in order to get any effective hits. After somehow being caught within the claws of the beast, Allen finally landed the end hit. The akuma fell in defeat, releasing the cut up exorcist. "Nice Job Allen!" Lavi called, going over to the other. "Hn." Kanda gave his own sort of approval for the battle. Allen gave a sheepish grin, his arm turning back to its relatively normal appearance. They had made a motion to leave, Lavi and Kanda passing him. Looking over his shoulder for a moment back at the other, Kanda saw Allen wasn't following them. Instead, he other seemed to go limp and fall forward, crashing upon the snow unceremoniously. "Moyashi!" "Allen!"

Pretty short... Sorry. Wrote this rather late at night. Oh well.

I know, they are pretty out of character, but that is to be expected :P

Tried my best to stay true to their characters. Please tell me how I did? :)

Love SakamotoBlossom