Hello: This fan-fic is dedicated to my twitter bffs without whom this story never would have happened! I love you guys!

Based on an RP I'm in...

Disclamer: I don't own Degrassi...or it's characters

I walked out of the school and stopped when I saw Sav's car wasn't there. He'd told me that he would drive me home today. I looked around, saw no one else, and sat down.

"That shirt isn't your color."

I turned around at the voice and saw Fiona Coyne sitting down next to me. "It's the uniform."

"You need to learn to accessorize."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, with a few touch-ups you could make the uniform work for you."

I looked down at the beige skirt and purple shirt. "I guess."

"I could help if you want."

"Sure." I replied.

She looked out towards the entrance of the school's parking lot, "Prompt Taxi." She sighed.

"Not so prompt?"

She laughed, "They should change their name."

"To what? Not-So Prompt Taxi?"

She smiled, "It fits better. They were supposed to be here twelve minutes ago! I was going to go shopping."

"And now you can't go shopping?"

The taxi pulled up and Fiona stood up before turning back to me, "You want to come?"

I stood up and nodded, "Sure."

That happened a week ago. Now Fiona and I were best friends. Of course, I'm still best friends with Clare, but she's very "busy". She's always spending time with Eli lately.

"Hey Fiona." I say as I see her walking outside.

"Hi Alli." She smiles.

"Are we still going today?"

She nods.

"ALLI! Come on!" Sav shouts from the entrance of the school.

I tell Fiona I'll meet her at the condo later. Then I walk to Sav, smile, and get into the truck.

"What took you so long?" he asks.

"I was talking to my friend." I reply.

"What if I had somewhere to be?"

"Then you could have said something about that!"

He rolls his eyes, "Regardless Alli, you should have come out here sooner."

I keep my mouth shut and he drives off.

When we get home Sav walks out of the truck slamming the door behind him. I groan, step out of the truck, and walk into the house. I go upstairs and close the door to my room. I go and change out of the school uniform and then I come back out. I grab my green jacket and walk out of the door. Sav is playing guitar and doesn't bother responding when I call up to him saying I'm going out. I slam the door behind me and start walking down to the mall.

The mall wasn't a far walk, but it was raining. Luckily I had an umbrella on hand. The rain was falling down hard, and the umbrella was already old, and already starting to break, I'm surprised it held up until I got to the mall.

I walk around, looking for the store Fi said we'd go to. I walk in and see her standing there…sopping wet.

"What happened?" I ask.

She turns to me, "Hey Alli."

I walk over to her, "Fi…what happened to you?"

She looks down at her clothes, "Yeah. I know…I was walking and it started raining!"


"I know…I was just about to change." she smiles, and walks to the small bathroom.

I turn around and look out the store window. Across the way is a record store.

"Oh my…is that!" I whisper.

"Alli…Hello…did you not just hear me?"

I spin around and smile to Fi.

"I was saying what color do you think Adam would like?"

"Oh…blue maybe?" I reply.

She walks over to me, "Alli, are you okay?"

"Ye—Yeah…I just. Thought I saw someone."

She leans around me, "Who?"

"Uh…nobody." I reply.

"Is that…Johnny DiMarco?" she asks.

I turn back around and look in the record store.

"It is…isn't it?"

I nod.

"You have not shut up about him since you two had that dinner the other week!"

"And he hasn't called me since then."

"Maybe he was busy!" she retorts.

"And maybe he was avoiding me." I reply, placing my hands on my hips.

"Here's your chance to find out." she says.

"Wait…what?" but before I can finish I'm out the door. I walk towards the record store and stop when I see him coming out. I turn around to walk back, but I'm stopped when I hear,



I turn around, "Hi Johnny."

Goodbye: So sorry for the no spaces...it took me forever to get it to upload...i hopt this works!


xoxoxo Cat