Japan will fix everything

By: -MoonxStar-

Don't hit me! *shields self* at least I updated faster then last time?...Wait did I? I'm sorry I just got into Uni and its a bit different from high school -.- Trust me, high school is better. I miss the good old days *wipes away tear* Ok, enough of my grandma moment.

First off I'm sorry! I forgot I didn't answer Nom..angel 's question! I actually think that the Mongolian Empire and Mongolia is the same person! Except Mongolia got chibified and lost his memories! (thats what happned with Germany and Holy empire right?) so yeah ^^ I actually have a story sorta explaining that! It's called Tainted Innocence, which I'll update sometime next week .

Second! Thank you to anyone who alterted, favorited, reviewd I LOVE YOU ALL! ^^ Your things make me feel all warm inside!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plot...and even that I'm not sure about .

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Aniyo! This is Young so da-ze! I can't come to the phone right now so leave a messege after the beep. Answering machines were created in Korea da-ze! *BEEP*"

"Damn it Yong Soo!" *slam*

China was not a happy camper, ever since Korea babysat Mongolia, he had been running around screaming "da-ze" and breaking into random Korean-pop songs at all times of the day.

Speaking of breaking into songs, China could faintly hear the starting tracks of the song "Nobody but you" which seemed to be one of the songs that Mongolia preferred.

Groaning China tried to fight off the migraine that was forming slowly.

"And to think I have another meeting aru" he mumbled to himself.

Mongolia just had to turn into a cute, defenseless chibi at the most unpractical of times.

Reaching for his cellphone in his pocket, China mentally made a list of people who he could trust and those that were responsible enough to take care of a little kid. Thinking of the perfect one he got his phone from his pocket and clicked on contacts. He made his way to his living room to keep an eye on the hyper nation, and make sure that Mongolia wouldn't break another vase.

"AaaaIvan (Russia)….. When did he get my phone?"

Angrily deleting the A's he scrolled over to Japans name and pressed call.

*Beep* *Be-

"Moshi moshi?"

"Ah! Kiku, how are you doing aru?"

"Fine China-san, do you need anything?"

"hehehe, why would you think that aru? Why can't I just check up on my sibling aru?"

"…. China-san, do you perhaps need help with Mongolia-san?"

"What! I can take care of him! I'm not that old aru….but if you want to spend time with him, I wouldn't object!"

"..I'll be over in a few China-san, is that all?"

"…Thanks Kiku"


"I just wanna thank you again Kiku, for coming on such short notice" China said as he collected important documents for his next meeting.

"It's alright China-san"

Shooting a quick smile at the Japanese boy, China fixed his tie and grabbed his briefcase. Picking up Mongolia, and making him protest about interrupting his video, he placed a quick kiss on the boys cheek and left.

On his way to work he faintly prayed that Japan will cancel out Korea's influence on Mongolia.

Fast forward

When China came home he expected to see Mongolia sleeping or at least in bed, what greeted him however was a house covered with paper, half drawn pictures and ink everywhere. Looking around wide-eyed he made his way to Mongolias room hearing muffled explosions. Gulping he hoped they were from the TV instead of the alternative.

Opening the door fearfully, he peaked in to see Mongolia waiving around a katana while watching anime. Well, at least the explosions DID come from the TV...wait, was there always a TV in Mongolias room? and where did he get that katana? Pushing that at the back of his mind he came into the room and suddenly felt very annoyed. Of all the traits to mimic from Japan, he has to go for the Otaku one?

Feeling a migraine forming (yet again, he hoped this would stop after Japan babysat), China took the katana (making Mongolia protest) and picked up the toddler by the back of his shirt.

"Let me down!...China-san! Why are you here now?" he asked innocently.

China quietly studied the childs appearance. Black ink covered most of his clothes and face, his eyes were red which pointed at him watching TV all day and there he seemed to be missing his shoes. Looking back at his face China was met with a cute smile that only toddlers give.

"Did you see what the house looks like? What have you been up to while I was gone? And where's Kiku?" He glared at the child while mentally thinking "must not harm kid"

Tears appeared in Mongolias eyes as he looked at China with a pitiful expression.

"I-I'm sorry China-san, I was just trying to draw you a picture and keep out of the way" looking at the floor in shame he mumbled "I ruin everything" while tears started running down his face.

Melting slightly, China quickly put the boy down, intending on comforting the child, only to end up on his back as Mongolia flipped him over.

Blinking in amazement (and slight pain) China had no time to process what happened before Mongolia sat on his stomach and started to tie his hand together.

By the time he processed everything, Mongolia was already in front of the TV watching some yellow haired boy jump across trees.

"HEY! Untie me right now mister! You are in BIG trouble!" China wiggled furiously trying to free his bound hands and feet.

Mongolia looked at him indifferently and even put a finger to his lips to silence him! He was still yelling furiously while Mongolia got up and got a gag.


Well, that went well :) Till next time my lovelies!