A/N – each of these one shots are completely unrelated to each other, they're just for kicks, hilarious scenarios for your enjoyment.

"Bulma, your friends are here!" Bunny called down the stairs through the lab door.

"Coming," She shouted back wiping the smudge of grease from her cheek as she emerged from under the ship.

"Hey guys!" She shouted cheerfully as she climbed the stairs.

"Hey, it's just me; the boys went out to get Vegeta." Chichi replied.

"Good I um, wanted to ask you some questions, girl talk you know?" She asked shyly.

"What's up?" Chichi asked quietly, they would have to make this quick the boys will be back soon.

Bulma lowered her voice leaning into her friend as she asked. "Umm, I was just wondering if it was a Sayain thing or something, but has umm swallowing ever made you nauseous?" It didn't do a whole lot of good, seeing as the guys could hear her from the hall.

Without regard to the previous conversation Vegeta grumpily announced "The weakling arrived" nodding to Yamcha as he went to the kitchen for a beer.

Goku plopped down on the couch next to his wife and cheerfully asked "What did you swallow?"

"Oh umm nothing" Bulma replied blushing.

"I can't believe you did that." Chichi muttered.

"Did what?" the other woman asked.

"Swallowed" she replied slyly, watching Yamcha flip through channels.

"What, you don't?" Bulma asked, shocked.

"What did you swallow?" Goku asked again, confused. Causing Bulma to wince as his volume.

"I just figured you did, I've never gotten nauseous before that's all, do you think it's normal? Could there be something in it?" Bulma muttered in her friend's ear.

Yamcha turned up the volume on the TV to tune out the conversation unsuccessfully as he thought swallowing from me never made her nauseous.

Vegeta strutted back into the living room, beers in hand and announced. "Of course your nauseous woman! That's the seed of the Sayian royal line in your stomach! It's trying to climb back out."