I know I've been taking forever in between chapters now! This story is alive and well though. I also know a lot has happened in the manga, I guess right now my story fits the anime better. Who knows, it might give me some ideas for later chapters or a potential sequel. All depends on where this story takes me.

Chapter 11: Coming out of the Woods

William awoke a few hours later, and shook the fog from his head. He didn't think he'd nod off like that. He had to blink his eyes a few times since the lights felt so damn bright. Glancing up at the clock he saw that he had been asleep for nearly four hours, and still no update on Talen's condition. This would not do. He needed to get a hold of Dr. Edwards and see if there was any update.

It took a good amount of restraint not to run down the hallway. He kept himself at a brisk pace, making sure not to run into any of the staff. Turning the corner, he entered the waiting room for the emergency ward. Undertaker and Grell were still there. Grell had spread himself out over a few chairs, and was using Undertaker as a pillow. He was sleeping, but his expression was troubled. Undertaker was gently stroking his hair, trying to soothe him into a restful sleep. He glanced up at William.

William gave him a polite nod, "I was just checking with the doctor on Miss Falcata's condition."

"Still in treatment," Undertaker sighed feeling pretty tired himself, "They think they stopped the poison from doing any further damage. Her ankle is being fixed up. Not sure yet how she's going to recover since the poison seems to be slowing her healing abilities. Still don't know how that demon got a hold of it, but it was a gutsy move on his part."

"I see," William sat down in one of the chairs nearby.

"Why are you so concerned?"

"Because I do worry. I raised her since birth, taught her everything I know. She's become an invaluable officer in the field. At times she can be unruly, but her competence makes up for it."

"You know you've cause her a lot of pain?"

"What do you mean by that?" William's eyebrow twitched.

"Her demon missions."

"That's a part of her job."

"Those missions hurt her. She's been conflicted, seeing how she was raised to hate half her heritage. I know demons don't really care for one another, but the fact she has to deny that part of herself aside from certain traits is straining her. The hatred most shinigami have towards demons is something instilled in her."

"Somebody has to do them, her skills in that department are exceptional."

Undertaker frowned, "I still don't like it. I thought we were supposed to learn from past mistakes."

"I have little knowledge of those mistakes."

"That's a shame, they really should touch more upon that when teaching history. Blemishes shouldn't be hidden from view."

Grell began stirring as he drifted back to consciousness, slowly blinking the bleariness from his eyes. At first he was confused, until the events of the past day came back to remind him why he currently was sprawled out on a series of chairs, using Undertaker as a pillow. Sitting up, he stretched his arms up over his head and gave William a wary look.

"What are you doing here? You should be glad I don't have my scythe with me," he said in a cold voice.

"I have every right to check up on my staff."

"I'd rather you stay away from her."

"I don't see why I should, she became my responsibility after you left."

"You never wanted her to be mine, you made that perfectly clear to me before she was born."

"The Council deemed you unfit for handling such offspring. They have the final word."

"You still could have allowed me to be involved in her life. There's so much you could have done for me back then that you didn't do."

"I only did what the Council would approve of. I don't see what else I could have done after you laid with that filth."

"Just shut up about rules, and the Council, and get that stick out of your ass!" Grell glared, "You know very damn well you could have done more for me! I could have at least been allowed visitation, a chance to watch her grow up. You took all of that away from me, you took my child and you took away my happiness!"

William just looked down at Grell, his hair tangled and clothing wrinkled from a night of sleeping in the waiting room. His glare was unwavering, an attempt to stare down William.

"I know about the extra procedure that was done on me," Grell's voice was quiet, controlled. "Nobody said anything about that in my punishment. I know you had my womb removed, and took away what I always wished for. That, was purely your doing."

"The Council would have approved of that anyways, seeing you inherently lack any sort of responsibility for your actions. I'd feel sorry for any child in your care."

"Can we stop the insults? I really wish you could drop that cold exterior for once, I'm tired of you acting like you're made of stone." Grell sighed, "It's just causing pain right now. Just go, I don't want to talk to you anymore. In fact, I'd be happy if I never saw you again."

The receptionist in the waiting area kept an eye on the trio, ready to call for assistance if things got out of hand. Life threatening incidents were rare in the emergency ward, and sometimes emotions ran high. Fortunately Dr. Edwards entered the waiting area, which channeled the growing tension from anger to worry and anticipation.

"We've done what we can at this point. Major system failures have been averted although there is some damage, mostly from other injuries. It looks like she will pull through though, she just needs plenty of time to recover. Anywhere from weeks to months depending on how much the poison has affected her healing. All I can confirm now is that she's going to live."

There was a collective sigh of relief at the news. Talen should survive.

"We've placed her in a room, she's still unconscious though and will be for a while. We can let you see her now though, so long as everyone keeps quiet."

Dr. Edwards led the trio down the hallway to the Talen's room. Grell immediately walked right up to the bed and stared down at the still figure in front of him. He pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat down, gently taking Talen's hand. It shocked him to see someone he saw as strong, and capable laying so silent and helpless. At this point, any response from her would have been desired, including her scathing remarks.

Undertaker approached Grell and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Seeing how it looks like the worst is over, I'm going to head back to the shop. I need some time to myself, and like we all know, death waits for nobody. I need to tend to my guests."

Undertaker reached out and ran a hand through Talen's hair. It was dirty and tangled from the fight, then again keeping her alive was more important than aesthetics. Leaning down he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He then walked out of the room, taking William with him.

Turning to Dr. Edwards he said, "Let Grell stay here if he wants, she's his daughter. He shouldn't be much trouble unless Talen takes a turn for the worse."

Dr. Edwards gave an understanding nod, "Certainly, it's usually against visitor policy, but I can make an exception."

"Thanks," Undertaker smiled, before returning to the waiting area with William.

"What is the meaning of dragging me with you?"

"I know somewhere, deep down, you care for both of them," Undertaker said. "You just have a problem with your emotions, an ongoing problem. I've been seeing it for a long time. The best thing you can do right now is just leave those two be. Everything else can wait. I'm certain she's going to be fine, so get back to work."

"Very well then," William adjusted his glasses, "I can't argue with you."

"Great, now I'm going to get back to work myself."

Back in Talen's room Grell just sat by the bed and studied his daughter. She looked so different now that she was unconscious and hooked up to several machines. Her already pale skin looked eerie against the white sheets of the bed. Everything felt too sterile in here, it made Grell feel uneasy. Sighing, he studied her hand which he was still holding. Her nails were dark, like her father's. Even now, he thought she looked like a perfect blend.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me or if you even believe it, but you're beautiful," he said with a soft voice.

And that chapter's finished! I can't make any promises, but I'll try to pick up the pace with this story.