Just a quick one-shot. The idea popped into my head, so I thought "why not?" So, here you go. Songs are E.T. by Katy Perry and Love Game by Lady Gaga.

That's What That Means?

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Kurt sang loudly along with the radio. Blaine looked over at him and laughed at the fact that it was Kurt saying those words; Kurt, the most innocent boy on the face of the planet.

"What?" Kurt asked, grinning widely. They were heading to the Lima Bean, a hang out spot they often took place in.

"Nothing." Blaine put his eyes on the road again, knowing Kurt didn't understand.

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

Blaine knew the younger boy didn't mean to be so sexy, but he was absolutely irresistible saying such naughty words. When Kurt felt his hand being grabbed, he made a small noise, showing that he was pleased. He couldn't believe that he could get a boyfriend like Blaine: a boyfriend who wouldn't pressure him, understood exactly what he was going through, loved him despite his flaws. Heck, he never thought he would ever get a boyfriend at all! Too bad Blaine was such a geek, though; E.T. was probably one of his favorite songs due to its involvement with science fiction ideas and Katy Perry.

"Kurt, you are really amazing," Blaine gushed to his boyfriend, simply because he could.

"Oh, well, thank you. And I know." Kurt blushed. "Oh, and you are too!" He giggled nervously, though he wasn't sure why he was nervous. He always felt giddy around Blaine, and the feeling was addictive. Kurt belted out the next few lines exuberantly; extremely happy for the wonderful situation he was in.

You're so supersonic
Wanna feel your powers
Stun me with your lasers

"I love this song so freakin' much!" Blaine admitted excitedly. Kurt smiled, for he knew that his boyfriend liked it. "I love it even more now that I've heard you sing it though."

"I do have an amazing voice, don't I?" The slender boy was such a diva.

"Yes, you do," Blaine laughed at his boyfriend's brashness, though he spoke the truth.

I wanna walk on your wave length
And be there when you vibrate

"Gosh darn it, Kurt, do you have to be so distracting? I'm going to crash this car if you stop singing such… amazing words." Blaine began to fidget in his seat and he realized that the car felt a lot warmer than it had when they got in it. He loosened his collar in an attempt to cool himself off, but it didn't work.

"Oh, are you hot? 'Cuz I can roll down my window if you want." Kurt offered helpfully, but that wouldn't have helped, either.

"Well, if you'd stop singing that song, I wouldn't be so hot…" Blaine admitted. Kurt glanced at him with a strange expression crossing his face.

"Why's this song getting you hot?" He looked a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but wonder whether his boyfriend had some sort of science fiction kink.

"Do you even notice the lyrics?" Blaine knew Kurt was oblivious, but that was just ignorant. He expected Kurt not to realize the implications of the lyrics, but he didn't expect that his boyfriend wouldn't understand after he was prompted. "'Fill me with your poison'?" Kurt sat and thought for a moment as Blaine shook his head and chuckled to himself. They both wondered what the heck they had gotten into.

"OOOOOOOOH! OMIGOD!" Kurt shrieked as Blaine almost drove straight off the road. "THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANS?" The song ended and another one began playing. Blaine smashed his face into his hand.

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

"Are you serious!"