Disclamer: Yeah guys, I'm not Cate Tiernan or Penguin Putnam. I'm just a writer from a small town and I wrote this so you guys could REVIEW it. So since, I don't own Sweep (Duh)......uhhh........well.......I just don't own Sweep. Whatever.

********Authors Notes: In light of getting Seeker, I decided to do every "bunny seed" moment from Hunter's POV. Oh, don't be so surprised, You know you wanted it. So, I'm hoping this is in character. Alright, little ones, go on. Read up.*********

"No," I told her, "Something that's never been alive."

She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Without thinking, I stepped forward and began to rub her back and arms to warm her up. She looked up at me in the darkness and for the first time, I got a good look at her eyes. They were a beautiful dark shade of brown that seemed to radiate warmth. They were shadowed my long black lashes and were slightly tilted upward at the corners. I felt caught by them, and felt my heart stop in my chest.

She stepped away from me, recovering her posture. "What will you do with this dark force when you find it?" she asked.

So, she was attractive. Okay, really attractive. She was Cal Blaire's girlfriend. Even if she wasn't practicing dark magick, there was no way I was going to get involved with her. No way. What was so special about her anyway? I'd met plenty of pretty girls before, on Seeker work and otherwise.

"I won't be able to do anything to it," I said, trying to remain unfazed, "What I hope to do is to stop the people who keep calling it into existence."

She stared at me, and I gazed back. I couldn't help glancing at her lips, which needless to say, were soft looking and rose colored.

"And then," I said, keeping my voice quiet. I strived desperately to keep my mind on what we were talking about. Let me say, it wasn't easy. "Maybe the people who have been hurt by this, like you, like me.... will be able to get on with their lives."

I stood there, caught by her gaze again. It was strange, the sensation unfamiliar, and I wasn't sure whether or not I was still breathing. I felt the strangest connection to her. It was more than attraction. It felt like her body, her mind and soul, were connected to mine in the closest, strangest of ways.

I felt myself leaning closer to her, and then I reached up and put my hand on her chin, tilting her face up. The touch of her skin sent a jolt of electricity through me, and her skin felt warm beneath my freezing fingertips. My heart sped up. She seemed too shocked to move. My eyes locked on hers, their color warm to me in the frigid air, and I felt myself leaning closer and closer until I could all but feel the warmth of her lips. I wanted to kiss her then so badly. She was coming closer....closer....Then she blinked, and I heard a car pull up. She seemed to realize what we were doing and she stepped back and pushed me away with her hands.

"Stop that!" she said, and I stood, shocked. What the hell just happened?

"I didn't mean to," I said, but my voice sounded off.

Idiot, I told myself.

******Right, so, was it good? If you guys can think of any moments you want to hear from Hunter's mind, I'd like to hear them. Put it into your review. Anyway.....I feel sort of embarrassed. I'm the only person with three Fanfics. oh well.......Go REVIEW!!!!! mwhahahahah******