Hotch smiled down at the letter he and Emily had just received in the mail. Jack was by his side, jumping up and down, before Emily came into the living room, wiping her hands on the small apron she wore. "What's going on with you two?"

Jack ran up to his mother and jumped into her arms, making her grunt as she lifted him onto her hip. "I got a baby brother!"

Emily looked up to her husband with wide eyes and stepped closer. "We got him?"

Hotch nodded, his smile not wavering as he brought her into a tight hug. "We got him."

Emily and Aaron had applied for adoption two years ago, and have had their eye on a small five year old boy. His name was Danny Thomas - well, now considered Danny Hotchner- and from the first moment they saw him, they knew he'd be the one they'd take home. They, at first, had a little trouble talking with him. Danny rarely ever spoke, and when he did, he gave the shortest answers. It was now three weeks after meeting him, Danny Hotchner was about to be brought home.

When they arrived in front of Danny's foster home, Emily just stared out the window. She saw Danny standing there, his suitcase by his side, and his foster parents behind him. Jack immediately jumped out of the car and ran to Danny, with his parents close behind. "Hi! I'm Jack."

Danny looked at the slightly taller boy. "Hi." His voice was barely audible as he clutched his bear to his chest. His former foster mother lightly shook his shoulder before smiling at the young parents before her. "Why don't you introduce yourself to him?"

Danny looked from the woman behind him, to the people in front of him. He shook his head slightly before looking down at his feet. "I'm Danny."

Emily bent down, the best she could in the business skirt she was wearing, and smiled warmly to the young boy, seeing his dark hair blowing slightly. "Danny, you remember Aaron and I, right?"

She smiled wider once he looked at her and nodded. "Well, this is our son Jack. He's six, and you know how you're coming to live with us?" Another slow nod. "Well he's going to be there too."

Danny looked from Emily, and up to Hotch, his dark eyes slowly going back and forth. He tightened the hold on his golden bear, and scampered over to Hotch, grabbing his hand. Hotch looked down to the small boy, seeing his innocent eyes staring up at him. "Can we go daddy?"

Hotch smiled shortly before picking Danny up and kissing his head. "Let's go home."