Co-Hello I'm doing this so this can get out of my head

Edit: I decided to edit this a bit. It might make a bit more sense. Though, I don't have any. XD

"Well welcome to another episode of Mythbusters" Jamie said, he was wearing his usual black hat, or is it a French hat, white shirt, black pants, and dress shoes.

"What are we doing today Jamie?" Adam said. He was wearing a 'Am I missing, an eyebrow' t-shirt, blue jeans, and also wearing dress shoes.

"We are going to see what a crazy girl will do if we put a fop and a guy named Erik in the booming range." Jamie said, with little excitement

"…Sound like fun let's go!" Adam, who was more excited than Jamie, said.

That was their first mistake and maybe their last mistake. Well they live but not the fop here how it goes…for the MOST PART. It's just…you have to watch it.

"Bring in the girl."Adam said smiling with enthusiasm.

"Hello… uh what do you want with me?" said the girl.

"Bring in the Le gay fop and Erik in." Jamie said, Second mistake. Poor, poor fop…NOT! XD

"Uh…where are we?" The Le gay fop, or Raoul, said.

"I…truly don't know..." Erik, Phantom of the opera said confusingly. "Last I remember I was in my lair…then in a box sent here…WITH YOU!" He pointed at the Fop.


"ERIK! Fop…" she said then this happen.

"DIE, FOP, DIE!" She took put a gun shot the fop got a box of dynamite blew up the fop and only the head remand and she bash it with a shovel and blew the other remands and took Erik only seen in a field in Paris with two kids a boy named Hershel and a girl named Axelion. Please take is a family show so none of this was shown

"So that's what happens when you put a crazy girl with a fop and a guy named Erik." Adam said with a grin.

"Yeah now let's go home and watch Phantom of the opera." Jamie said also with a goofy grin.

"Yea, OH and remember kid's, don't try this at home." Adam said in those lines.

"He's right. We do this for a living." They both turn away, leaving to go home, to watch the PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!

Co-Well I hope you like that.

Erik-You really are crazy.

Co-yes but you are crazy as well.

Erik-Oh yeah

Co-Well good by my loony friends.