Title: Dead Lost

Summery: Eric left a year ago, but now Sookie's being pulled back into his life. The initial mystery Sookie is asked to solved is over come simply, but now Eric wants to start over with Sookie, will they be able to get it together, or will the year apart and the changes that came with it drive them apart for good?

Rated: M.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words I write. The characters, themes and products most likely belong to someone else, except for any names/persons not mentioned in True Blood or the Sookie Stackhouse novels.

The last thing I heard was a deep voice roaring my name and the last thing I saw was the white light exploding before I was pitched across the attic where I hit the wall hard and dropped to the ground on my face.

It had been two weeks since I'd woken up in a hospital bed in Alexsandra's house with no memory of anything after finding Linda in the attic of my house. I was back on my feet after a week long period of bed rest and helping out at the hospital helping speed up the healing process of people that got hurt.

It was really the only thing anyone would let me do, they were keeping me in the dark about everything, Eric refused to tell me what happened to my house, or Pam, Vera and Alexsandra. I couldn't find anybody that knew anything while I was helping out, and the only other person who could possibly help me was Mikhail, but he was unconscious.

The thought to teleport to my house crossed my mind, and I tried once, but I was still too drained of energy from whatever I did that Eric wouldn't tell me I did so I always ended up with nothing but a headache from trying.

I was determined to find out exactly what happened to my house, whether Eric wanted to tell me or not. I was feeling a lot better now and I could remember a few things, like Linda being dressed like me, and using a lot of power, and Eric's voice screaming no. But I didn't know why he was yelling or what I was using the power for; it was going to bother me until he answered me.

Though I can't blame him for not telling me why right away, the first time I'd seen him after I woke up I jumped him and we stayed at his house for three days. I'd missed him, and even after all of the crap we'd been through I couldn't help but not want to be with him.

But now he was just pissing me off, it was my house and I had a right to know what the hell happened. Besides now I was wondering if maybe my house had been destroyed, completely taken down or something.

I finished with my last patient and marched off to find Eric; he was drinking a TruBlood and talking to the woman at the counter. I walked over, grabbing his arm as I passed and tugging him with me outside, he gave me a curious look when I finally turned to glare at him, "tell me, now."

"Tell you what?" he asks.

"Where Pam, Vera and Alexsandra are, and what the fuck happened to my house! I'm sick of not knowing. Tell me now or I'm going to find out on my own, my house isn't that far through the woods!" he just sighed.

"Fine, ruin a good surprise." He grumbled, setting his TruBlood on a bench before he pulled out his phone and typed something in, his phone beeped a minute later, he checked it typed back and stepped over to me, holding out his hand.

I took it and tugged me into his chest, I felt us lift off of the ground and tucked my head into his chest as we moved toward my house, landing at the end of my drive way. Eric took my hand, most likely to keep me from running toward the house, and we walked slowly up the drive way.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I finally saw my house, it was completely standing but looked like it had just been repaired, it was completely painted yet, but there was a crew of vampires working on that. Eric tugged my hand, pulling me toward the door and up the steps.

As we got closer I picked up on two human brains and a vampire brain in my house, when Eric pulled me into the kitchen I found Pam, Vera and Alexsandra sitting on the floor on laptops.

"Hey Sookie." Vera said, her eyes flicking up to my face for a moment before turning back to her computer. Pictures, magazines, and notepads were all over the floor around them. In a few of the pictures I recognized the charred remains of my couch.

"What the hell happened?" I demanded of Eric, he raised an eyebrow at me, "I don't remember anything Eric, you know that. What happened to my house!" I screamed.

"Well, I went upstairs during the fight and you were with Linda, though at the time I didn't know which of you was which. I'm not sure what you guys were doing but there was a surge of power from you and you flew back into the wall as the white energy hit Linda and exploded, the second story was gone after Linda turned to Fairy Dust. You don't remember anything?"

"Didn't I just say that? The last thing I remember was going upstairs where Linda was after I killed her dad. And what happened to the downstairs?"

"You killed her dad?" Pam asked, her head snapping up so quick it was a wonder she didn't break it. I nod, "what happened when you did it?"

"I don't know, he raised his palm at me and told me that it would be a shame to kill his daughters doppelganger, then he shot this red light at me and I tossed the sword I picked up and shot white light at him and the sword hit his legs and distracted him and he exploded all over me. Why?"

"Just curious is all. You killed two powerful people in the span of 20 minutes. Good job." She said with a pleased smile before she scowled and turned back to her computer screen.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Looking for your furniture." Eric answered, "I pissed off a demon and he lit the place on fire. So I felt responsible."

I shook my head, "well if you feel responsible that's fine, but your not likely going to find my furniture."

"Well we're trying to find the closest to it. We'll show you before we buy it and you can say yes or no." Alexsandra replied, "Now get out of here for a little bit. You're distracting us." She gave me a quick smile before shooing me out of the room.

Eric towed me outside; I hadn't realized how much the house had smelled like fresh paint until I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air, "thank you for getting my house rebuilt and my furniture replaced and everything, but why did you keep it a secret?"

"I wanted to surprise you is all, I didn't realize it was bothering you as much as it was. I'm sorry for that." He answers, "but since your house isn't ready, are you ready to go back to my house? Or were you going to pull another all nighter at the hospital?"

"I'd rather go back to your house." I answer taking his hand, "I need some sleep and a shower." He smirks and pulls me into his arms, taking to the sky once more, "and you owe me a new wardrobe too." I tease, he laughs at me, his arms tightening around me as he kisses the top of my head.


I'd like to thank everyone who read, reviewed, faved, alerted and the like, thank you so much. I love all the feedback. Now I'm going to take a rather long break and re-do all of those stories I told you about previously and work on my other personal stories for FictionPress and WattPad, so until I update my other stories, goodbye.
