Summary: A malfunction in the Animus pulls Altair into Renaissance Italy with Ezio and his fellow assassins.

Chapter 1

Altair raced over the rooftops as the bell rang out over Jerusalem. His mission was a success of course, but he needed to throw off the guards before he could safely head back to the bureau or he would either compromise the Brotherhood, or risk the wrath the Malik. Or both.

He hid in behind one of the towers of the nearest church and waited as the idiotic crusaders ran straight past. Did they really expect to catch the man who had defeated the previous leader of the Assassins and brought peace for a short time to the holy land? Altair also had reason to believe that he might be the next leader of the Assassins. He had overheard some of the senior members discussing it while walking through the halls of their castle. He was not sure whether or not he would accept, the last time he had officially led a group ended up in his failure and Malik's brother dead. Could he really lead all of the Assassins?

He broke his train of thought and left the church rooftop. As he jumped down into the bureau, he sighed heavily.

"Something troubling you brother?"

Altair nearly smiled as turned to face the one-armed man in the doorway.

"Malik, how do you always know when I'm dropping in?"

The man grinned, his black eyes dancing with amusement.

"Simple my friend, I just need to listen for the sounds of the warning bells or screams to know when you'll be here. I think it safe to assume that your mission was a success?"

The corner of Altair's mouth twitched.

"Yes, it was." He held out the blood stained feather for Malik to see, then he put it back in his robes.

Malik seemed to hesitate for a second, and then said slowly, "Have you, thought more about taking up the position of the leader of the Brotherhood?"

Altair turned and stared hard at his friend with his amber eyes, the sunlight making them seem almost golden.

"Malik, I-"

Suddenly a loud explosive sound interrupted his sentence. Both of their heads jerked up as they stared in unison at the ceiling of the bureau.

"What the-" began Malik but before he completed his sentence Altair was already climbing through the opening in the ceiling.

"ALTAIR! WAIT!" yelled Malik, and he ran off after his friend, climbing through the opening with ease despite not having a left arm.

When he got to the top he stopped dead in his tracks. It seemed like a white cloud made of lightning was ten feet in front of him, and being sucked into this cloud was Altair. He was trying desperately to hold onto the ledge of the rooftop but was slowly losing his grip. Malik rushed forward and grabbed his arm, but felt himself being pulled forward too. Then with an almighty wrench Altair was sucked into the cloud. Malik barely had time to register this before the cloud pulled him in as well. His world turned a blinding white and then darkness overcame him.

~Thank you for reading my chapter! Reviews and Comments are appreciated!
