A/N: I feel so crappy right now, but I do want to please you all, so here's an update. Sorry, I just haven't had a lot of time on my hands, but from now on I do, I guess.

Chapter 6

King Jack strided forward through the hallway in irritation after dinner, not bothering to stay with Yusei or his other guests. He slammed his chamber door open, kicking a chair in frustration before recoiling from the brief pain. He sat down, rubbing his temple. "God..."

"That was some good dinner." Jack snapped up as he saw a grinning Judai at the doorframe, arms crossed and smiling — in Jack's opinion — idiotically. "They're worried about you."

"I'm fine. Just head pains."

"From my visit, if I'm not mistaken," lightly replied Judai knowingly. He perched himself on the corner of a table, staring at Jack coolly. "You know, Yusei and I are just friends."

"I know that!" snapped Jack, crumpling a piece of parchment in his hand. He huffed, hastily fake apologizing for the outburst.

"I already have someone; he's Prince of the North Scandinavian-Denmark Order, Johan Anderson. But Yusei...Yusei is a dear friend of mine, and he's told me much about you, Jack Atlas. Since I am a guest in your home, I shall respect your rules," said Judai calmly.

"Respect my rules?" chuckled Jack. "If you were respecting my rules, you wouldn't be here. This room is mine."

"And Yusei's. Yusei and Lord Godwin have granted me permission to be your humble guest for the next two weeks," smirked Judai in a sing-song tone.

"Two weeks?" Jack stood from his chair in surprise. "This is my home! Go back to your kingdom!"

"Oh, am I interfering with the hundred days you have to win over my friend?" inquired Judai, though he already knew the answer. "Well, too bad. I want you to prove to me that you're worthy of Yusei's love. Without a doubt, he's...interested in you, but I won't let him fall in love with someone who won't give him the respect he deserves," the amber-eyed king stated seriously, all humor gone from his voice.

"Why would you think that? You don't even know me!" Jack hissed. "I—"

"How do you know that you're not just keeping him here out of lust or a mere infatuation? From what I've gathered during dinner, you don't seem too bad. But you wouldn't let him waltz out of here because you won the duel, yes?"

"How do you know about that?"

"He told me, because unlike you, I'm someone he's willing to bond with. I've dueled with him for years, and I know that he wouldn't just lose to some regal little boy playing king," chuckled Judai.

Jack could feel his face turning crimson in rage. "If you weren't of nobility, I'd have had you killed by now! I won that duel fairly! And you are the only child around here!"

"I've made my point known. If you'll excuse me, Jack, I'm going to go spend time with Prince Yusei." He winked and gave a small wave before stepping into the corridor. "By the way," he called once more, "stop telling everyone to call Yusei 'Queen'. He despises it with a passion!"

The blond king roared in annoyance and slammed the wooden door shut, seating himself on his bed as he shouldered off his white dress robes. He rose, grabbing his sword before he jumped out of the windown and onto the ledge. I think it's time for a duel.

"I really made his blood boil!" Judai smiled brightly. "It's fun bothering him."

"He's bothered me many times today," grumbled Yusei as he strolled with the king down the rocky path. "I caught him being a voyeur."

"That'd be sweet if you returned his feelings, but I find that to be quite a vulgar act," sighed the brunet. "I don't see why you're thinking of a relationship with him."

"I'm not," Yusei sighed moodily. "It's just...if I'm going to be with him for the next few months, I have to be able to tolerate him. Being frustrated every day is a waste of energy."

"He seems like he'd be good for you; he fights to protect what he believes in and he's appealing appearance-wise, but his attitude needs a check. He's so uptight all of the time, and from what you tell me, always mocking you, too. Maybe he's just not skilled in expressing himself," suggested the king.

"If only he would change," murmured Yusei tiredly. He bumped into his friend as he lazily took a step forward. "Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

Judai bent over. "Hop on!" he offered.


"Come on, you're not that heavy!"

"Shut up." Yusei slowly wrapped his legs around the other's waist as they began their walk back to the castle. "So, how's Johan? I haven't seen him for a while. Since his birthday, I believe."

"He's amazing," Judai gushed. "Foreign lands have sent him all new kinds of Crystal Beasts. Though, they don't seem much like 'beasts'. They're adorable! His favorite is the carbuncle," he chuckled.

"Wow," breathed Yusei. "Fascinating—"

"What's going on here?" came a cold voice. They both looked up to see a frowning Jack descending towards the earth with a sword gleaming in hand.

Yusei got off of Judai's back with a wary expression on his face. "Jack—"

"Silence, Yusei," ground out Jack. He pointed the tip of his blade at Judai. "Let's duel."

"Who are you to tell me to be silent?" hissed Yusei, stepping in front of the blade daringly. "And don't point a sword at a guest, you fool. He's my friend!"

"I'll take it from here, Yus," grinned Judai. "I haven't had a duel in a while. And I can definitely take this guy down."

The regal, white-clad form's nostrils flared. "Get your sword!" he commanded.

Judai drew his blade with his right hand, reaching into his robe pocket to pull out various gleaming power stones. "You use the Archfiend power stone — the exact opposite of Yusei's Stardust stone. Well, take a look at these." He held out his palm, the shiny gems levitating in a circle above it. "This, my friend, is the legendary Neospacian element power stones."

Jack won't stand a chance against those, thought Yusei worriedly.

Judai loaded a turquoise stone into the hilt. "I think my Tempest stone should be enough to defeat you."

"As if," Jack snorted as the two of them began walking forward. They held out their swords as they stared into each other's proud eyes, both refusing to bow.

"Begin!" shouted Yusei hesitantly.

In the blink of an eye, Judai was gone from sight. A hefty gale pushed Jack back a couple of yards, lightning streaming around him. He leaped up, enveloping the arena in smoke.

Metal clanged and sparks flew as the two blades collided. "Tired already?" taunted Judai jokingly. "And I was just getting pumped up! I'm disappointed."

"Shut your mouth!" growled Jack, Judai leaping back in time to avoid being burned to a crisp.

"This is why you need to change." The joking tone was once again gone, and his amber eyes took on a heterochromatic scheme, one eye a neon teal and the other a dark golden. He transported in front of the stupefied king, sinking his blade into the ground to create a shock that brought Jack to his knees.

"Winner, Judai Yuki." The three teenagers looked to see Godwin and Yusei's parents just walk out through the double doors.

A/N: Yesh...read/review? Please? *hands cookies*