Deep within the sewers of Jump City, the misplaced Merc with a mouth was trotting through the tunnels of faeces and urine.

(You just had to jump in bed with weapon X, didn't you? See where it's got you?) "Yeah, yeah! Nag, nag, that's all you ever do." The lost mercenary argued with the voice in his head, as he continued venturing down the maze called Jump City's sewer system.

(I'm just saying, if you'd just listened to me for once we wouldn't be in this mess.) "I've heard it all before. You're like a broken record, you know that? Change your lines every once in a while." (Well, if you listened to me every once in a while I wouldn't have to repeat myself –Hey! What's that?) "What's what? I don't see anyth- Oh…" The mercenary paused to observe the strange design before him.

"That's a big door." Deadpool commented, as he studied the high-tech door with multi-locking systems.

(Now that's security.) "I wonder if anyone's home." Deadpool tapped loudly on the smooth surface of the metal.

(I really doubt anyone's going to answer." Don't be so pessimistic. Look there's buttons; buttons do things." The mercenary brushed off the concerns the voice in his head was trying to provoke and leaned over to the combination pad, stationed to the right of the door. He spontaneously and erratically spammed in a random combination. The door responded with a bleep, which echoed through the tunnel.

(Oh, you've done it now!) The door slid open with a low hiss, revealing a dark cavern.

"Yep. I think I did." Deadpool smirked, before sticking his head through the door. "Anyone home?" Receiving no reply, he felt obliged to dwell further into the darkness. The lights flickered on with a series of clicking noises, lighting up the cavern with an orange glow, revealing several pedestals holding various gadgets and weapons, each with its own spotlight.

(Those look expensive.) "Yeah! Let's touch stuff!" Deadpool lunged over to the nearest object, snatching it with his gloved hand. The object wasn't that different from the handle of a screwdriver, though it looked as if it were broken in two, with one half dangling from his grip by a bundle of wires.

"Am I holding this right?" He asked, bemused by the foreign object.

"If you are intending to break down your molecular structure, then yes." An ominous replied from behind the mercenary.

Deadpool turned to face the voice. "Oh, hi… um… I'll just put this back." He moved his hand, without looking, to place the object back on the pedestal, but misjudged the distance, letting the object fall to the floor. The object clattered loudly on the ground, letting off a beam of purple light which hit a table between it and the stranger, the table disappearing as its molecular structure decomposed. The item it had been displaying hit the floor and smashed into several pieces.

"I do hope that wasn't expensive." The mercenary cringed.

The stranger stepped forward into the spotlight, revealing his black and orange mask. "You have no idea." His voice was low and tight with irritation. "How did you get in here? Did the Titans send you?"

"Titans! Who the hell are the Titans?" Deadpool responded.

"Don't play games with me." Slade drew his sword. "The Teen Titans! No one can just wonder in here."

Deadpool retaliated to the threat by drawing his own weapon, duel katana.

"I'm tellin' you, I don't know any Titans –And I did just walk in here, seriously." He defended, quickly.

(Wait. Didn't that traffic-light-kid refer to his team as the Titans? I mean, they are 'teens'; Teen Titans.) "I don't get it,"

"Who are you talking to? Robin perhaps?" The villain queried.

"Robin? Who's Robin?"

Frustrated by Deadpool's response, Slade leapt through the air, with a grunt of fury, bringing his sword down in front of him, as he aimed to cut the intruder in half. Deadpool deftly moved to the side, avoiding his attacker's intended fatal blow.

"Whoah! No need to get all hostile." Deadpool calmly attempted to defuse the situation. Slade ignored the mercenary and turned, swinging his sword round in a wide arc, aiming for his opponent's throat. Deadpool ducked and lunged forward, aiming to pierce the man's torso, only to receive a heavy kick to his head, catapulting him across the dark room.

"Hey, not the face!" Deadpool used the momentum to execute a back-flip, landing neatly in a crouched pose, holding his katana in front of him, pointed at the villain.

With two adrenaline fueled yells, the two launched themselves at each other, swords raised. As they both moved in to defend themselves from each other's attacks their swords clashed, fixed together in a battle of wills.

"So, who are you?" Deadpool inquired casually, despite current events.

"I would have expected your master to have informed you of who you were dealing with." Slade dryly replied.

Deadpool, offended by the suggestion of him having a master, overpowered Slade, forcing him back a few steps, before glaring the villain down, and Slade replying with an equally vicious glare of his own.

"Number one rule of Deadpool; nobody owns me." The mercenary stated in a dark tone.

He raised both katana above his head as he threw himself at Slade. Deadpool brought them down in a V shaped motion, planning to deliver a killing blow. However, Slade veered under the twin blades, bringing his own round to successfully sever Deadpool's head. Triumphantly, Slade sheathed his sword and started to walk away from the defeated intruder.

"A tip from the true master; emotions make you sloppy."

Hearing movement behind him, Slade turned with a frown to find Deadpool's body reaching for his dismembered head. Re-assembled, Deadpool pushed himself to his feet and brushed down his suit.

"Well, that was embarrassing."

Slade leaned forward slightly, bemused. "Well, that's interesting."

"What? The regeneration thing? Yeah, it's just a lil' something I picked up back at home." Deadpool shrugged.

Slade stepped forward. "Start talking."

Dricstar – Had fun writing this chapter. Hope you enjoyed the read as we spent hours writing it :)

xXBlackRavenXx – Tried to up our game here. We noticed earlier chapters were ridiculously short.

Don't be shy – Any reviews would be more than welcome!