
Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. They belong to Hasbro and Takara. I am merely taking them for a short spin.

Earth. No where else to run. If the Elite Guard found them, they were as good as dead. Wanted for war crimes. What a joke. They were the traitors? Hot Rod didn't want to be in a position of authority. He hated and distrusted authority. Authority figures were why he went on the run in the first place. Wrong place, wrong time. Then the war started-chose your side or die. He was one of the lucky ones-he'd stayed free in the streets, running with the resistance until the the Decepticons caught up with them. Then he was luckier still when the Wreckers found him. He earned a place among them. Then he became their leader when Springer was killed and Kup captured.

The Council of Ancients and all of Cybertron were lulled into a false sense of security by Lord High Protector Megatron's promises of peace. Hot Rod knew better. He hoped the Prime did, too.

Hot Rod just wondered who they were going to send after them, and how long it would be before they caught up.


Optimus Prime watched Prowl, who was standing silent beside him, fists clenching and unclenching. The Prime did not know if this was an unconscious reflex or not, but any sign of emotion from Prowl was promising. He hoped. They watched the dock crews working on the ship, preparing it for departure. It took an act of the Council of Ancients to let them have the ship, the Ark.

And when Megatron said he would make available whatever resources needed to capture the fugitives, Optimus meant to hold him to his word. Whatever it would take.

"The medics are almost done with Kup's reintegration," Prowl said, bringing Optimus back to the present. "He'll be delivered to the ship in stasis, and Ratchet will bring him around when you're ready."

"I told Megatron such treatment was not necessary," Optimus said.

"I disagree," Prowl replied, looking straight ahead, refusing to meet his friend's optics. "Kup was with them. That makes him as guilty as the rest."

Optimus vented air in a sigh. Unlike Prowl, he had his doubts about Kup's guilt, but he kept that to himself.

"Also, the twins are in transit, under heavy guard. Lord Megatron gave his Seekers permission to kill them if they try anything," Prowl said.

"Megatron doesn't want them loose, considering what they did to him," Optimus said. "I want to get them as far away from him as I can."

"Is that just one of the many reasons you accepted this mission?" Prowl asked, looking up at his companion.

"If you think this has anything with a desire for vengeance, you're wrong," Optimus said. "I want answers."