Hey Guys! Just want to say something. Thank you for all the brilliant reviews! They're making this story one hell of a lot better. I honestly did not know what colour Matt Smith's eyes were before writing this and now I feel bad for being a terrible Who Fan! I would change it in the first chapter, but I lost the file with it on. Work in Progress at that bit. But thank you guys in your Whovian glory. Geronimo, as they say! On with the story!


When The Doctor awoke the next morning, he felt like an imploding supernova. His head ached, he felt sore all over and he was maddeningly tired. Upon opening his eyes, he groaned and rolled onto his back. All down his left arm, he felt a prickly, tingly sensation.

'Pins and Needles strikes again.' He thought bitterly, sitting up and stretch the muscles in his hand. Suddenly, the room began to spin. Feeling nauseous, the Time Lord put his head between his knees and tried to take deep breaths. There was a hesitant knock at the door.

"Doctor? Can I come in?" Rory asked. The Doctor could see his worried expression even before he opened the door.

"Gimme a sec." The Doctor sighed. He waited for the dizziness to recede before putting his shoes on, faking a smile and jumping to the door.

"Yes Rory?" He asked brightly. Rory raised an eyebrow, looking concerned. He stared at the Time Lord, taking in his rumpled jacket, lack of bowtie and odd socks.

"Are you sure you're OK? I mean with the..."

"The what, Rory?" The Timelord asked, his eyes gleaming. A hidden fire in them burned brightly, causing Rory to step back, his own eyes widening.

"Nuh... Nuh... Nothing..." Rory stuttered, pratically running from the room. The Doctor sighed and lay back on his covers, eyes focused on his still relatively-flat stomach. He wasn't sure how long he sat there, just glaring at himself. It could have been an minute. It could have been an hour. Eventually, he sighed and got to his feet, stretching. His back gave a little twinge of protest and he winced.

"Stop it. Stop it now." He growled. "I've got seven months and three days (A.N: That's a Timelord's gestation period according to me.) of this rubbish so stop it!" Unsurprisingly, there was no response. The Doctor tutted and tried to straightened his hair. It was an impossible task and he quickly gave up. As his hand touched the doorknob, he blinked hard. All he could think about... was jelly babies. All their colours; red, green, black, white, yellow even! The Doctor hated yellow jellybabies but he couldn't get them out of his head. He could see them, covered lightly in icing sugar. He would give anything for a packet of yellow jellybabies right at that second. Anything at all.

The Timelord shook his head. What the Hell was going on? He didn't want yellow jellybabies! He didn't even like yellow jellybabies. But there it was again. The feeling. The urge. The need. The want! He almost cried in anguish as he scampered into the nearest kitchen, wrenching the doors to the many cupboards open. After several minutes of searching vainly for his sugary prize, The Doctor gave up and slid down the kitchen wall, head in his hands and eyes threatening to overspill with tears. He was so hopeless! Even though he could travel the universe and see all the beautiful sights, he couldn't even find a packet of jellybabies in his already crowded time machiene. Amy walked in, gasped and dropped to her knees beside him.

"Oh my God! Are you alright? What's wrong?" She asked hurriedly, running her fingers through his soft hair, pushing it away so she could see his shiny eyes. "Why are you crying?" The Doctor wiped his eyes fiercely.

"Not crying." He replied, turning to leave. A slender hand caught his thin wrist. Amy was staring at him, a worried expression etched onto her pretty face. The Doctor blinked hard. Did he just think of Amy as pretty? Of course, she was very beautiful but... she was Rory's. She had always been Rory's. That made more tears fall onto the Doctor's cheeks and his shoulders began to shake with sobs. He felt so lonely... For not the first time, the Doctor wanted someone to hold him tight and rock him gently, murmuring sweet nothings into his hair and tell him it was OK and that he would be fine. He was hugely surprised when Amy wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. His hands fell to his sides and he gently breathed in her soft scent. She smelt like baking and cotton and Haribo. He would never admit it, but it was the Doctor's favourite smell. It was better than any perfume.

"Shhh... shhh..." She whispered. The Doctor felt like his knees might buckle as she threaded her hands into the brown hair on the nape of his neck. Amy held him safe and secure in her arms as she took the full force of his wild emotions. He gripped her by the waist, riding out the storm. They stood there, locked together until The Doctor's tears subsided.

"Better?" She asked, wiping away his tears with the pad of his thumb. He nodded wordlessly, unable to trust himself to speak. Amy moved her hand from his cheek to his navel. The Doctor went pale.

"Oh don't look at me like that! I'm not stupid. And I've been pregnant too before. Even if it was only a dream..." She gently moved her hand left and right across his stomach. The Doctor felt soothed and smiled gratefully at her. Amy rubbed the timelord's waistline for a few more seconds before giving it a gentle tap.

"So why were you crying?" The Scottish girl asked, looking at him with glimmering green eyes.

"Oh... Um... I couldn't find any jellybabies and I really wanted some." He sighed and placed his hand over Amy's. She gave a sunny laugh, making him smile. He loved her laugh. He loved everything about her. She gently took his hand off his stomach and reached into his pocket. She pulled out a brown paper bag. Full of jellybabies. Yellow ones. The Doctor gasped.

"Amelia Pond, you are an angel!" He grinned and popped a sweet in his mouth. She laughed and tousled his hair playfully.

"How did you know?" The Doctor asked her, offering her a sweet. She daintily took one. "How did you know I wanted yellow jellybabies?"

"I didn't." Amy repiled. "I was looking through your music when the TARDIS told me to get them from your bedroom. She was the one who knew." She smiled and the TARDIS gave a little whirr of pride. The pair laughed and Amy left the room.

"Thanks, Old Girl..." The Doctor whispered, rubbing the wall. The TARDIS gave another whirr. Amy stood at the door.

"You coming?" She asked, grinning at the Doctor. He nodded and left the room with her.

That's that chapter over and done with! Chapter 5 might have some River in! Question; who should I make the baby's mother/father? Answer in the reviews. This will most likely end up as an Amy/Doctor fic!

That all for now, folks!

Until next time.