Hello hello, guess who's back? That's right, Pirates, ShonenOkami is finally back with the second season of David Karofsky vs. the World after a long 4 month hiatus! Once again, I can't apologize enough for being so late, but I'm here now, aren't I? Now, what better way to celebrate this return than with an epically long chapter? I do hope it is to your liking! I can't go into details about the plot, that you're gonna have to figure out for yourselves! Now, let's get this show on the road! :-D

Once again and always, I do not own Glee or any other geeky mentions that I make in this story. If I did, Glee would be rated TV-MA and would probably be put on a primetime slot for something like Cinemax or Showtime, away from the sensitive eyes of soccer moms. And also, if Max Adler weren't straight and taken, I'd claim him as my boyfriend!

David Karofsky vs. the World


New Game

Load Game {

Save 1{….…..Save 2….…Save 3

David: Level 23…..David: Level 4….Kurt: Level MAX

Time: 15:27:04…..Time: 00:35:16…..Time: 163:57:49

Loading…Kzzzt…krrgghh…Loading…Kzzt…krrgghh…Save data corrupted…Starting New Game…

Prologue: David Karofsky's Precious Little Life

One gets used to the sound of locker slams, whether it be from students slamming them shut, or from when Hummel's tiny frame hits the thin metal. Heh, it's almost therapeutic…almost being the key word…I hated having to do it, call me weak and malleable (yes, I know what that word means, I'm in fuckin' AP English, so suck it!), but if I don't hold true to the pressures made by those around me…they would start to suspect…they would know something's up, they'd question "Why isn't Karofsky throwing Hummel into the lockers right about now?". Then it would go further, with them asking "Is Karofsky being nice to Hummel now? What, did he catch the gay?"

Yes, yes I did, thank you very much…no, I never really caught it, since you can't really be made gay…

Yeah…and how do you think I feel about sharing the same body with a pathetic crybaby fairy?

Karofsky…What the hell are you doing? You're not highlighted in this part of the story yet…

You idiot, you're just having a dream of your save file being corrupted and starting over from the beginning again…Every RPG player's nightmare…

What the...Huh? I thought this seemed too familiar…Umm, thanks, I guess?

Whatever, now answer the goddamn door, it's gonna make me insane. Wait, I'm already that, aren't I?

Nah…Mom can get it.

She and Paul went to work early…Now, ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR, FAGGOT!

You know, funny thing is, I'm too tired to even care about your antagonism; I'm just gonna hit the snooze on you for a little longer…

Son of a…Guess I'm gonna have to pull this out of your memory banks…

The sudden image of Santana flashing her tits at me was enough to snap me out of my dream state with a scream.

David Karofsky vs. the World- Season 2!

Chapter 11: Clash of the McKinley Titans (Well, two of them, at least…)

David: Level 23

HP: 1742

SP: 509

I wake to the sound of a persistent and annoying knock on the front door; I attempted to muffle it by crushing my head in between two pillows, but of course, the knocking persisted…Rrgh, dammit, why isn't mom or dad answering the frickin' door? Oh yeah, right, they went to work early… Groggily heaving myself from my bed, I trudged through my door and stomped down the stairs to answer the door. On the other side of the door was a beaming and unexpected Finn.

"Sup, dude? Ready for school?"

I immediately slammed the door in his face and thudded my head on the door, "Go. Away. Finn…It's—" I craned my neck to see the time display on our cable box, "Friggin' 6 am, go home!"

As I turned around to go back to bed, the knocking started back up again. Whirling on my heels in fury, I wrenched open the door again, "WHAT?" It seemed that my screaming had absolutely no effect on the dense lunk.

"I got you some coffee! Thought we could hang out today." He offered the steaming cup of joe in his hand, which I quickly snatched up and gulped down, the caffeine quickly working its magic on my irritable mood.

"Dude…We barely have any classes together…" I murmured behind my cup of coffee.

"I know, so I figured I could drive you to school, and we can hang out during P.E. and lunch and after school too!" Finn giddily bounced in place.

"Hmm…Does Kurt know you're kidnapping me today?"

Finn's eyes quickly shifted to the side then back to me, "Uhh…Sure! Now c'mon, let's get you ready for a big day!" He pushed me back inside my own house and let himself in. I trudged over to the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools surrounding the central island, laying my forehead on the tiled counter. Finn sat down next to me with his own cup of coffee.

"How's it goin' dude? Heard you've been training quite a bit after the whole Blaine-kicking-your-ass thing." Finn noted as he took a sip.

I cracked open one eye at Finn in irritation from the 'Blaine-kicking-my-ass' thing, he didn't kick my ass, he merely surprised me and Kurt. "Yeah, but I haven't been able to gain enough experience to level up…Damn, I thought after going through Santana's boot camp would've made me strong enough not to get beat up like that…But that guy's on a completely different tier than all of us…"

"Hmm…So, learn any new techniques since our last fight?" Finn mused, changing the subject to something a little less heavy.

"Umm, just a few…What, you're thinking of fighting me again?" I playfully nudged Finn on the shoulder, he looked at me with wide eyes,

"Wha? Umm…Whatever gave you that idea? Now c'mon, let's get you ready!" He grabbed my arm and wrenched me out of the stool, guiding me up the stairs to my room. As soon as we crossed the threshold, I took in a big yawn and stretched out high. When I felt something fumbling with the buttons on my nightie-button-up, and feeling warm skin on my chest, my eyes shot open to see Finn unbuttoning my shirt with a totally focused look, complete with his tongue sticking out. Still frozen mid-yawn and stretch,

"Finn, Finn, Finn, Finn, Finn!" After about the fifth time of calling his name, Finn finally looked up from his arduous task.

"Whuh?" His expression completely innocent.

"Umm…Dude, you're undressing me."

Completely flabbergasted, Finn threw his hands off of me, "Whoa! Umm…*gulp* Sorry dude, got a little excited there."

"For me to get naked?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"F-f-for you to start getting ready for school!" Finn fidgeted and started blushing noticeably.

I continued Finn's project of unbuttoning my shirt and threw it into my hamper, "Haha, it's okay, dude. I think you're adorable, but I ain't gonna pounce on you or anything like that." Chuckling to myself, I nonchalantly dropped trou, kicking my PJ pants next to the hamper (Huh, I guess I'm more used to undressing in front of Finn than Kurt) and walked into the bathroom.

Quickly diverting his eyes, Finn did the awkward throat clearing, "Ahem…so…I guess I'll just look for something for you to wear to save time…" After turning on the hot water for the shower and lathering up a bit, I heard Finn's voice again, "Umm, I'm sorry if the things I picked don't match, I'm not gay enough to have a good fashion sen—"

I peeked my head out of the shower curtain, cracking an eye open through my shampoo suds, "What was that, Finn?"

"Oh, nothing, just being…just being stupid…stupid."

"Oh, okay, don't get any on the carpet." I went back to my scrubbing and rinsing. Hrmm…It is a bit strange that Finn is here at this ungodly hour; I have a bad feeling about this…Ugh, maybe I'm just overthinking things, perhaps I'm on-edge after getting fisted by Blaine. Wait...That didn't come out right.

"Hey dude, you done yet? We gotta go soon!"

Turning off the hot water and toweling off, "C'mon Finn, school doesn't until 8, why would you of all people want to go to school this early?" I quickly did my morning routine and walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around my waist. In my bedroom, I find Finn sitting in my chair playing my PS3. "Hey! You better not be playing any of my save files."

"S'okay, I started a new game because it said they were erupted."

I walked past him and to my bed where a set of clothes were placed, "Corrupted, Finn, and…WHAT?"

"Yeah dude, you should stop modding your systems or shit like this is likely to happen." Said Finn as he switched off the system."

Dropping the towel and inspecting the articles before me, "Ugh, whatever, I don't have time to play anyway. Huh, not a bad choice of wardrobe, Finn." I pulled on the boxers, jeans and dove grey polo, "It's…" Finn stood up and cocked his head at me, "The same thing you're wearing…" The Frankenteen looked at his own attire and subtly zipped up the puffy vest he had on over his own grey polo with an embarrassed look plastered on his face.

"Umm, mom dressed me today, I thought it looked good…"

"Haha, it's okay dude, seriously. I'll just put my letterman over it." I walked over to my chair and pulled the red jacket off the back of it and shoved my arms into the beige sleeves. As I readjusted myself in it, I caught Finn giving a longing stare. "Oh…yeah…I had a part in ripping yours apart, didn't I? I'm sorry about that Finn, I—"

Shaking his head, "Mm, naw, it's okay Dave. I understand that you weren't in a good place at that time. And 'sides, Kurt always chastityed me for wearing it, said it was umm…'a drab piece of poly-blend and pleather'.

"Meh, he says the same thing to me, but I like it because it keeps me warm, not because it's a symbol of hierarchy in the high school popularity system, but he won't believe me, says the arm warmers and sweater vests he got me will keep me warm enough...Seriously, why does being gay have to mean I have to suffer for style?"

"Tell me about it, I asked Kurt that same question and he just hit me with his book of carpet pieces."

"Hehe, yeah, he'll do that, along with the Hummel 'glare of shame'. So, how about we head to school, since you're so adamant about it?"

"Dude, I appreciate that you think I'm like Wolverine."

"Uh…erm…ah…hrmm…never mind, Finn, let's just go." I made sure the lights were off before grabbing my backpack. Just as I was about to close my bedroom door, a glint of silver light caught my eye; on my desk was the bracer that Kurt gave me. I quickly went back into my room to retrieve the accessory and snapped it on my wrist, the silver feather still shining brilliantly. After looking myself over one last time, I exited my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab a poppy seed muffin and the coffee Finn got me. "Well, usually I'm not going to school until an hour later, but whatever." I turn around to see Finn bouncing by the door in excitement, like a little puppy wanting to go outside and play.

"C'mon, dude, don't make me wait all day!" He dashed forward and grabbed me by the arm, wrenching me out of the house.

"Hey hey hey! Hold up!" I quickly yanked my arm out of his grasp and slapped him on the forehead before turning around to close and lock the front door. "Hoo…now, shall weeee—!" Once again, my arm is yanked, dragging me towards Finn's clunker truck, throwing me into the cab. I try not to fight it, don't want to put a frown on the guy's face. He got in on his side and started up the truck (which, may I remind you, sounds like the apocalypse starting up).

"Ready, bud?"

"Yeah yeah, Warp 9, Ensign Hudson." I gave unenthusiastically, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Aye, Cap'n Karofsky!" Giving me a mock salute; and with that, he put the truck in reverse and took us out of the cul-de-sac.

After a couple turns, lights, and bites of my muffin, Finn broke the silence, "So Dave, how's the battling going?"

Swallowing down the mouthful of muffin, "Mmph, not too bad, I fought Sam yesterday and ended up learning to summon my weapon. So I've been working on trying to use it in my battle strategy. But I'm more of a hand-to-hand fighter anyway…"

"Mhmm…Yeah, you do have some nifty techniques, I think most of us really only use one or two techniques. I like that Crimson Sky tech that you have."

"Oh yeah? Heh, it's actually the first technique I learned when I started this whole journey."

"Cool. By the way, how do you get your leg so high when you use it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, you're a big guy and all…" I narrow my eyes in annoyance at him, "Ah, b-b-but I'm not saying you're fat! I meant, well, guys like you and me with a whole bunch of muscle and stuff shouldn't be able to lift their leg close to their head."

"Oh…well…jeez, how can I put this…My mom kinda put me through ballet classes when I was little, so I gained quite a bit of flexibility. But I can't stretch my leg up nearly as high as Kurt can…Goddamn, when we were in my bedroom that one night—"

"Okay dude, stop right there, I do not need to hear the details of your guys' sex life!" Finn gripped the steering wheel and shook his head.

"I so totally was not going for that, and besides, wasn't it you asking us how anal sex was like?"

"Gah! Never mind!" He took one hand off the steering wheel to rub his eyes.

Hmm…Now, I'm nowhere near as dense as Finn, so I know when something is up. Maybe lightening the mood will help the big lug. "Finn…You got something to tell me?" I jabbed at his slightly gay tendencies shown to me this morning.

"What? No!"

"Oh man, did it finally work? Are mine and Kurt's influences starting to turn you to the rainbow side?"

When we reached a red light, Finn took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Rrgh…So what if they are?"

"What? Whoa dude, I was just joking with you…Seriously Finn?"

"Ergh…I don't know…I think I'm just getting tired of putting up with the shit I keep getting from girls; they're doing nothing but taking advantage of me…"

"Umm…Wow, Finn. I mean, do you need to talk about this? I know I'm just freshly out, but I still know the feelings…"

The light turned green and Finn didn't respond save for conflicted facial expressions until we finally pulled into the school parking lot. After killing the loud engine, "Look Dave, I'm really not sure about anything, so if you'd be willing to keep all of this quiet while I figure this out, I'd really appreciate it."

I placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly, "No problem, Finn, unlike everyone else in the Glee club, I can actually keep my mouth shut."

His face brightened up and gave me his signature lop-sided smile, "Heh, thanks dude. Right now, I don't need people thinking that the long-thought rumors about me are true. Or worse, have them turn on you and Kurt for converting me." He finished with a snicker.

"Heh, no way that's gonna happen, Finn. Now c'mon, you wanted to hang today, so let's go!" We got out of the truck and shut the doors. Though, our day always had to have a hurdle, for as soon as we met around the bed of the truck, we encountered an unexpected audience.

"Well well well…Look who we have here, boys; it looks like the new fag started his infection of everyone around him, starting with 'Super-Stud Finn Hudson'! I guess the rumors were true."

Finn shrunk down beside me, "Goddamn it…"

I looked to Finn and felt for him, I couldn't let these guys spread this around and bring the guy down even more. Sheesh, he'd be so depressed that there'd be twice as many pizzas at his place than last time. Stepping forward to intercept the small army of mullets, "Scott Cooper, who the hell brought you back to life? Last thing I remember was caving your skull in and turning you into experience points like I said I would."

Cooper walked forward and spat in front of me, "Heh, doesn't really matter, does it, Davey-boy? 'Cause now, I got my boys with me to help clean up this mess." He leaned his head to the side to indicate Finn, "And it looks like we'll be killing two fruits with one stone, since you were so kind as to turn Hudson to the dark side."

I threw an arm out to my side, "Leave him out of this…This is between you and me, Cooper…Umm, by the way, why are you such a homophobic asshat? Got fondled by a boy at a party and were too afraid to admit that you enjoyed it?"

"No, I got molested by my uncle!...Wait…Fuck!" The entire hockey team turned their heads towards their captain in disbelief, "Th-that doesn't matter though, does it? What matters now is that there are two, wait, three pole-smokers for the Association of Sodomite Slayers to deal with, counting the fairy that started this all."

Rrgh…once again, this guy is after Kurt, who do you have to fuck around here to stop this guy from reviving? Hoo…Okay, there's only 6 of them to deal with…I looked around, the parking lot is pretty much empty, thanks to Finn getting us here so damn early. "Well, no other way around this, I guess?" I cracked my knuckles and made some space in between me and Finn, he had no part in this.

"Hey, you're not leaving me out of this, dude!" Finn startled me as he appeared alongside me, popping his neck. "I'm not gonna let this puckhead get away with threatening you and Kurt; besides, I think we both kinda owe them for the slushy bukkake they gave us before the homecoming game."

I nodded, "Alright, thanks Finn. To be honest, I think I would have needed your help anyway…" We both got into a defensive position back to back as the hockey team surrounded us, 3 on each side. "Ready for this?" I shot over my shoulder at Finn.

"Bring it on! Let's teach these ice munchers that you don't mess with McKinley's best fighters!"

"We'll see about that, Hudson. Soon, we'll be on top and you two will be licking the gutters! Get 'em boys!"

David Karofsky & Finn Hudson vs. Scott Cooper & The McKinely Hockey Team

BGM: Lufia II OST – Battle Theme (Remixed by Neasala)



Two of the mullets charged Finn and I from both sides, we both ducked in time for them collide their fists with each other's face. My partner and I took the opportunity to grab the stunned assailant in front of us; I gripped his jersey and kneed him twice before giving him a haymaker to the face, sending him reeling towards his buddy. I looked behind me to see Finn whirling his attacker by the ankles, smashing him into the other two hockey players before tossing him back on the pavement.

"Heh, nothing like taking out the trash, eh Finn?" I chuckle, dusting off my hands.

"C'mon, Dave, calling them trash is a compliment!" Finn snickered back, curb-stomping one of the downed puckheads.

"Rrgh…What the hell are you guys doing? Get the fuck up and wreck this double rainbow!" Yelled Cooper, not noticing me right beside him. As soon as he finally detected my presence, I lightly chuckled,

"Hi." His eyes widened in shock as I hooked one of his legs with my own, sweeping him up into the air while bringing my leg up with him, hopping off the ground charging a crackling red energy into my heel, "Crimson Sky!" SP: -10 (499) I brought my heel straight down on his sternum, thrusting him fiercely down onto the pavement, making a crater into the concrete. Cooper coughed up a fresh spattering of blood, knocking the wind out of him. "Ha! Beat that!"

"Oh yeah, watch this!" I turned around to see Finn hauling back a glowing white fist, "Counter Force!" and launched it at one of the players, who was right in front of the other 4 woozy guys, bowling them down in a straight line.

"Impressive, Frankenteen! Now feast your eyes on this one!" I picked up an unconscious Scott Cooper by the ankle and jumped up into the air with him, then rapidly front-flipping us like a buzzsaw, trailing orange energy around us, "Vermilion Spiral!" SP: -30 (469) Cooper's body slammed down onto the pile of puckheads in a nice concussive explosion, sending their bodies flying left and right before plopping on the gravel. 3 of the bodies exploded in a flash of bright light, which left two more flunkies to deal with.

Cooper staggered up off the ground, gritting his teeth, "Son of a…time to teach you both a lesson…I've been playing nice since the last time with fought, Karofsky, but now I'm gonna play seriously. Undine!" He gripped his wrist, a frigid wind blasted through the parking lot and gathered at his open palm, forming a frosty blue orb. "Dodge this one, Davey-boy! Arctic Blaster!" Cooper lobbed the icy sphere at both of us.

"Finn, watch out!" I dove at Finn and tackled him down to the ground; I felt the freezing air rushing above me as we narrowly missed the passing projectile. As I looked up, I saw the orb ricocheting off the two remaining players who were staggering back up, freezing them in place then shattering them into pieces. I rolled off of Finn and jumped back up, "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you? Those guys were your buddies!"

"Yeah dude, that was not cool…But that weapon is pretty cool though…"


"Oh, right."

"Heh, those guys were just getting in my way, they were hardly even doing anything. So you know, you want things done, you do it yourself!" Cooper sneered as he manipulated his weapon around his body.

"You're sick…No wonder I haven't felt a lick of remorse for bashing your skull in last time."

"And now for me to pay you back for that one…"

In anticipation for an ultimate tech, I turned to my partner, "Finn, ready?"

"You mean—"

"Yeah, we're gonna give it a try…"

"Sweet, I always wanted to give it a shot!"

"Yoo hoo! Ready to die, homos?" Cooper raised the Undine orb high above his head, growling in putting a massive amount of energy into this attack. "Take this, Winter Tsunami!" The frosty sphere hurled itself at the ground, causing a giant blue wave to erupt from the ground and charge toward us.

"Finn, now!" We launched ourselves as high as we could above the frigid torrent with me going a bit higher than Finn, who held his forearms above his head in a defensive position, preparing his Counter Force. I held my leg up high, preparing my Crimson Sky technique. "Let's show this puckhead why we're the best of Lima!"

"I'm right there with you, bud!"

"Synchro Tech: Reflect Missile!" SP: -50 (419)

"Synchro Tech: Reflect Missile!" SP: -50

I brought my heel down onto Finn's forearms, who absorbed all the damage from my Crimson Sky, used his Counter Force to double the damage, and launched himself down like a rocket, surrounded by a flaming red aura, right at an awestruck Cooper. Finn's foot collided directly with his chest, crashing him into the ground, demolishing a large amount of the pavement as his body burrowed through the concrete. I landed right by Finn and gave him a high-five.

"Great job, Finn!"

"Heh, it was your idea."

"Yeah, but you took the damage like a man." I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"Rrgh…are you two done sucking each other off?" We both turned in shock at a still living, pissed as hell Cooper dragging himself out of the rubble. "I'm…not…done yet…" He set his eyes on Finn, "How about you say goodbye to your other boyfriend now, Karofsky?"

"You've got another boyfriend, David? Dude, that's not cool to be cheating on Kurt…"

"Finn, he's talking about you…"

"Wha? But we're not…I mean, sure we've made out and you made me cu—"


"Too late, loverboys!" Cooper brought out Undine again and whirled it around his body, "Let's try this again…Arctic Blaster!"

As the ice orb shot towards Finn, I dashed in front of him to protect him.

"Dave! What are you doing?" Finn yelled at me.

"Well, it looks like I'm saving your ass! Penalty!" My halberd flashed into my hands and I winded up for a baseball swing. As the orb got in range, I swung as hard as I could, colliding with the crystal ball, sending it back at its owner at a breakneck speed. Undine shattered against Cooper's body, ice starting to form all over his chest and extending outwards to his arms and legs.

"N-n-no! Th-th-this can't be happening…I-I-I'll be back Davey-boy, just you wait…I'll finally take you and your faggy boyfriends out…h-h-hehe…" With that, he body completely froze over in a position of agony.

I walked up to the frozen corpse, "God, don't you ever shut the fuck up?" With a simple shove, I sent Cooper's body down to the ground, shattering it into a million pieces.


The ice shards of his corpse then turned into numerous health, skill, and experience orbs, which swirled into the air and flew into mine and Finn's bodies.

HP: Fully Restored! (1742)

SP: Fully Restored! (509)

XP: +10000 (7975/13500)


David: Level up! (23 – 24)

HP: +57 (1742 – 1799)

SP: +16 (509 – 525)

STR: +5 (197 – 202)

DEF: +9 (161 – 170)

SPD: +6 (154 – 160)

SP ATK: +7 (166 – 173)

SP DEF: +4 (148 – 152)

LUK: +3 (105 – 108)

Finn: Level up! (23 – 24)

HP: +48 (1973 – 2021)

SP: +22 (448 – 470)

STR: +9 (229 – 238)

DEF: +5 (187 – 192)

SPD: +3 (118 – 121)

SP ATK: +4 (101 – 105)

SP DEF: +5 (111 – 116)

LUK: +0 (78 – 78)

New Technique learned: Hyper Aegis Crash

"Sweet! Great job there, Dave! You leveled up too?" Finn jumped in place giddily.

"Uh huh, yeah, that asshat was good for something, I guess."

"There you are, David!" I whirled around to see Kurt in a pissy mood. "I showed up at your house to pick you up, but you weren't there! And why weren't you answering your phone?"

"Uh…uh…Well, Finn and I were in a battle with that mullet clown, Scott Cooper…As for why I wasn't at home…Well, Finn decided to kidnap me today, didn't he tell you?" I went over to Kurt to reason with him.

"No, in fact, he said he was going to pick up Rachel, but you don't look like an annoying psychotic Streisand wanna-be with Borderline Personality Disorder who has the penchant for stealing boyfriends and solos."

"I dunno, I'm gay, so I'm pretty close."

"Ha ha, very funny. As for you Finnegan…"

"C'mon Kurt, just Finn, please, you sound like mom when you use my real name."

"Well then, Finn, did you say that you were going to pick Rachel up today?"

"Yeah, and I told her that too."

Meanwhile, back at the Berry household, Rachel is still patiently waiting for Finn to pick her up, clutching a sickeningly cute teddy bear with a shirt that says, "I heart Finny Bear" on it.

"Ugh, whatever, so Finn, why did you go and kidnap my boyfriend for?" Kurt impatiently tapped his boots on the pavement.

Finn looked nervously to the side, "Uh…um…Oh! Was that the bell?"

"I don't think—"

"Later Kurt!"

"Wha, whoa!" Finn grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the school at top speed, leaving Kurt to scream after us.

As we made it past the front doors and down the main hall, I yelled at Finn, "Damn it, let me go, Finn!" We skidded to a halt in front of the choir room.

"Sorry about that, dude." Finn said as he finally let go of my arm.

"Sorry nothing, you mind telling me already about what's going on? We never usually hang out, why do you want to hang out with me today of all days?"

"*Sigh* Would it be weird of me to say that I like you, David? Like, really like you?" He looked to the side dejectedly.

"Is that what's up? Finn…You know that I love Kurt and cannot betray his trust by being with you." I reached out and squeezed his bicep.

Finn sniffled, "Heh, yeah, I know that…But I was hoping I could at least spend the day with you to know what it's like, y'know? 'Cause, we're not even dating, and you've already shown me that you care for me more so than Rachel and Quinn combined…"

"Ugh…really Finn?" He nods at me. "*sigh* Fine, if it'll make you happy, I guess…I can be your boyfriend for the day…"

"Whoa, whoever said anything about being my boyfriend for the day? I just wanted to hang out with someone who actually gives a damn about me."

"Oh! Well…Um, that then." I wipe off an imaginary sweat drop.

"Sweet! Then c'mon, let's go in the choir room, I want to try something…"

"Forget it, Finn, I ain't sucking you off in Mr. Schue's office!"

"Who's doing what in my office?"

I whirl around to see Mr. Shuester raising an eyebrow at the both of us. I started choking on my words trying to cover up.

"Oh hey, Mr. Shue! Can Dave and I use the choir room for a bit? I want to try singing a duet with him. Maybe he can use it as rehearsal for his upcoming audition?"

"Wait, what? C'mon, Finn…I can't sing worth a damn…"

"Sure, I can't deny you guys, have fun!" Mr. Shuester gave us a smile before entering the choir room and into his office.

"Thanks, Mr. Shue!"

"Finn, what are you doing, a duet? You can't be serious…"

"C'mon, Dave, it'll be fun. Plus, I know for a fact that you can sing well."

"Ergh…Fine, but it better not be a lovey-dovey duet…" I followed him into the choir room and stopped at the piano where Finn pulled out a stereo system and a CD with some sheet music.

"Here you go, Dave, I don't think it's too lovey-dovey…" Finn handed me a copy of the sheet music and I looked over it…Hmm…not too bad, I think I actually heard this one before… "Alrighty, wanna give it a try?"

"I don't see why not. Hit it, Finn." He nodded and pressed play on the stereo.

"Ready? One, two, three—"


Bold = Finn

Italics = David

Bold & Italics = Both

And if I could swim,

I'd swim out to you in the ocean,

Swim out to where you are floating in the dark.

And if I was blessed, I'd walk on the water you're breathing,

To lend you some air for that heaving, sunken chest.

'Cause they chose you as the model for their empty little dreams,

With your new head, and your legs spread like a filthy magazine,

And they hunt you, and they gut you, and you give in…

And if I was brave,

I'd climb up to you on the mountain,

They led you to drink from their fountain, spouting lies.

And I'd slay the horrible beast they commissioned,

Steer me away from my mission to your eyes

And I'd stand there, like a soldier, with my foot upon his chest,

With my grin spread and my arms out, in my blood-stained Sunday's best

And You'd hold me, I'd remind you who you are under their shell…

I'd walk through Hell for you,

Let it burn right through my shoes, these soles are useless without you,

Through Hell for you,

Let the torturing ensue, my soul is useless without you.

And if they send a whirlwind, I'd hug it like a harmless little tree,

Or an earthquake, I'd calm it, and I'd bring you back to me.

Then I'd hold you in my weak arms, like a firstborn…

I'd walk through Hell for you,

Let it burn right through my shoes, these soles are useless without you,

Through Hell for you,

Let the torturing ensue, my soul is useless without you~~

Without you~~

Without you~~

Without you~~

Now I've walked through Hell for you,

What's an adventurer to do

But rest these feet at home with you…

"Hmm…that wasn't too bad." I said, coming down from my performance high.

"Yeah, it was actually really good, I think…" Finn smirked at me.

"Though…It was oddly romantic…"

Light applause was then heard, Mr. Shuester walked out of his office. "Wow, haha…I mean…WOW! David, Finn, that was amazing! That is definitely the sound I think we need to get an edge in competition."

"What, two guys singing together?" I inquire.

"Precisely, the guys in glee club aren't willing to sing intimately with each other with anything other than hip-hop and hard rock out of fear that it'll make them look…um…"

"Gay?" I finish knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"Y-y-yeah, so I'm glad to see Finn finally loosening up to sing with another boy, 'cause I know how insecure he was when he had to sing with Kurt doing ballads last year."

"Um…I'm kinda right here…Does it help to say that I'm sorry about all that?"

I patted Finn on the shoulder, "Sure it does, Finn, but I think you might be apologizing to the wrong people."

"Right, I'll talk to Kurt at home later today."

"What do you have to talk to me about, Finn?"

We were caught by surprise as Kurt called from the doorway to the choir room. As I was about to pipe up, Finn clasped his hand on my mouth, "Oh, uh, um…Sorry Kurt!" He then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close to him before making a mad dash past Kurt, taking me with him. "Thanks, Mr. Schue!"

"Sorry about wha—h-h-hey! Give me back my boyfriend! GODDAMN IT, FINN!"

I could only whimper behind Finn's hand as he whisked me away to another unknown location. Wrenching his hand off my mouth, "Mmph, damn it, Finn, put me down!"

The big lug's sneakers squeaked on the tiled floor and the inertia caused him to lose his grip on me and launched me down the hall. I skidded on the floor a few times before coming to a stop. HP: -10, -10, -10 (1769)

Fuming, I sprung up and stomped towards Finn, "What the hell, you pasty lump? What's the big idea?"

His smile not even leaving his face, "It's time for P.E., dude." He nods his head towards the door beside us, which so happened to be the door to the boys' locker room.

"…Oh…um…Well, sorry about the pasty lump thing."

"Pasty lump? When did you say that?"

"Finn, do you listen to half of what anybody says?

"Eh, I drift in and out." He walked up to the door and held it open for me, "C'mon, let's get dressed down, race you!"

God, what is he a child? Oh yeah, this is Finn, a 10 year old stuck in a 17 year old's body. I walked up to my locker and dialed in the combo, pulling out my duffle bag with my P.E. uniform and putting my backpack in the locker. Quickly stripping down and pulling on the shorts, I placed my neatly folded street clothes in the duffel bag and mashed into the locker before cramming it shut. Before I pulled on the shirt, I heard a muffled noise; as I turned around, I was met with an adorable, yet embarrassing sight.

"Damn, Dave, you're good at taking off your clothes…would you mind giving me a hand?" Finn said with his arms and head tangled in his shirt in an attempt to take it off.

I facepalmed and stepped over to assist Finn, "Ugh, how do these things happen to you? Do you get someone's help to dress and undress you everyday?" I managed to untuck his arms and loop them back into their respective holes.

"That's not true!...I can put on a basketball jersey, and maybe the shorts if I sit down, or else I'll trip on my feet…"

After a bit of effort, I managed to pull off Finn's shirt as he breathed out a sigh of relief, his freed hands resting on my bare chest. There somehow a moment between us…I gazed into his chocolate puppy eyes and he gazed back down at me with bated breath. I could feel the heat radiating off his chest and onto mine. I can almost feel his fingers gripping into my chest…Whoa! Wait, they are groping my chest! Finn's breathing picked up and he leaned in…and sneezed right over my shoulder…

"Haaa…Thanks dude." He finally lowered his hands off my chest…as Azimio walked into the locker room, who squinted his eyes and shook his head with an unreadable emotion before heading to his own locker to dress down. Both Finn and I cleared our throats awkwardly and went back to dressing ourselves in silence. I pulled my gym shirt on, along with my gym sneakers. After I was done, I sneaked on over to Finn,

"Umm…you don't need help with your shorts, do you?"

"Pshh…C'mon, dude, what do you think I am, a 10 year old trapped in a 17 year old's body?" He snickered as he tied the drawstring to his shorts. "Let's go, Dave!" Finn started towards the gym door, but tripped over his shoelaces, which were tied to each other. I stepped over the lump on the floor as he whimpered, "A little help here?"

"Pheh, sorry, you're on your own, dude." I snickered as I stepped through the gym doors, leaving a whining Finn behind me.

During P.E., Finn and I were pitted against each other in a game of dodgeball, where we were the last ones standing after all was said and done. A truly spectacular battle with plenty of kick shots and Matrix-style moves took place between us, and ended with a double KO. Needless to say, it was actually the most fun I've had in a P.E. class in a long time. After that, Finn begrudgingly let me go to my own class,

"Aww…but I'll miss you! Can't I go to class with you instead?" Finn whined.

"What are you, 12?" Finn put on a gassy infant face, "Oh, sorry, 10. Anyway…" I reached out and straightened his puffy vest, "You need to go to class yourself, you'll see me again afterward for lunch."

A brightened smile plastered itself on Finn's face, "Sweet! I love lunch! Alright, I'll see you later, Dave!" And with that, the Frankenteen took off down the hall and around the corner to his class, leaving me to walk to my psychology class.

"Now class, what can you tell me about Dissociative Identity Disorder?" Dr. Bumby inquired as he paced the front of the class, adjusting his wireframe glasses. "Mr. Evans?"

Sam looked up from doodling what appears to be him racing Sonic the Hedgehog and laying down a spike strip in front of him. "Wha? Umm…that has to do with dressing up like chick if you're a dude or the other way around, right?"

A few giggles and chuckles spread around the class as Dr. Bumby patiently readjusted his glasses, looking minorly annoyed. "Hehe…that can play a part in DID, Samuel. However, that is more in the realm of Gender Identity Disorder. Hmm…David?" I took my chin off my palm and appeared more attentive, "How about you?"

I looked around the room and thought about what to say, I mean, it should be easy, I kinda have it, sort of… "Umm, it's where a person displays at least two distinct personalities, or 'Alters', if I'm not mistaken."

"Very good, Mr. Karofsky." My eye slightly twitched at my last name again, "And can you tell me a few theoretical causes of DID?"

I chewed the inside of my lip and cleared my throat uneasily, "Erm…Like you said, there are only theoretical, non-conclusive causes, but some tend to be connected extreme amounts of stress as a coping mechanism, usually from a traumatic experience or for a high-stress situation."

"Like high school?" Said Artie, who was sitting a few desks down. A few more laughs erupted from the class.

"Heh, naw, I hardly think a few slushie facials are enough to make one go bonkers." I replied with a smirk.

"But fear of persecution might do the trick, wouldn't you think, Karofsky?" Artie jabbed at me. I felt everyone's attention fall on me…I think by now, everyone must know, given the way information travels at the speed of McKinley gossip.

Squinting an eye, "Yeah, that can also be a high-stress situation, but it can never apply to everybody, everyone's emotions, reactions, even chemical balances in the brain are different; so there can never be a conclusive answer for these things, at least for now."

"Very well put, David. Now class, take out your textbooks and turn to page 394, look over the charts and we shall reconvene in 10 minutes." Dr. Bumby nodded his head at me and turned around to write some terminology on the whiteboard behind his desk. I looked to my right and saw Artie giving me a nod of acknowledgement as well.

"Psst, hey dude." I turned around to see what Sam wanted.

"What is it, Na'vi boy?"

"Can I cheat off your test next time around? You're really smart…" He whispered, giving me a bright smile.

"Umm…Dude, I said no last time, what makes you think I'd let you do it next time?"

"We're friends now?" His bright smile turned into a cheesy used car salesman grin, which just made me roll my eyes and turn back around.

"I'll hold a study sesh at my place this weekend for any of the gleeks that don't want my head on a silver platter. You can get your answers then, but you'll have to work for them."

"Sweet! You're awesome, Dave."

"Yeah yeah, I know…" I then ducked my head into my textbook for a little bit, until I sensed a rather annoying presence trying adamantly to make itself known. I glanced to my left out the window, looking across the yard and into the class next door…Hmm…Looks like a certain man-child has been trying to get my attention for the past 30 minutes. He's…trying to mouth something to me…I make the motion of 'I can't hear/understand a damn word you're trying to say.' A spark of inspiration flashed across his face and he wrote something down on the small whiteboard on his desk and held it up to the window.

"i donT unnderstand aNy of thiS. its liek he's not speeking american…"

It took me a while to decipher Finn's brokenAmerican…er… English. I took out a marker and a piece of paper from my binder to write a grammatically correct response. "You're in Spanish, aren't you?"

After reading my response, Finn quickly erased his first message and wrote down something and held it up to the window…One word… "See!" He nodded his head.

I immediately facedesked and was about to write my response until I saw Mr. Shuester standing in front of Finn with his own whiteboard facing out the window, "Preste atención a su propia clase, David."

Finn drooped down in his chair as Mr. Shue verbally chastised Finn. I finally paid attention to my own work, writing down definitions and statistics, participating in the class discussion of Dissociative Identity Disorder until the bell rang for lunch. As everyone filed out of the classroom, Dr. Bumby called me up to his desk, "David, has everything been alright for you? I've definitely noticed a change in character with you lately. For the better, I assure you; you've been participating actively in class, you've managed to pull your grade up to the highest in the class."

I nervously scratched the back of my head, "Umm…let's just say that I've gained a whole new perspective on life, and I've discovered that I have to fight for happiness, and that I can't just expect to let it happen."

Dr. Bumby nodded, "Good for you, David, I'm happy for you. But if you ever want to talk about anything, really, don't hesitate to knock on my door." I nodded back gratefully, "Now go on, I think your friend is starting to wear a hole in the floor outside the door."

I looked out the tiny window in the door to see Finn pacing back and forth. "Alright, thanks, Doc." I walked up to the door and pushed it open abruptly, impacted Finn's knee, causing him to yelp out in pain. "Aww…I'm so sorry, Finn. Didn't Kurt tell you not to stand next to doors when people are opening them?"

"I thought these doors were pulled open, it works on my side."

"…..Let's just go to lunch, Finn…"

Finn quickly grabbed my arm, "Sweet, let's—"

"Let go of my arm Finn, I'll walk there at normal speed, thank you very much…"

"Oh, well, alright."

As soon as we got to the cafeteria, Finn offered to get me my lunch and didn't give me time to decline before he ran off, leaving me to find our table. I spotted the New Directions' table with Kurt waving to me. I started towards the table at a brisk pace, I'm sure Kurt is not in the best of moods today, with me being snatched up constantly from him.

"Well well, glad to see Finn hasn't torn your arm off with the way he's been dragging you around school today…One might think that you're dating him instead." Kurt squinted at me annoyedly.

"C'mon, Fancy, the guy's a needy mess, his girlfriends constantly betray him and he doesn't have a whole lot of friends who won't turn on him." I sat down next to my boyfriend and nudged his shoulder with my own before resting my head on it."

"Hmm, I guess so, but why is he acting all strange about it, like he's being more of a selfish child hogging his favorite toy."

"What? I thought he acted like this all the time?"

"Nope, I'm actually pretty cool sometimes."

Kurt and I turned our attentions to Finn who sat down on my other side, handing me a tray with two burgers on it. Kurt leaned over my front to interrogate Finn,

"So, Finnegan, mind telling me now why you're clinging onto my boyfriend like a child does to his favorite blanket?"

"I'm so not doing it like that; I'm clinging onto him like I do with my body pillow…" And of course, Finn has both of his arms wrapped around my left arm and snuggling his face into my bicep.

"Finn…Finn! You're making a little bit of a scene…" I try to shake him off but he just squeezes harder.

"Finn?" Kurt pipes up.

The annoying lug looks up, "Hmm?"

"You're keeping poor David from eating, he's gonna need his strength to pay attention to you."

"Wha? Kurt…"

Kurt leans into my ear so only I can hear, "You're gonna have to play his game in order for him to stop, trust me, only when things are okay in his head will he let things go."

"Rrgh, well, alright, I guess so…" I managed to free my arm from Finn's loosened grip and grabbed one of the burgers to munch on…So far, it's been a pretty flippin' strange day…Can't get any worse can it? "Alright, Finn buddy, you're leading the way today, whatever you want to do, I'm game!"

"Sweet!" He leans over my front this time to talk to Kurt, "Sorry Kurt, but Dave's mine for today!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kurt's teeth grit in annoyance…and is that a hint of jealousy I detect?

"Hmph, whatever, I have some catching up to do with my girls anyway, just bring him home in one piece, you hear?"

"Yeah yeah, I hear you, bro…"

Then Kurt reached behind me and pulled Finn around, his voice sounded really serious this time around, "I mean it Finn! Do not test me on this; I hope you remember the last time you seriously pissed me off…"

The hairs on my neck stood on end…Something started to feel horribly different with Kurt…Something that made it really hard to breathe.

"*Gulp* I-I-I'm sorry Kurt, please, it's only til the end of today, I promise. There's just something I gotta see…"

"Fine…" And with that, Kurt stood up from the table, "I just remembered that I have something to do in the library, you'll be fine without me, right, Hamhock?"

"Umm…Yeah, I think…What do you have to do?"

"Oh, I just need to check out a couple songbooks and propose a few selections to Mr. Shue." He leans forward to plant a kiss on my cheek, "Have fun, you two." Kurt turned on his heels and headed out of the cafeteria. I gulped down the rest of my first burger as I watched him leave; my mind went to bad places as I saw his ass swaying side to side…

"C'mon dude, finish up, we got a whole day waiting for us!" Finn said before chomping down one of his burgers which he spent the last couple of minutes loading a bunch of fries on top of the patty and mashing down with the bun.

"God, how do you not gain weight?" I shake my head as I pick up my second burger.

"I don't know, probably 'cause I poop a lot."

I put down my burger, appetite now suppressed, "And I'm done."

Quickly snatching up my discarded burger, "Sweet, more for me!"

After witnessing Finn break the Guinness World Record for speed eating three cheeseburgers loaded with fries, we got up and bussed our trays before heading to our next classes (And once again, Finn pulled the whole 'I'm gonna miss you' bit, and me literally pushing him down the hall to get him going to his next class.

The last two classes were kinda dull…Strange, I was actually looking forward to the chaos that Finn was bringing into my day. When the final bell rang, I found him outside the door to my class.

"Dude, are you cutting class early to meet me at mine?"

"I just tell the teacher that I need to use the bathroom and…I guess they just forget that I left…Anyhoo! Come on, I need to show you something, follow me."

"Alright, lead the way, Finn."

We made our way through the thinning crowds of students going on their separate ways home. Finn led me outside, past the courtyard, past the quad, heading towards the football field…The whole time, Finn's been eerily quiet, what happened to the loudmouthed clingy mess that was with me the entire day? Now he's walking more than 6 feet away when not even a couple hours ago, I couldn't get him off my arm.

"Yo, Finn! What's up, bud?" I caught up to him and managed to look on his face, which had an extremely conflicted expression. As soon as we reached the middle of the football field, he stopped and turned to face me. A light expression appeared on his face,

"Dave…I had a really great time today, I know it was probably hell for you with me clinging on to you like crazy. But you know…It was really awesome having someone like you there for me, someone other than my mom and Mr. Shue I can really trust and hug on to without getting a restraining order put on me. You're really an alright guy, Dave. Someone that's become very important to me as well, someone precious to protect…" Finn's expression suddenly turned forlorn, "Which is why it kills me to have to do this…"

"What are you talking about Finn?" I advanced towards him.

"Sorry dude, rules are rules…even though I really wished not to go through with it."

My eyes widened in shock, oh god no! It's a trap! I quickly turned to run away, but as Finn yelled out, "NOW!" A gigantic barrier formed over the entire football field. I turned back to face him,

"What the fuck, Finn? Why all this, why now?"

"I needed to see if I could go through with this…You've become such a good friend now without even fighting me."

"Then why? Why do you have to fight me, you see that I'm a good guy, don't you?"

"Of course I do, Dave! But I just can't give you a free pass, it just doesn't work that way. Like I said, rules are rules…"

"Fuck the rules, Finn! It doesn't have to be this way!"

"*Sigh* but it does…I know, it sucks…And just in case you plan on not fighting, I gave Brittany strict orders not to lift the barrier until one of us bites it."

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "Ergh…It can't be helped…Fine, Finn, I'll play by your rules…"

"Okay then…Now, in this battle, we're both taking something precious that we own and putting it behind a separate barrier; these barriers are connected to our HP, so when it hits 0, then the barrier shatters, leaving behind the precious item for you to destroy."

"So, this battle is all about protecting something you care about?"

"That's right." Finn held his hand out and in a flash of light, an object appeared in his hand…It was the helmet he showed me a couple days ago…

"Wait, Finn! Th-that's your dad's isn't it?"

"You have to be willing to risk everything you hold dear for what you believe in…" He held the helmet very close to his chest before throwing it behind him where it floated in the air and shot towards the end of his side of the field, a barrier erecting itself behind it.

"One thing, I don't have anything like that on me…" I fibbed, not wanting to put Kurt's cake topper which I have stashed in my backpack on the line.

"Really Dave?"

Suddenly, my backpack unzipped itself and the cake topper was lifted out of it by an unknown force…probably Brittany… "He-heey! Give that back!" I grabbed for the cake topper floated to my end of the field, a barrier appearing behind it as well; I ran up to it and slammed into the force field, my fists pounding into it as hard as they could, but the wall showed no sign of giving way.

"Hmm, it looks like that's pretty valuable to you, isn't it?"

"Rrgh…Son of a…You don't understand, it isn't mine to put on the line!"

"Well, with the way you reacted to it being taken, I'd say that it's still pretty damn important to you…"

My fists tightened, making my knuckles pop, "Goddamn it, Finn, it's Kurt's! I can't let anything happen to it, I have to get it back to him in one piece…because it's precious to him as well…"

"Hmm, all the more reason for you to fight to protect it…"

"Shit…I fought you before and I kicked your ass, what makes you think you can beat me now?"

"Last time, we weren't allowed to use lethal force…And during our fight today with those puckheads, you don't think I didn't watch how you fought?

Fuck, he's been playing me this whole time…But…I don't want to fight Finn, he's become such a good friend to me as well…

"Are you ready, Dave?" Finn got into his fighting stance.

"I don't like this at all, Finn…But I will protect this cake topper and win this battle!" I got into my fighting stance.

"Good! Now, show me that you can protect something you hold dear with your life!"

David Karofsky vs. Finn Hudson

BGM: NieR- The World of the Recycled Vessel OST: Emil- Ultimate Weapon no. 7



The wind picked up around us as we stood our ground, the grass whipping up in a tiny green whirlwind and dissipating in the air. The gravity felt heavy, and it was getting hard to breathe; Finn's eyes locked onto mine, completely focused and adamant about completing his mission. Just as the breeze died down, I dug my feet into the ground and pushed off, dashing towards my rival. Our forearms clashed, causing a wave of force to explode out from us, making more grass fly out from underneath us. A dark smirk formed on Finn's face before he threw a few punches at me; I dodged deftly and returned a few of my own, which Finn evaded as well.

Our stalemated exchanged kept up for a while longer until I followed up a punch barrage with a surprise roundhouse kick, but instead of feeling his face on my shin, his iron grip was encompassing my leg instead.

"Hmph, seen it, Dave…" He twisted my leg down and gripped it with both hands before heaving me up into the air and following up with uppercutting me in the kidney HP: -150 (1619), making me do a back-flip in the air and flopping face-first in the grass HP: -25 (1594). Ow…The pain radiated from my back and rippled throughout my body…fuck, I'm gonna piss blood if I get out of this one…

"Wake up, dude!" Finn's voice rang from above me and I quickly rolled forward on reflex just before Finn's knee impacted into the ground. Hastily taking the opening, I whirled around and drove my elbow into his forehead, charging up a shining gold sphere in my opposite palm and slamming it on my fist, "Golden Hammer!" SP: -45 (480) The energy burst through my elbow and ejected out the back of Finn's head, making him fly far back, tumbling rapidly on the ground. I ran after him and performed a successful punch combo on his staggering form, but as I landed my fifth punch, Finn grabbed my wrist and twisted it painfully behind my back HP: -10, -10, -10, -10 (1554).

"Had enough, Dave?" Finn whispered closely in my ear.

I struggled against his hold, "Egh…Just getting sta—AHH!" Just as I was about to send back my retort, Finn grabbed the back of my neck and hooked his leg around mine and slammed me face-first into the ground in a Russian leg sweep. HP: -100 (1454) Goddamn it…I was afraid this battle wasn't gonna be that easy, I mean, Finn and I are heralded as two of the best fighters in all of Lima. As I wrenched my face out of the grass, Finn grabbed my leg hoisting me up, making me hop on one leg. Reacting quickly, I jumped up high enough to turn around and whip my free leg into the side of Finn's head, causing him to lose his grip on my leg as temporarily lose consciousness. As Finn fell to the ground, I noticed his barrier on the far end of the field starting to flicker.

"Hey, Dave…Urgh…" I spin back around to see Finn staggering back up and dusting himself off, "Evenly matched as usual, huh?"

I shook my head, "No Finn…I have so much more riding on this than you do…Rrgh, I gotta win this!" I dashed forward and threw an unsuccessful punch combo, Finn weaving left and right expertly. Taking a short backstep, I winded up for a haymaker and launched it forward…

"Aegis!" Instead of feeling Finn's face or thin air, I felt my fist impact painfully on a solid steel surface. HP: - 15 (1439). I quickly dashed back and shook out my throbbing hand, looking up to see Finn's dark stare peeking up from behind his shield. He threw his left arm out to the side, shaking off the summoning sparkles left by his weapon. Gah…that's gonna be trouble, this is the first time I've seen Finn summoning his weapon, which I took more notice of…It's a really worn rectangular military combat shield, plenty of dents and rust patches adorning its surface…wait…

"Finn, is that—"

"Yeah…" He raises the shield up, inspecting the aged piece, "It's my dad's…One day when I was looking through his trunk, I found this, with a letter addressed to me on it. It said it was now up to me to protect the ones that I love…This shield was passed to me to do just that. So I have important things riding on this battle too!" Finn dashed at me and attempted to bash me with his shield, the bulky piece of metal was an easy enough target to dodge, but as I backdashed from a thrusting slam, I failed to see Finn launching a strong jab with his right hand from behind his shield, which impacted squarely on my cheekbone. HP: -50 (1389)

He tried to follow up with a right hook, but I shook off the stars quickly enough to jump up to dodge it, bringing my leg up into the air, "Crimson Sky!" SP: -10 (470) I brought my heel crashing down as hard as I could, but Finn reacted fast enough by bracing his shield above his head. Damn it! Using the shield as quick leverage, I pushed off of it into a back-flip, and hurriedly dashed forward, giving Finn a short uppercut in his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He retorted by bringing his shield around to bash me, but I stopped it in its tracks by grabbing it and pushing against it. "Counter Force!" I felt an insanely strong force ramming into my chest, launching me back a few good yards. HP: -300 (1089) Motherfuck, what the shit? Gah! I clutched my chest trying to ease the screaming pain bursting from my sternum as I staggered back up.

"Th-that shield…it—"

"Yep, it lets me use my Counter Force without me having to take any damage!" I stood my ground, halting and hasty attack, he'll just counter everything that I throw at him. "What, not makin' a move, dude? Then I'll just have to come after you! Burst Knuckle!" Finn thrust his fist out, blasting out a flame-colored bullet of energy which barreled down the field, directly at me. It was much faster than I thought, but I was able to dodge roll out of the way in time for it to dissipate against the outside barrier.

Finn fired off a few more Burst Knuckles for me to dodge; however, I was running out of room to run, and Finn kept closing the space in between us. As I came out of a dodge roll, Finn was really close to me and he shot out one more Burst Knuckle. Fuck, not enough time or room to dodge…Think, Dave, think! That's it, why don't I do a little bit of countering myself? I got into a defensive stance, and forced my strength outwards, a faint acid green aura surrounding my body just as the energy bullet hit me. I could feel the attack trying to force itself on me, but with a yell of effort and a fierce swing of my crossed arms, I reflected the Burst Knuckle off of me, "Viridian Riposte!" SP: -75 (395)

The energized fist flew back it Finn at breakneck speed, not giving him enough time to defend as his own attack blasted right into his chest, making him fly at least halfway across the field. Finn lurched up, screaming and patting out the fire burning a hole in his shirt. "Rgghhaa!" Finn coughed up a nice spattering of blood as he chuckled, "Hehe *cough*…Wow, didn't know you have your own counterattack too…"

"Hehe, yeah, didn't think it right to keep it from you…"

"DAVID!" I whirled around to see Kurt pounding on the outside of the barrier. Not thinking about the battle now, I ran to him and placed my hands on the barrier.

"Kurt! Heh…how's it going?" I gave him a cheesy smile.

"Don't give me that, Hamhock! What are you…FINN!" Kurt's eyes widened and I turned around and dodged a charging Finn, whose fist collided with the outer barrier, a shocking ripple traveling throughout the entire field's shield.

"I'll talk to you about it later, Kurt, but for now—Ahh!" Finn threw a punch combo at me, which I was able to dodge deftly, but was unable to evade a forward shield charge, barreling me down to the ground. HP: -45 (1044)

"Goddamn it, Finn! Is this what you've been planning this whole day?"

"Heh, sorry Kurt…I didn't want to do this either, but y'know, rules are rules, I have to test him in order to truly know whether or not he is ready to be with you."

"Fuck the rules, Finn! I am so tired of everyone testing our relationship, what gives you all the right?"

"YOU KNOW WHY, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, KURT!" The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, hearing Finn's voice completely change from his usual lighthearted tone to a furious and dark one.

"This isn't about Blaine, Finn!"

"I'm not talking about Blaine, Kurt, I'm talking about—" Finn's voice caught on itself and he stepped back uneasily.

"Do not…go there, Finn…It's been buried…" Goosebumps formed all over my skin, as I turned to see Kurt on edge, the very air around him distorting.

"H-has it, Kurt?" With that simple question from Finn, Kurt slammed his palm into the barrier with such a frightening force, making a crack form.

"KURT, NO! Please, stop, go back…go back…" Finn ran up to Kurt and implored him to stop. The malice in my boyfriend's eyes seemed to fade and he wavered in place, cupping his eyes in one hand,

"I-I'm sorry…*pant pant*…David…" He looks back over to me with his eyes shining once more, "Fight."

I'm really concerned about what this exactly was about…It's like Kurt completely changed in front of me in the span of 10 seconds…I'm gonna have to bring it up later…But for now…I nodded and turned my focus to Finn. "Let's do this, Finn…"

He nodded back at me and we both dashed at each other, our fists colliding with each other's face. HP: -40 (1014) We both were forced back a short distance from the exchange, then returned to yet another stalemated boxing match, both of us weaving through the other's punches. Finn then quickly ducked down and swept me off my feet, but I was quick enough to catch myself before my body impacted the ground. My sight then moved above me as Finn dived down with a meteor punch; just as he was about to make impact, I was able to grab is arm as jerked it down, veering his punch off course, driving his arm deep into the ground. I seized the opportunity to slide out from underneath him and grabbed his head to deliver a sharp knee to his forehead, the force of which wrenched his arm out of the ground and sent him reeling across the field.

As he wobbled back up, "Ehrgh…Phehe, is that it, David? Is that really the best you can do to protect someone you care about?"

I started panting heavily, the battle was starting to wear on my stamina… "Th-that's not even close to what I can even do…" I shook off my blurred vision.

"I think this is all you can do…It's pathetic, dude. You can't protect Kurt like this…Face it, this is the best you can do, it's okay."

Finn's words were starting to chip away at me…Is he right? I don't seem to be doing very much against him, I've just been lucky with the opportunities I've been getting in this fight...Is that all I have been so far in all my fights, lucky? Looking back, yeah, most of my fights have been won with a lucky final opportunity…Can I not do anything with my own power? Am I that weak and helpless to fight for what I believe in? I felt the rage of being helpless starting to bubble over everything that I am, like a wave of heat rippling over my skin.

"NOOO!" I blindly blasted forward, in an effort to crash into Finn.

"Burst Knuckle!"

Acting out of pure instinct, I managed to reflect the incoming energy bullet, "Viridian Riposte!" SP: -75 (320) The projectile flew back at Finn, who managed to guard against it with his shield. Without hesitating, I jumped up into the air, readying my next attack, "Crimson Sky!" SP: -10 (310) Finn raised his shield up again and my attack bounced harmlessly off the steel plate. "GODDAMN IT! FUCKING SHIELD!" I landed back down on the ground on all fours, fingers digging into the ground, "Stat Boost: Strength!" SP: -250 (60) STR: +125 (202 – 327) I felt raw energy coursing through my veins and I heaved myself off the ground, kicking up a huge chunk of the field, and launched myself towards my opponent.

"RRRGGHHHAAAA!" I put all of the strength I had into my best haymaker and impacted onto the Aegis shield. But no matter how much power I put behind my punches, the shield just kept absorbing all the damage. "Rrgh! Why. Won't. It. FUCKING. BREAK?" I was too caught up in my strength high to feel my knuckles being torn up on the dull metal surface, now being painted with my own blood. HP: -15, -15, -15, -15, -15, -15, -15 (909)

Finn finally grabbed one of my arms and threw me over his shoulder in an arm drag throw. HP: -20 (889) As I impacted the ground, I immediately felt all the strength I built up leave me… STR: -125 (327 – 202)

Popping his neck then inspecting the tarnished surface of his weapon, "Hoo…The reason why this shield won't break is because it's powered by my desire to protect the ones I care about. So as long as I have a breath in my body, this shield will always be indestructible. And as long as you have that rage inside you, you will lose sight of what you believe in…That is why you will lose today, Dave…"

I gnashed my teeth together…No! I can't lose this! I refuse to! I don't care if it destroys me, I will protect Kurt, I will

Errgh…! N-n-NO! I felt my dark influence starting to flood over my entire body, coating me in what felt like both liquid nitrogen and lava, my vision darkening, the pure rage manifesting itself as shadowed tendrils protruding from the shady aura forming over my skin. I grabbed my head and screamed out my lungs, the pain felt like I was being ripped in two. Then I felt out of control, as my body picked itself up and my voice rang out in a distorted tone,

"I WILL WIN AND I WILL BE FREE!" I sped forward in a frightening speed and clawed at Finn's shield, ripping off several of my fingernails. HP: -20, -20, -20, -20, -20 (809)

All of my assaults were uncalculated and blindly thrown out, which gave Finn perfect opportunities to intercept and counter each of my wild punches and kicks with his own flawlessly placed punches. HP: -50, -75, -30, -40 (614)

Every blow I wasted and Finn landed knocked even more energy that not even my rage can keep up with, leaving me woozy and unable to move in the middle of the field.

"Time to put an end to you, Karofsky…I'm sorry, Dave…But this is the only way…" My vision cleared in time to see Finn holding up his shield arm, which has been shining even brighter and brighter with every blow I landed on it, behind the shield, I never noticed that he's been stacking countless Counter Force sparks into one tremendously powerful attack. Finn hunched down, his shield shining with a blinding light.

My breathing picked up, tears forming in my eyes, I looked to Kurt on the outside, who had been screaming the entire time, but my rage had deafened me to his pleas…It's too late, isn't it? We locked eyes on each other one last time as I reached out to him helplessly, "K-k-kurt…"

"Hyper Aegis Crash!" Finn's body shot forward like a beam of light, and…nothing…I couldn't feel the impact of his shield shattering every rib in my chest or even the gravity of my body rushing all the way down the field and smashing into my barrier, snapping my spine in two, the barrier I bounced off of shattering into a million pieces. HP: -4780 (0)


Not even did I feel my body collapse forward and fall to the ground…Through my blurred vision, I was able to make out Finn's form walk up to where I was and grabbed the cake topper from the air.

"Sorry Dave…I really am…You can sleep now…"

Darkness veiled over my eyes as the frantic screams from Kurt started to muffle out…I descended into a black void…Is this really it? I failed, I let my anger get the best of me…Some good you were, Karofsky…It's so cold here, I can't even see my own hands…Fuck, I couldn't even die honorably, now I'm wallowing in a pool of my own despair; around me, it doesn't feel like zero gravity, but like I'm in a thick inky ocean. Why did I have to succumb to my rage? Was I that desperate to win, to sacrifice all of my rational thought and what I believed in? What was I supposed to do? What was the point of the battle?

…To protect…To protect someone you cared for…I lost sight of my desire to protect Kurt…My sobs echoed and were unheard in the dark void…If I could just have one last chance…please…God, Fate, whoever…I need to protect him…No…not just him, but my belief in being my true self. Please…I just don't want to be scared anymore…Please…one more chance…

Wh-what? What is that? Th-that faint sparkle…It feels…It feels warm, it kinda tickles…Where is it? What the…my wrist? How…? The bracer! I can feel Kurt's hopes coursing through my body…He too believes in me…The light is now starting to radiate off my body, lighting up the darkness…There's a light in the distance, is it…? I gotta head towards it…With the shining light surrounding me, I was able to swim through the ink with ease. But as I was about to touch the beacon, I felt the icy grip of multiple hands grasping my ankles, pulling me back towards the darkness,

"N-no! I'm not going with you, not today, I am not done here! Now let me the fuck go!" I desperately kicked off the shadowy hands and dived towards the guiding light until the white glare engulfed my eyes. The shimmering bracer on my wrist burst forth a field of silvery contrast, surrounding my body. And in that instant, I felt a huge gust of air filling my lungs, and a loud whooshing noise blasting in my ears. My body lurched forward violently and then felt it, gravity, the smell of the freshly cut grass. My eyes opened and I was nearly blinded by the intake of color. I was back.

Argent Pinion Bracer effect activated: Auto-Revive, Auto-Restore

HP: Fully Restored! (1799)

SP: Fully Restored! (525)

My vision swiftly shifted up to see Finn in the process of crushing the cake topper in his hand. I gotta act quickly! I pushed myself off the ground and swept Finn off the ground, causing him to scream out in shock, dropping the cake topper on the ground. Bringing myself up hastily, I drove my elbow into his airborne chest and performed my technique, "Golden Hammer!" SP: -45 (480) The shining energy shot out of Finn's back and blasted him all the way down the field to his side, I dashed at full speed right behind him.

As his body bounced full force on to the barrier, I stood directly in front of him and held my defensive stance, "Viridian Riposte!" SP: -75 (405) Finn's body was immediately deflected off my aura and slammed onto his barrier again then back into my aura, then crashing into the barrier again, causing a perpetual damage trap; each impact doubling in damage every time Finn ran into my Viridian Riposte, by 2, then 4, then 8, and so on until Finn's body got visibly battered.

After one last smash into his own barrier, I took a quick back-dash and flicked my hand out to the side, "Penalty!" My weapon flashed into my hand, tossed it in the air and gave it a strong spinning roundhouse, trailing red energy as I whirl about, "Crimson Horizon!" SP: -10 (395) My foot collided with the tail-end of my halberd, sending it flying towards a still-airborne Finn, impaling him against his own barrier.


I walked up to my defeated opponent, who managed to utter a few last words, "H-h-how…?"

"Honestly, I don't truly know…But what I do know is that earlier, I lost my way…I lost sight of what I believed in…And for that, I'm sorry…"

"Hehe…You made it out okay though…I'm glad…" Finn's eyes started to blank out, "G-good game, dude…" He wearily raised his fist, which I gently bumped,

"Yeah, good game…" And with that, the life left Finn's eyes and his hand fell limp. His body flashed brightly and burst outwards in a grand explosion of light, shattering his barrier and sending out countless recovery and experience orbs.

HP: Fully Restored! (1799)

SP: Fully Restored! (525)

XP: +50000 (8975/22000)

David: Level up! (24 – 27)

HP: +183 (1799 – 1982)

SP: +61 (525 – 586)

STR: +17 (202 – 219)

DEF: +22 (170 – 192)

SPD: +19 (160 – 179)

SP ATK: +26 (173 – 199)

SP DEF: +19 (152 – 171)

LUK: +13 (108 – 121)

The whole barrier surrounding the field then shattered, its luminescent shards dissipating into prismatic sparks. I breathed a sigh of relief and slowly collapsed to the ground, completely exhausted, despite being fully healed.

"David!" I felt Kurt's warming presence kneeling by my side, his soft fingers gently touching my face.

"Is he…?"

"Mm…No, he's just completely worn out…"

I cracked open my eyes and tried to push myself up at a snail's pace.

"Dave, Dave, take it easy hun…" My eyes focused on my gorgeous boyfriend, his now gentle eyes soothing any remaining unease I may have had since the battle ended.

"Yeah, dude, you totally came back from the dead, literaturely." My focus then when to a newly revived Finn, now beaming contentment.

"Literally, Finn. Same goes to you too, how does it feel to come back to life?" I replied with a smirk.

"Goddamn, dying sucks balls…"

"Yeah, I agree…"

"But I need to know, how did you come back, Dave?" Finn inquired.

I looked down at my wrist and then to Kurt, "It was this, wasn't it, Kurt? It brought me back, didn't it?"

Kurt happily nodded, "Mhmm, I thought you might have needed it, what with all these crazy battles. It had the ability of Auto-Revive and Auto-Restore."

"Hmm? Had?" I looked back down at the bracer just to see it quickly tarnish and turn to dust, blowing away in the light breeze. Argent Pinion Bracer broke!

"Mm, unfortunately, it's just a one-time deal…"

"Well, in that case, do you have any more I can have, babe?" I gave Kurt my best puppy dog eyes look.

"Pheh, no can do, David Karofsky," He poked me in the chest, "I'm not gonna help you cheat death time and again." I sunk down dejectedly, "Think of it this way though, you've just defeated Finn, who was your biggest competition for number one fighter in Lima. I'd think that it'd be clear sailing from here on out."

A pleasant smile placed itself on my face, "Right. Oh, right, I almost forgot!" I ran back across the field, picked up the cake topper that Finn dropped on the ground and booked it back to Kurt. "*pant pant* I think this belongs to you, Kurt…I can explain, I wanted to return it to you right away, but I had my reasons, which were not so clear to me but I-"

Kurt held up a hand, cutting me off and shaking his head lightly, "David…It really doesn't matter to me as to why you've kept it, I'm just so happy that you've kept it safe."

"Well then…I think it's time that I gave it back to you…" I gently offered the figurine to Kurt, who simply shook his head again and pushed it back towards me gently,

"Mm, no…I want you to keep it, consider it my own memento…"

"Kurt…" I looked down at the piece in my hand and nodded gratefully, "Thank you…"

"Of course! Just don't ever lose or damage it, or I'll seriously kick your ass!" Kurt threw a few mock punches at me; we both shared a good laugh together.

"Ahem, umm, Dave?" My attention was then drawn to Finn, who was standing next to me, presenting his father's helmet to me. "You have one more prize to take, or rather, destroy…" He placed the rusted piece of equipment in my hands.


"Just do it, Dave…You won the battle, now do what you gotta do…" Finn sniffled.

I looked down at the helmet in my hands…What the hell am I supposed to do? This thing is one of the only memories Finn has of his dad, destroying it would mean eliminating that memory from the world…Is Finn really giving me a choice in the matter? I lifted the helmet high above my head…

"David…" Kurt voiced his concern.

I looked over to Finn who had a sullen look on his face and closed his eyes in anticipation of what he expects to happen. Instead of smashing the helmet, I shoved it onto a shocked Finn's head and patted the top of the helmet.

"Wha? What are you doing, Dave?"

I smiled, placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly, "Finn…This battle was all about protecting something you cared about, not destroying something. The entire battle, you held true to that ideal until the very end. I'm not gonna take away one of the only memories you have of your dad. Take care of it, dude." I walked to Kurt and took his hand, "C'mon, Fancy, we're going home."

As we made our way down the field, Finn caught up to us, "Dave, Kurt, wait up!" He ran around us and stopped us from going further. "You still won the battle, dude, I need to give you something…Oh, and…thanks…for not going through with it, Dave…"

"Of course, Finn, you've become such a good friend to me, so I've come to care about you a lot, even though you drive me bonkers at times; I swear, sometimes I think you might be the male version of Santana…"

"Dude, so not the way I am…For starters, I don't have a portal to an infinite space inside my hair…And I don't look so hot in spanky pants either."

"I don't know, Finn, you could probably pull them off." Kurt chuckled lightly, eying Finn up and down.

Finn's eye twitched slightly, "Umm…or not…So, uh…Dave."


"Hold out your hand for me." Holding out my hand, Finn held it in his own, a soft glow of light gleaming in between our clasped palms. When the light faded, Finn pulled his hand back and I felt the presence of a small metal object in my palm. Upon closer inspection, I finally realized what the bronze star was,

"Finn, this is your dad's Medal of Honor! I-I can't take this, it means so much to you…" I offered the medal back to Finn, who quickly shoved it back to me, closing my fingers around it.

"No, Dave, you earned it, just like all of the other items you got from everyone else."

"Errgh…Okay, but know, just like the other mementos, I'm just borrowing it until this is all over…" The medal surrounded itself in an opaque milky orb and flashed out of my hand. Key Item acquired: Finn's Medal of Honor

"Take good care of it, Dave."

"Of course, if it's precious to you, then it's precious to me as well…Huh, it's like every memento I get further strengthens my own desire and ability to protect…"

"You're definitely becoming stronger, David…We'll make it through this…" Kurt took my hand and hooked his arm through Finn's, "Together, friends and all."

I cocked a bemused eyebrow at my boyfriend, "Kurt, you're being corny and cliché…It's adorable." I tickled his side…which Kurt followed up with punching me in the gut, making me double over. HP: -50 (1932)

"Don't patronize me, David Karofsky! That's it, no sex today! Hmph!" And with that, he stormed off, leaving me to run after him.

"He-hey, Kurt! I'm sorry! Haha, I was joking!" I ran after him, chuckling. Finn ran next to me chuckling to himself too,

"The real battle is the relationship, isn't it?"

"Don't I know it? Hehe…"

We ran after Kurt, who seemed to be having a good time too. The sun started to set as all three of us play fought on the field, Kurt performing flashy kicks, Finn grabbing both of us in a bear hug.

Today was…well, interesting to say the least…First, I thought Finn was trying to steal me from Kurt, then I nearly get my arm ripped off from being dragged around the school by the same infantile teenager. Then that same exact guy tried to kill me…well…he actually did succeed…Though something still bothered me…As we were play fighting, I stole a few scrutinizing glances at my boyfriend; what was with Kurt today? Is there something he wasn't telling me? If it wasn't Blaine that was bothering him, then what in his past is causing such a frightening display of anger? Could it be that he has a dark influence inside of him like I do? But this is Kurt…I've never seen him harm a fly…except for bashing his leg right into Blaine's face…Though, every time I try to ask him what's up, he just evades the question…

Whatever it may be, I need to know what was bothering him, and if it has to do with me. If he can help me with my problems, then maybe I can do the same. Mm, yeah, before these crazy battles go any further, I'll need to know what's up. Kurt…I trust you, please, place your trust in me too.

From the bleachers, Santana and Brittany amusedly watch the three boys play fighting on the field in front of them. The Latina Cheerio nudged her girlfriend with her shoulder,

"Say Brit, wouldn't those three be kinda hot in a three-way? Well…maybe it'd just be as hot as just Davey and Kurtsie together, 'cause Finn doesn't really do much…"

"I'm so ahead of you Tanna, Lord Tubbington is already editing it as we speak." Brittany magically dismissed the tablet she was using to write her fanfiction as Dave and Finn were fighting.

"You're a genius, Brit; the BSP Fanfics are gonna be all the rage on the internet…So, what are these three gonna be called? Dave and Kurt are 'Kurtofsky or Karommel', Finn and Kurt are 'Kinn or ugh…Furt', seriously how fucking gross does that sound? Ahem, Dave and Finn are 'Hudofsky or Davinn'…So what would Dave, Kurt and Finn be?"

The blonde twirled a golden strand of her hair in thought, "Hmm…Furvid…"

"Genius, Brit…Just genius." Santana praised the smug girl beside her. "Well, shall we check how Lord Tubbington is doing?"

"He doesn't like to be bothered when writing his smut, but I suppose it's time for his red velvet cake fix. C'mon, I'll warp us there! Azu!" Flashing in front of Brittany was her obese blue stuffed bunny, which starting mimicking her movements as she casted her spell.

"Weave through space and take flight,

To our destination on wings of light—Warp!"

On her incantation, Brittany and Santana were surrounded by a golden sphere of light, which quickly flashed out, leaving the girls nowhere to be seen. Moments later, a small golden portal appeared again and a hand popped out, grabbing the stuffed animal, "Sorry, Azu, forgot about you!" The rabbit was pulled into the portal, which vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Meanwhile, back at the Berry household, Rachel was still standing patiently on the sidewalk, waiting for Finn to pick her up like he said as nocturnal creatures started to make their night calls.

Today's song was A Walk Through Hell by Say Anything.

Heya everyone! I'm glad to be back, sharing this story of epic epicness with you all! So, how did you like the season premiere? I apologize if it was a little too much Hudofsky and not enough Kurtofsky. So much happening, huh? What the hell is Kurt's problem, will Dave be able to keep Karofsky under control, will Finn be truly converted to the rainbow side? For the battles, are you playing the music I provided in the background while you read the battle scenes? Also, are you starting to see a pattern in David's techniques? :-P

Stay tuned, faithful pirates, for coming up soon shall be the introduction to the BSP Fanfics, starring Furvid. Alrighty, time for me to get to work, I hope you've enjoyed this new chapter, and thank you all so very much for sticking with me for this long. I'll be sure to actually mention to you ahead of time if I'm thinking of going on another hiatus. Now, let me see those welcome-back reviews...please! Much epic love to you all! ~ShonenOkami