Zero hummed a common melody, his hips swayed from side to side as he continued to slice the vegetables on the kitchen's counter. Zero knew if he wasn't careful enough, he could have accidentally cut his fingers.

He reached for the bowl next to him, putting the clean vegetables inside it. He wore a pink apron with picture of sleeping panda knitted to it, a birthday gift from his lover -... no, from his husband.

"You lift my feet off the ground and spin me around..." Zero started to sing, "You make me crazier, crazier, crazier..."

He gasped when a pair of arms wrapped around his thin waist - a strong, warm pair of arms that he knew very well. Zero didn't turn around to see Haruka's face, he just smiled and let himself to be dragged into the living room, the taller man's arms still around his small frame, never letting go.

"Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes..." Haruka put his grip on Zero's shoulder and spun him around. Loving gaze met shy gaze. "You make me crazier, crazier, crazier..." he sang as well as smiled gently at Zero. However, to the youth, it was more as if Haruka whispered the song in his ear.

The brown-haired man intertwined his fingers with Zero's, his free hand on his husband's slim waist.

They began to dance lightly, steadily and soon it was getting faster as the two looked at each other affectionately.

Haruka sang again, his chin on the silver hair. "Watched from a distance as you, made life your own, every sky was your own kind of blue..."

Zero cackled. His sweet husband could be very romantic sometimes. A bit cheesy too, but it didn't stop him from continuing the part where Haruka left.

"And I wanted to know, how that would feel, and you made it so real..."

They stopped dancing by ended it with a chaste kiss.

"That's cheesy."

"But you love it."

A smile graced Zero's lips, "Happy Anniversary, Haru."

"Happy Anniversary, Zero-rin."

"D-Don't call me that!"


Written By Wookie

Drabble requested by ben4kevin.

Inspired by Seylin.