A/N: You guys are so sweet! The last chapter got the most reviews so far, a total of 6 at the time I'm typing this (which may seem like very few, since there are stories out there with like 20 a chapter, but hey, people who like JapanXGermany are few and far between, and for me, this is a ton! :D) Thanks so much for all your support! :DDDDDDD I love you all!

In thanks, I'm going to let Prussia's little arc dangle on the side while we get back to Japan and Germany. Mwah ha ha ha! XD Also, sorry about the late update (Gawd this sounds familiar, huh?). Apparently, school starts pretty soon and I've been procrastinating on my AP English stuff. XP

Also, if any of you are interested, I had a GREAT time at my seminar! :D Thanks for reading! Here's your chapter! It's a bit short, but I'll update really soon to make up for it, I hope.

Germany squeezed himself into the tiny bathroom. Even in first class- after all, being the embodiment of a nation had its perks (hello frequent flier miles)-, the bathrooms were a bit too cramped for his comfort. But he didn't really have time to worry about that now. Germany locked the door behind him quickly, bent down a little and looked at the mirror.

It wasn't as horrible as he had thought it would be, thank goodness. The bite mark had faded from a bright red to a soft purple and had shrunk a little. It should be gone in another day or two, at most. But Japan had seen it now, and there was little chance that he would still buy the "seat belt" story. With a sigh, he removed the band-aid and reached into his pocket for a fresh one. Thankfully, he had thought to carry a few with him. As he applied the bandage, Germany decided to pretend nothing was wrong. He could always say that something they had eaten yesterday hadn't agreed with him and that was why he had leaped out of the seat. It wouldn't be very convincing, but honestly, what else could he do?

Germany sighed as he crumpled up the bandage's wrapper and threw it in the small bin on the wall. He turned on the faucet and washed his hands. As he pumped soap onto his hands, Germany subconsciously scrunched his nose. Ugh. Melon scented. He hated soap that smelled like fruit, instead preferring the plain, clean smell of regular soap. A light turned on in the bathroom and the pilot began to speak, something about turbulence. Germany turned off the water and looked for paper towels. Finding none, he sighed and shook his hands to get the excess water off, then wiped them on his pants' legs. As he reached for the door handle, he heard a knock.

Japan had decided to sit down again, still staring at the tissue he had used to wipe Germany's mouth.

He felt warm. But not the usual warmth he felt when he saw Germany. Not the soft fluttering in his stomach- no, this warmth was uncomfortable, like when Mekishiko-san had convinced him to out "chiltepin" on his "menudo". What could this strange sensation be? Suddenly, a light blinked on above him and the intercom crackled.

"Passengers, this is your pilot speaking. I would like to ask you to please put your seatbelts on- it appears we are approaching a patch of rough air. You may continue to use your electronic devices. It also appears that we are about twenty minutes ahead of schedule, so we will be landing in Tokyo sooner than expected. Again, please stay in your seats until the light turns off and prepare for some slight turbulence. Thank you." The message began again, in Japanese. The copilot's voice was softer than that of his British companion.

"Jokyaku wa, kore wa, pairotto no kaiwadesu…"

As the pilot spoke, Japan looked over at the door to the restroom that Germany had entered. There was no movement. With a sigh, he leaned back in his seat and put the tissue aside, clicking his seatbelt into place. A flight attendant passed by, carrying a trash bag.

"Anata wa hanarete sore o suro shimasu ka?" She asked, her Japanese heavily accented.

"I would like to, yes," replied Japan in English. The attendant looked relieved.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know if you spoke English or not." She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She held out the bag and Japan tossed in the tissue. "Thank you." She looked behind her, at the bathroom. "I wond- oh, good, Roger's got it." Japan followed her gaze. A male flight attendant, Roger, apparently, knocked on the door for the bathroom. "Well, I'll see you in a bit," she said as the plane began to shake somewhat violently. "I have to go strap into my seat. My name's Mary." Japan looked back at her and smiled.

"I am Kiku. Kochirakoso yoroshiku." The attendant blushed, embarrassed by the fact that this man had significantly better English than her Japanese. Japan bowed his head slightly, still smiling, then turned back to see… Germany embracing Roger.

Germany opened the door to find a flight attendant waiting. "Sorry sir, but I need you to get back to your seat. We've got a little turbulence." Germany tried to step out of the bathroom without crashing into the man, but the plane began to shake and somehow, he ended up falling forward. He caught himself on the wall in front of him, an outstretched arm keeping him standing. The flight attendant had grabbed his other arm to keep from falling. Germany pulled the man up with his arm, hesitantly removing his arm from the wall that was supporting him.

"Are you okay?" he asked the attendant. The plane shook again and the attendant fell forward onto Germany's chest as Germany backpedaled onto the bathroom door. His arms instinctively hugged the smaller man as the plane continued to shake. There was another pause in the shaking and Germany looked down at the man. "A little?" Germany joked. The flight attendant laughed and extracted himself from Germany's arms.

"Sorry about that."

"No problem." Germany turned to go to his seat and the plane rumbled again. He grabbed onto a wall and turned to see the flight attendant, who had managed to grab onto a seat in Business class. Tentatively, Germany made his way back to his seat, only to find Japan staring at him.

"Um… Ja- I mean," he said, remembering that they were supposed to use human names in public. "Kiku, what's wrong?" He sat down and buckled his seatbelt just as another bout of turbulence shook the plane. Germany reached out a hand to Japan, but Japan quickly yanked his away. "K-Kiku?" Japan's eyes looked dark and his usual blank face looked a bit sterner than usual.

"Ludwig-san, what was that about?" He asked quietly.

"The bruise? It's from the seatbelt when I-" Germany said, trying to keep his voice casual.

"Not that. Why…" Japan looked straight into Germany's eyes as he spoke. Germany felt a cold go up his spine. Oh no, did he figure it out? "Why were you embracing that man just now?" Germany relaxed and smiled.

"Oh, you mean the flight attendant? We lost our balance with the turbulence. It's pretty strong." As if to emphasize his point, the plane shook again. Japan's eyes narrowed, then he blinked and was all smiles.

"Of course! The flight attendant here almost fell as well." Germany smiled back, a bit uneasily. Japan was acting weird. "The pilot said we would arrive in Tokyo a bit sooner. You should get back to sleep. I will wake you when we begin our descent." With that, Japan pulled out a book, a manga, in fact, and began to read.

"Um, thank you." Germany leaned against the wall again and closed his eyes. That was strange.

Japan looked at his manga, not really paying attention to what he was reading. He berated himself mentally for speaking to Germany like that. Obviously, he had overreacted. Baka! He thought. For some reason, seeing Germany with the flight attendant had made the uncomfortable heat spread and the muscles in his neck tighten. Japan felt like he had a headache coming on as well. This is strange, thought Japan. These sensations… they are… reminiscent of something I felt long ago…

Shaking his head, Japan tried to focus on his manga. He was overthinking things.


Mekishiko-san: Mexico

Chiltepin: a really spicy little pepper that can be used a seasoning when dried and crushed. Don't use too much though!

Menudo: a stew of sorts, made from… cow stomach. (It's actually really good, but sounds weird if you didn't grow up with it, I guess. I don't know, I like it, but it's a bit chewy. I prefer pozole!)

Jokyaku wa, kore wa, pairotto no kaiwadesu: Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Sorry, used Google Translate for this one, and the next one too… :(

Anata wa hanarete sore o suro shimasu ka: Would you like to throw that away?

Kochirakoso yoroshiku: I am pleased to meet you.

A/N: Thanks for reading, and please, review if you get a chance!