She wasn't really surprised when they told her the news. Really, she had expected it. She had known, by the turn of events, that it would lead to this, and Ino had readied herself for it.

Unlike what everyone thought, it wasn't her feelings that hurt. It wasn't about her love for Sasuke, anymore. It wasn't about winning the love of her life and life being bliss. It wasn't about having a happy ending.

If Asuma-sensei had taught her anything at all, it's that comrades were everything.

When they told her, the shock of Sasuke's sentencing was not the only thing that made her crumble. It wasn't even Sasuke that made her hurt.

When they told her, the only thing that registered in her mind was, 'Sakura.'

All of her feelings seemed to rush through her, then. Everything- the joy of childhood friendship, caring, love- one that blossomed, like a bud that just needed a little water and a little sun and a little patience to bloom- that turned into a bitter rivalry- one that remained unsettled, even now.

But it wasn't about their rivalry anymore.


"Quit crying, Ino!"

"Kiba, don't talk to her like that! Ino is..."

Ino is what?

Hurting? In pain? Heartbroken? If she hadn't been in tears, she would have scoffed. What a joke. Her feelings for Sasuke... it was something she had let go of when he left. She knew it would come down to this. She had to let go of Sasuke, to get stronger. She knew it and when Asuma-sensei died, and told her not to lose to anyone, she knew...

"If Ino's like this... Sakura and Naruto will..."

It was funny, Ino thought, that these people- nakama, they were- could understand each other so much, and yet not at all.

They honestly thought she was crying over Sasuke.

Ino cried, knowing that whatever sad feelings she was having over Sasuke's sentencing was absolutely nothing compared to what Sakura was feeling.

Because Ino knew she was just losing an old crush, someone she had loved, looked up to a bit, someone who she had called, in a sense, her friend. She knew what it was like to see a teammate- in her case, her sensei- die. She knew what it was like to lose someone so precious. The members of a cell become like family, knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses. Ino knew it had been hard enough on Sakura when Sasuke left Konoha, but now, with this...

Ino knew. And that's why she cried, with her face in her hands, sitting on the wooden bench, unable to be comforted by the seven people with her. Cried because her best friend, someone she loved and cherished, was going to hurt in such a way that she couldn't understand, and she knew that there was nothing she could do to stop it. She cried because she couldn't stand seeing Sakura get hurt again.

Ino cried because Sakura cried.

Yamanaka Ino did not cry over Uchiha Sasuke.