His bones ached, his skin was on fire and his mouth was filled with a coppery taste. His limbs wouldn't move and his eyes wouldn't open. He screamed for help but his lungs were not strong enough. He was trapped, scared and screaming inside his own body. One thing that did work however were his ears. He heard beeping, machines, scuffling shoes and voices. The voices kept him awake, familiar voices and strange ones as well.

"Oh god, Sasuke please wakes up..." It was a strangely familiar voice; husky and full of emotion. Did this man know him? He felt a hand larger than his own stroke his skin. This wasn't the first time this man had been here. It had been a few days since the brunet found himself trapped in his own body and every single day this disembodied voice asked him to wake up. Who was he? He sounded sweet, strong and even in this condition it made Sasuke's stomach feel like there were butterflies in it. Who was this man, he never had anyone this sweet to him ever before. No one he knew would get this distraught over him.

He needed to see him, this man who sounded like he loved him. This man who sounded like he needed him, who sat by his side while he suffered, who he had been wishing for since before he could remember. Sasuke poured all of his will into it. He forced his eyes to open. His head screamed and his skin was set ablaze again and he felt like screaming. He didn't care though, he needed to do this, and he needed to see him.

Sasuke's eyes opened blearily and everything was fuzzy and bright. The walls were white and light poured through the window. His dark orbs scanned the room and he saw no one but medical machines which explained the beeping. He tried to sit up but his body would not allow it.

How did he get here? What was wrong with him…why couldn't he remember? Sasuke's heart started beating faster which caused the machine to beat faster. He was panicking, in a strange place with no memory of how he got here. Where his brother, his mom or dad… why was he alone?

"Sasuke! You're awake!" His head turned toward the door and he saw a flash of pink. She was by his side in record time. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" She started messing with the machines connected to his body. Was she allowed to do that? He thought still not able to find his voice. He looked her over, for some reason she was in scrubs and her hair tied up in a messy pony-tail. "How are you feeling?" She asked in a relieved voice as she looked into his eyes, making sure he was focusing.

"Nng" The brunette grunted. Why was she here? Why did she care? As far he knew Sakura hated him. Now that the room was no longer spinning or blurry he got a good look at her. Something was different…she looked older and more filled out. What is going on?

"Hold on Sasuke, I'll be right back. There's someone who wants to see you." She spoke kindly and beamed at him. She scurried out of the room. In a few seconds he heard multiple footsteps heading his way. A sudden wash of relief entered his body. Finally my parents are here…The relief though did not last long at all as many people entered his room, some familiar faces and some faces he had never seen before. They clamored around him all talking at once asking him how he was feeling. He looked at them all with a confused expression. Since when had he had so many friends who cared? He saw Neji and Gaara who he had known since he was little; he supposed he could call them friends. Then his face landed on people like Sakura, Ino, Kiba, and Sai…He knew them sure, but they hated him and he didn't feel too kindly about them either. There were also some faces he didn't recognize at all.

"Where…" Sasuke strained his voice which he had finally found.

"What do you need Sasuke?" Sakura asked coming to his side.

"Where's my mom? My dad? Itachi?" the room became deathly silent just as suddenly as it had been filled with noise and chatter. Sakura looked at him as though she was going to cry. The raven looked at her with confused eyes. "Sasuke…Your parents have been dead for almost seven years…"

'Oh god' His chest clenched. "What? You're lying…" He tried to get up but his body still would not let him.

"Sasuke please stay calm." She rushed over to try and hold him down before he ripped his IV out.

"Fuck you! Where are my parents!" Tears started to spill from his eyes.

"Sasuke!" There is was! That husky beautiful voice. His coal gray eyes darted to the door to see who that voice belonged to. His eyes locked onto blue ones, blonde hair frames his face and Sasuke paled even more if that was possible. A cold dread filled his body and his panic started to rise as the blond stepped closer and closer. Before Sasuke knew it he was trapped in the blond man's arms in a tight hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up."

When Sasuke's initial shock wore off he started to struggle and scream. He pushed the blond away causing him to fall off the bed. His frail frame came in contact with the floor and sent spikes of pain into his body but he kept trying to get away from the man. Naruto tried to come to Sasuke's side but a hand on shoulder stopped him. Sakura walked in front of him and over to Sasuke's side.

"Sasuke, I need you to calm down and tell me what you know. You were in a car accident and you received serious injuries including some brain damage. Tell me, what year is it."

"It's the year 2004" He lookd at her like she had asked a stupid question.

"Your parent…died in a plane crash when you were sixteen…Sasuke, its 2011…"

"What? That can't…your lying!"

"Sasuke!" Naruto rushed to his side causing that away the brunet to flinch when the blond tried to hug him again.

"Get away from me Naruto!" the blond stood there dumbfounded unable to move.

"Naruto…" Sakura began. "Sasuke thinks its 2004 you weren't together then, you weren't friends."

"Together? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Sasuke…" Naruto said in the voice that made Sasuke's stomach do flips. "We've been together for five years….we live together."

Sasuke's world started spinning as the new and devastating information all tried to sink in a once. He vomited bile before he blacked out.