Oh look - I'm not dead.

I am so sorry this has taken so long. There was a massive series of unfortunate events including me breaking my laptop and losing this entire chapter just as I was finished with it, as well as the completed final chapter and epilogue, and my story board and chapter by chapter calendar and well... everything. It took a really long time to do everything over again and I've only had my families computer to work with and as this story is "adult" that didn't really work. The second 1/2 of this chapter was actually typed out on my Cell Phone of all things. Anyway, I am happy to publish this chapter and am super grateful if you're still here to read it. Thank you lovelies.

June, 2017

"Having the engagement party at Dalton just made perfect sense," Carole explained to her sister Meredith and brother-in-law Bob as they entered the living room – where Kurt and Mercedes jointly perfecting Quinn, Amber, Gil, Tina, and Lauren's hair as they perched on kitchen stools and let the two work.

"It's where we met," Kurt called in agreement, giving Quinn's short bob a final sprits of hairspray and declaring it finished. Moving on to let Tina's long mane out of the jumbo sized curlers he flashed the middle-aged couple a giddy smile.

"Never would have met if it weren't for me!" Interjected Puck proudly, entering the crowded space and adjusting his collar.

"Yes, yes, we know, thank you Noah. Save your speech for the wedding okay?"

"As if anyone gets tired of that story," challenged Puck. Meredith and Bob looked semi-interested and with a mostly fond but a little irritated from hearing this story again groan the rest listened to Puck regale Carole's family with the tale of the trip to spy on the "Garglers" Kurt's junior year. Puck finished the story with a self satisfied smirk while Meredith and Bob cooed at the sweetness of the two boys meeting. Even Kurt was grinning as he pretended not to listen and wrestled bobby pins into Lauren's hair.

"Yeah, so basically I'm responsible for all of this," Puck finished, gesturing to the assembled party.

"We would have met eventually either way, I'm sure of it," cut in Blaine, appearing alongside Finn and Kevin.

"Yeah we were teamed up against the Warblers for sectionals that year, remember? They could have met then…" observed Finn. Everyone blinked at Finn's surprisingly accurate memory. "Or something…"

"I guess," conceded Puck, "still wouldn't have been as puke-worthily cute as what actually happened." Kurt grimaced.

"Well, with that, er, crass assessment, I think we're done here."

"If I could just get this one piece to – shit – stay still!" Mercedes cursed through gritted teeth, holding her tub of shaping putty dangerously in a closed fist as though she might just toss it if Gil's cowlick wouldn't cooperate. "There!" she exclaimed triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah, you're all beautiful, but we're going to be late if we keep dawdling with hair junk," explained Burt. The assemblage of friends and family quickly divided into a few small groups and piled into cars for the trip to Dalton. The other guests would meet them there. Kurt couldn't believe how excited he felt – this was only their engagement party, what would the wedding be like? He lamented the fact that there was still over a year until the wedding. Damn practicality – saving up for the truly fabulous wedding he'd been planning since grade school and agreeing they should wait until Blaine finished Law School. Still, he'd marry Blaine tomorrow if it came down to it.

Kurt shook himself out of his thoughts because they'd arrived already, the small fleet of cars pulling into the expansive Dalton Parking lot. A flurry of movement and they're all out of the car and hurrying across the lot and into the building. Finn on the phone with the Berrys, giving them some last minute directions as their GPS conked out right before the exit; Mercedes and Tina on speaker phone with Jay and Detroit who were sent out to pick up the cake (Almond Sour Cream cake with Amaretto Mocha Buttercream frosting); and David and Thad (with Angela and Hannah in tow) running around the corner with Wes close behind them.

"Blaine!" Called Wes cheerfully. Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and let his fiancé dash to embrace his best friend.

"Too long man, too long," sighed Blaine, his voice slightly muffled from Wes' grip on him. Wes agreed immediately and gave Blaine's shoulders another squeeze before letting go and turning to give Kurt a hug.

"Congratulations Kurt! Today is a long time coming that's for sure."

"Thank you," replied Kurt, "how are you anyway – how's California? School? Esperanza?"

"Good. Long. Fantastic. Can't wait for you and Blaine to meet her – she would have loved to come but – "

"She's spending the summer doing a research project in Ciudad Juarez," Kurt finished for him, "Blaine told me." Wes nodded. Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek before turning to greet the others and give Blaine a few minutes alone with his best friends.

"Kurt this place looks amazing," gushed Mercedes, grabbing him at the elbow and steering him into the party area.

"Thank you sweetheart," replied Kurt, "planning a party in Ohio from New York was…a challenge, but I didn't doubt my ability to pull it off."

"At least you knew the layout of the commons from when you went here."

"Indeed. This is my favorite place at Dalton, lots of good memories here," he explained nostalgically. "See those doors in the back corner? There's a study room there where Blaine and I first kissed."

"Aww," cut in Tina as she appeared at their side.

"Our boys figure out where the hell they were going with that cake?" Mercedes asked.

"They should be here any minute," she confirmed cheerfully.

"I think almost everyone's here," Mercedes observed. Kurt looked around the room.

"Once Jay and Detroit get here we'll only be missing…Blaine's parents," he said slowly. Tina frowned.

"Do you think they might not show?"

"They better show," warned Kurt testily. "After everything that happened yesterday."

"Mr. Hummel?" Mr. Kaufman, the facilities manager interrupted.


"We're having some slight wiring issues and –"

"Oh for heaven's sake, let me see!" Kurt huffed, making a beeline for the stage in the front of the room, Mr. Kaufman following after.

"Oh look – Blaine's parents," whispered Quinn who'd made her way over to where Mercedes and Tina stood.

Blaine led his parents into the common room. Finn shuffled up to meet him.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, I'm uh, glad you could make it and everything," he said as he offered his hand – looking to Blaine for guidance. His father shook Finn's hand but looked at Blaine as well.

"You remember Finn, Kurt's step-brother, right dad? Mom?" Blaine supplied.

"Right," answered Gerald, relieved. "We've met before."

"A couple times," Finn agreed, "but there's a lot of people here you don't probably know. I mean there's my aunt and her husband and Burt's brother and his wife," he explained, using his height to see well over the crowd and point people out. "And that's…..uh, Thad and, um, Hannah – oh! But you probably know those dudes since they went to school with Blaine right?"

"Thad and Hannah's parents live in our neighborhood, we've known their families for years," Perla confirmed. Blaine breathed a sigh of relief – so far so good. His parents looked a bit leery of Finn's fondness for referring to people as "dudes," but in the past they'd taken to Finn more than anyone else in Kurt's family and Blaine was grateful that either Finn had taken it upon himself to steer Blaine's parents around the room or (more likely) Kurt had wheeled him into it before hand.

He was about to detach himself from his parents side when Finn's introductory lesson on party-goers made its way to the head table.

"Okay so head table. You've got me, as Head Bro you know, then our parents, Blaine of course, Wes – at least I think that's his name, then Amber –" he paused to point at the brunette who was currently chatting with the Schuesters, "and at the end opposite me is Kurt's friend Gil."

"Jill? It looks more like a Jill-bert than a Jill to me," Gerald muttered with a small chuckle. Finn frowned.

"That's not cool, dude. Gil's a really awesome girl." Blaine closed his eyes in frustration.

"Alright – come with me," he hissed to his parents. Finn offered him a sympathetic look and turned towards the refreshments table. The Andersons eyebrows rose but they followed their son.

"What did we do now?" Gerald demanded in annoyance. Blaine was not amused.

"Listen. I really don't have the time to give you two a 101 on how not to be assholes to trans people….just….. Gil is one of Kurt's closest friends. She's a woman and should be referred to as such. You will be respectful to her or you'll keep your mouth shut – and if you can't manage that you should both leave now." Ruffled, Perla frowned and hastily smoothed out some nonexistent wrinkles in her dress.

"Fine. Fine. I'm sure…she….is, ah, lovely," she appeased. His father nodded. After a moment Perla regained her stony composure. "You need to watch your tone though, young man." Blaine let her have the last word – as long as they didn't say anything horrible to Gil he could deal.

"Right. Let me just show you to your seats and then I need to go find Kurt." He took them to the last table in the back of the room and introduced them to Will and Emma. Perla and Gerald looked pleased to be seated next to such a normal, ordinary couple. Blaine sighed, things with his parents were changing, but it wasn't going to be an overnight transformation.
The parental situation now under control Blaine crossed the room to find a harassed looking Kurt and Burt fussing over the wiring behind the stage.
"What's the matter?" Blaine asked. Kurt didn't answer him right away, choosing instead to glare at a bunch of wires leading from the speakers.

"Yesterday!" Kurt hissed under his breath, "We were here checking these yesterday!"

"Stuff going wrong is good luck," Burt tried to sooth.

"Rain on your wedding day is good luck, dad, not faulty wiring at your engagement party!" Kurt scolded impatiently.

"Same idea," challenged Burt.

"Everything else is ready – we're good to start except we might burn down the building!" Grumbled Kurt.

"Listen," said Burt evenly, turning to look at Blaine. "That Kaufman guy said that the electrician will be here in a second, and I know you're just going to stress and freak out until it's fixed so why don't you two go find something to do for like 20 minutes okay?"

"All our guests –" Kurt protested.

"Can wait – and will probably be happier if they don't have you stalking around like a cat skulking after a mouse while the electrical guys fix things." Kurt sighed.

"Fine. Blaine let's go….walk around or something," he agreed reluctantly. Blaine grinned at him, not troubled at all by the delay.

"I know just where to go," he said softly, taking Kurt by the hand and leading him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" asked Kurt, a slight whine to his voice as he was still annoyed that after all his careful planning problems still arose. Hell if Blaine's parents could cooperate why couldn't the damn wiring?

"Shh," hushed Blaine as he pulled Kurt along, a mischievous glint in his eyes. They rounded a corner and Blaine tapped his fingers on his free hand along the wall, drumming along until they came upon another wooden door that looked like all the others with one small exception – a silver "Maintenance" sign upon the door. Blaine's fingers wrapped around the handle and with a sharp tug to the right the door popped open. Catching on, Kurt giggled.

"I can't believe they still haven't fixed that door," he noted as Blaine led them inside the small (but thankfully pristine) room. Blaine leaned in close and began to whisper in a sing-song voice into Kurt's ear.

I wanna lock you up in my closet when no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever , I'll say it loud

Kurt laughed before kissing his fiancé swiftly to shut him up.

"Avril Lavigne? Really?" He teased. Blaine kissed him softly, running his tongue along Kurt's bottom lip and making him shiver.

"Hey, you still recognized the lyrics," he teased back. "You make me so hot," he sang softly against Kurt's earlobe, wrapping his arms around the other man and driving him back against the slate wall. Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's hips and growled as he flipped them around.

"Make me wanna drop," he sang back between nibbles to Blaine's jaw line and neck, right above where Blaine's bow-tie met his body, "It's so ridiculous – I can barely stop." Blaine gasped as Kurt licked at his Adam's apple.

"I can hardly breathe," he gasped out.

"You make me wanna scream," growled Kurt.

"You're so fabulous."

"You're so good to me, baby," crooned Kurt, licking his way up to Blaine's earlobe.

"You're so good to me, baby, baby," Blaine repeated. He reached for the collar of Kurt's shirt but Kurt pulled away.

"No time, if we're going to do this you have to find a way not to ruin our clothes."

"Challenge accepted," replied Blaine slyly. He glanced around the small room, his eyes lighting up as he found a clean, sturdy-looking wooden box in the corner and pulled Kurt to it by the belt loop. He sat on the box and pouted his lips to get Kurt to lean forward and kiss him. Kurt complied readily; pressing his lips to Blaine's partially opened mouth and sliding his tongue inside. Blaine groaned and sucked on Kurt's tongue, his hands finding their way to paw at Kurt's ass through his designer slacks. They pulled away only when they were both breathless. Blaine kissed him once more chastely on the lips before sliding his hands around to unbuckle Kurt's belt. Or, at least, try to unbuckle Kurt's belt.

"Did you design this?" he asked as he fumbled with the contraption.

"Yeah," replied Kurt with a giggle.

"I'll never understand why you design stuff to make it harder for me to undress you."

"Worth the effort though?"

"Absolutely," answered Blaine triumphantly as he finally got it undone and zipper of Kurt's now tented pants down.

"Good." Kurt shivered as Blaine dragged his pants and briefs down a few inches, just enough to free his erection from the tight pants. Having sex pretty much fully clothed was a challenge, but he wasn't about to risk taking any of his clothes fully off in the tiny maintenance closet. Actually, with his tie still done up tight and the garnet adorned cuff-links Blaine wore clinking around his wrists, it was kind of hot. Blaine dug his fingers into Kurt's bare ass and brought Kurt's cock up to his mouth, licking his lips and pulling it inside. Forgetting the need to be quiet Kurt groaned richly as Blaine's silky tongue caressed the underside of his cock.

"Fuck," he swore, his eyes hazy but concentrated on Blaine's pink mouth enveloping his cock as it slid up and down his length.

"Beriofq," Blaine mumbled.

"Hmm?" Asked Kurt distractedly, trying to keep his hands on Blaine's shoulders so he didn't mess up his hair – a task that proved incredibly difficult.

"Be quiet," Blaine cautioned, pulling off of him for a moment, "We don't need your parents or – Jesus – my parents, knowing I'm blowing you in here."

"It was your idea," reminded Kurt cheekily. Blaine pinched his ass.

"Just try and stay quiet," he instructed before taking Kurt in his mouth again. His hands slid down Kurt's ass to pull at his thighs, pushing them forward and letting Kurt know it was okay to fuck his mouth. Kurt moaned and adjusted his hands to affix them to a set of metal bars along the smooth wall to give him a steadier grip. Blaine relaxed his jaw and Kurt thrust forward. Blaine swallowed around him and Kurt had to close his eyes – if he kept watching Blaine he'd come immediately. They had limited time, yes, but Blaine was good at this – so good – Kurt wasn't ready for it to be over just yet. Kurt's hips worked quickly, pumping forward and back into the tight, wet heat of Blaine's mouth.

"I'm - unfh - so glad I'm marrying you," Kurt groaned blissfully. Blaine hummed happily around Kurt's cock in response, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure through him. Kurt thrust harder into Blaine's mouth as he felt every muscle inside of himself tighten and Blaine sucked on him with renewed vigor. Kurt chanced opening his eyes and found Blaine staring intently back at him, flushed cheeks and wet lips as Kurt continued to slide forward and back. That was it, one look at Blaine's gaze through his long, dark eyelashes and Kurt came. Blaine's throat worked him through it and only pulled off when Kurt began to feel oversensitive. Blaine pulled his handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and wiped his mouth. Kurt barely stopped himself from running his hand through his own hair.

"Just, just give me a second then it's your turn," he panted, adjusting himself and pulling up his briefs and pants (redoing his belt without any trouble). Blaine nodded dreamily and took the second to catch his breath as well.

"We don't have much time…" Kurt grinned and pulled Blaine by the hand into a standing position. He kissed him hard on the mouth.
"I'll just have to see how fast I can make you come," he breathed against Blaine's lips. He spun them around and sat on the box, yanking Blaine forward, unhooking the clasps on his suspenders and unbuttoning his pants. With enthusiasm, he reciprocated and Blaine came soon after with Kurt's tongue sliding along the tip of his dick.
Giggling madly the two put themselves back together after and hurried back to the party fingers interlaced.

"All fixed?" Kurt asked his father airily as they reentered the room.

"Ready to roll kiddo," answered Burt with a thumbs up. "Where have you two been? You were gone almost half an hour…"

"Oh nowhere, just around," was Kurt's lip-bitten response. The flush on Blaine's face threatened to give them away but Kurt just tugged him by the hand up the stage and grabbed a hold of the shiny silver microphone. The assembled guests quieted their conversations and sat politely as Kurt beamed out at them.

"Hello out there!" He squealed, his voice clear and high in his excitement. "As you all hopefully know by now – I'm Kurt Elizabeth Hummel and this is my wonderful fiancé, Blaine Marcus Anderson. Thank you so much for coming. Blaine and I are thrilled that you could all come celebrate our engagement with us –" he paused.

"Kurt and I know that some of you have traveled far to get here today," Blaine continued, "In more than one way. It means a lot to us that each and every one of you are here. We'll save the big long speeches for the actual wedding, so for now – let's party!" The crowd whooped and cheered (with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson clapping politely). Kurt and Blaine bowed their heads and then jumped off the stage to take their seats at the head table.

Everyone sat and chatted, a few minutes into the party waiters in Dalton blazers entered the room and doled out sparkling glasses of champagne and little hor's devours to the party-goers. Bubbly chatter filled the room as everyone dug in and gossiped with their tablemates. Ten minutes later the waiters came back and cleared away the small plates from the first course and refilled everyone's champagne glasses. In the in between Tina stood from her table with Detroit, Quinn and Kevin and made her way up to the front of the stage.

"Hi everybody," she greeted the crowd. "I know most of you out there, but I'm Tina. I went to school with Kurt and we've been friends since our first Glee Club meeting together! It's really hard for me to remember a time when Kurt and Blaine weren't together. Even when they've been separated for work or school they're still Kurt and Blaine – two halves of a whole. Kurt asked me to sing today and we got to talking about love and while you can't really define love – you know it when you feel it. This is for you guys." She tittered slightly nervous at the crowd but flipped on the switch on the speakers and began to sing, her voice soft and warm, like a mother waking her child on a Sunday morning.

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
And it starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying dry and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
But what am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just mmmmm
And they start in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
And it starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Wherever wherever wherever you go
Wherever wherever wherever you go

Blaine placed his hand atop of Kurt's on the table and leaned over to give him a lingering kiss as Tina sang the final notes. He pulled back and nuzzled his cheek against Kurt's, kissing him on the nose and making Kurt laugh. Tina clapped along with the rest of the guests and hopped off stage just as the waiters arrived with dinner.

"For weird healthy food, this isn't so bad," Finn offered between mouthfuls of cauliflower mashed potatoes.

"I'm glad you like it," replied Kurt, not that I'd ever tell you what's really in it, he finished in his head –Finn normally hated cauliflower.

"Rachel's been texting me every two minutes since we got here. She's really bummed she couldn't come." Kurt frowned sympathetically.

"I know. She practically told me we couldn't have the party without her but seeing as her show will hopefully not close for a long, long time, eventually she acquiesced that having the party before Blaine began his internship and while I have vacation time to spare made sense. I do miss having her here."

"Me too." Finn got up from the table to refill his plate and motioned for Kurt to follow him. "Can you keep a secret?" He asked. Kurt cocked his eyebrow up.
"Um…yes…why?" He asked suspiciously.

"I know today is your day and it's just about you and Blaine and it's special and everything but I just have to tell someone because if I don't I'm gonna freak out even more and –"
"Whoa! Slow down cowboy. What is it?"

"You know how Rachel's play opens at the beginning of August?"

"Rachel practically got the date tattooed on her forehead, yes I'm aware."

"After her first show," Finn paused dramatically, "Imgonnaaskhertomarryme." Kurt gasped audibly and Brittany and Gil, who had been talking a few feet behind them, stopped to stare at them. Kurt pulled Finn by the arm away from the food (Finn went but looked pretty mutinous about it) to a slightly more private area of the room.

"Really!" He asked excitedly. Finn nodded.

"I love her, and I've been thinking about it for ages now – she's certainly been hinting that it's time, and you know Rach isn't exactly subtle if I can pick up on it – and, I want it to be special so what could be more special than after her debut as Barbra?"

"It's perfect." After a pause his expression clouded. "Are you sure about this Finn? You and Rachel are great and - you know I love you both dearly - but you two have broken up more times than Elizabeth Taylor was married..." Finn considered the statement for a long moment.

"I know. We've definitely had our ups and downs but...we always find our way back to each other, ya know? I dunno, I'm not as elephant as -"

"Elephant? Elegant?"

"Yeah, elegant or articulate or whatever as you and Blaine but, I'm sure about this. I want this." Kurt took a deep breath.

"Okay. Okay! Wow. Oh that's going to be insane Rachel and I planning weddings at the same time...that could be interesting." He turned and subtly pointed in the direction of Hiram and Leroy Berry, who were currently hanging on to every word of whatever tale Mercedes was telling. "Do they know yet? I know they'll be there that night."

"Not yet. Remember Christmas? They're even worse secret-keepers than Rachel. I'll tell them before but real close so hopefully she'll be a little surprised."

"Good thinking Finn," Kurt praised.

"Thanks man." Finn clapped him on the shoulder and began to turn when Kurt held him back.

"Actually Finn, I wanted to talk to you about something too." Finn halted and turned back to face his stepbrother.

"Not getting cold feet are you?" He teased.

"No!" Decried Kurt, "If anything I wish I had a time machine to fast forward to September of next year so Blaine and I didn't have to wait so long," he hesitated. "What I wanted to talk to you about is: will you be my best man?" Finn looked taken aback.

"For the wedding?" He blurted out.

"Yes, for the wedding." Finn's face broke out into a grin, then a frown.

"I thought for sure you'd ask Rachel, or Mercedes, or Gil to be your best...um, person or something."

"I thought about it - and I certainly intend to have them as groomsmaids, but we're brothers - I want you to be my best man when I marry the love of my life. If you want to..."

"Yeah of course!" Exclaimed Finn, hugging Kurt and lifting him right off his feet.

"I see you asked him, hmm?" Blaine asked as he suddenly appeared at their side.

"Hell yeah he did!" answered Finn, looking delighted. "Who's your best man or bridegroom or whatever?"

"Kevin and Wes are sharing best-man duties. They're both my best friends: I've known Wes longer but he'll be in California most of the time anyway, so I decided to ask them both." Finn nodded. Blaine turned to Kurt. "Mercedes says she's ready to wail." Kurt's eyes lit up.

"Well let's not waste another minute - dance floor, darling?"

"Let's go." They lead the way, with the other guests in their wake, to the small dance floor that had been built in the center of the room. Mercedes' smile shined brightly as she took up the mic.

I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try, try to divide, something so real
So till the end of time I'm telling you there ain't no one
No one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you

Everyone apart from Finn's aunt and uncle and the Anderson's were on the dance floor by the time the song finished. Kurt never could fathom how Blaine could be so musical and his parents so...stiff.

"Let's break it down now ya'll," Mercedes called out of the microphone. Tina, Brittany and Quinn jumped on stage behind her while she adjusted the speakers and took the mic out of it's stand so she could move around and sing again.

You give me fever
Fever in the morning
Fever when it's late at night
You give me fever (fever)
Fever when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
You give me fever (fever)
Fever in the evening
Fever all through the night
You give me fever, yeah (fever)
Fever when you're with me
Fever when you love

Kurt and Blaine whipped each other around the dance floor as Mercedes belt out the song. Burt and Carole danced around like a couple adorable lunatics, and with their respective ladies busy Kevin, Jay and Detroit followed Mike's lead and danced by themselves - though none of the trio managed to master Mike's moves quite well.

He's so sweet
He's so good to me
He's so intelligent
He's so confident
Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever (fever)
When you kiss me and fever when you hold me tight (fever)
You give me fever
In the mornin and fever all through the night
Fever until you sizzle
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
Til ya sizzle
What a lovely way to burn

With the mood light, nearly everyone continued to dance and fool around for the next hour until Carole took up the mic and, after hushing Finn's chants of "Sing mom! Sing!" declared it was time for Kurt and Blaine to open their presents.

They got a lot of the items on their registry as well as a blue and red hand-crocheted blanket from Carole, something in a small black box that Kurt shut as soon as it opened - turning scarlet and refusing to show anyone, hissing "later" into Blaine's ear, from Puck and Lauren, and before long they came upon the last gift: a simple cream colored envelope. Blaine slid his pointer finger under the lip and slid it open. From the inside Blaine pulled out a peach and cream colored card with elegant calligraphy.

"Congratulations on your engagement," Blaine read aloud from the cards front cover. "Best wishes to the happy couple. Love from, Mom and Dad and Perla and Gerald," he finished awkwardly. The Anderson's apparently couldn't decide on how to sign the card. Gerald and Perla Anderson watched him and Kurt intently. Adhered to the left side of the card was a small white envelope. He detached it from the card and opened it.

"Woah," Kurt exhaled as he read over Blaine's shoulder. Inside the envelope were several pieces of paper detailing a honeymoon Gerald and Perla booked for the two of them - to, if the information was correct - anywhere of their choosing for 10 days. Kurt's eyes flitted from the envelope to Blaine's parents. "That's, very generous, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson." Gerald and Perla looked stiff and uncomfortable, but were smiling.

"It's the best we could do at the last minute," Perla blurted out.

"Thank you Mom, Dad - you didn't have to -" Blaine started.

"Yes, actually, we did." Interjected Gerald.

"It's great," added Burt gruffly. Blaine didn't seem to notice but Kurt turned and saw his dad looked a little put out. What was up with that?

Once all the presents were organized and put away the party continued - Thad, Blaine, Wes, Kurt and David all gathering on stage to sing an acapella version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow; Mike and Brittany tried to teach everyone Ke$ha's newest dance routine; and a variety of semi-embarrassing stories were shared among the crowd about moments in Kurt and Blaine's romance (a highly favored reminiscence being the failed attempt to "surprise" one another during Kurt's senior year of high school and Blaine's freshman year of college where Blaine ended up in Lima while Kurt ended up outside of Blaine's empty dorm room in New York). Gerald and Perla looked on in almost-concealed fascination. It was obvious they'd never experienced Blaine and Kurt among so many friends and so uncensored.

Eventually guests split off to mingle in small groups and Kurt plopped down next to his dad alone at the head table.

"Spill," he commanded.

"What?" Burt feigned.

"I know something is the matter," Kurt pressed. Burt frowned.

"No - it's, I'm happy for you - it isn't important."

"Dad," Kurt insisted. Burt scowled.

"You guys have been dating for how long? Over six years? And now they just decide they're going to be okay with it? Just show up with fancy presents and - "

"Dad!" Kurt admonished. "Do you want me to ask Blaine to return their present?" Burt looked astonished.

"Oh, no, Kurt that's not what I -" he drifted off, looking thoughtful.

"You'll always be my dad, dad," said Kurt kindly, wrapping his hand around his dads forearm. Burt smiled slightly. "You can't be replaced with a fancy trip. You know - you know - how grateful I - and Blaine too - how much we appreciate your support."

"I'm glad Blaine's parents are coming around," Burt said evening, "but I guess I'm still leery about them."

"As am I," Kurt confessed. "If they hurt him I just may need to stop by the shop to get the bumps and dents out from where I run them over with your SUV." Burt chuckled.

"You're your mothers child, Kurt - but you're also mine."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, dad."

"I love you too kiddo." Kurt wrapped his arms around his fathers back and gave him a squeeze.

They partied well into the evening - until Emma and Will's babysitter called asking where they were and the "adults" decided to call it a night. Wes, Thad, David, Angela and Hannah said goodnight as well as they're families lived relatively close to Dalton. All the remaining "kids" piled in remaining cars and somehow wound up in the parking lot of McKinley.

"What're we doing here, Noah?" a giddy Kurt asked from his position in the back seat where Blaine had been tickling him relentlessly. Puck exchanged a look with Lauren and then the two turned to face them.

"We thought since we already went to Dalton we should have a little fun at our old stomping grounds too," he answered mischievously.

"You don't mean - " Began Blaine.

"We're breakin' in Prep School," interjected Lauren as she opened the passenger side door. Blaine was clearly flustered.

"But - don't they have like, an alarm system?"

"Public School is child's play," Lauren explained. "Puck and I have been breaking in to places for years. Oh calm down - we were on recon missions, mostly - or just needed a place to make out. Anyway, we'll be in in a jiffy no problems, I promise."

"Kurt?" Blaine asked, looking at his lover as they slowly got out of the car.

"Only live once babe," Kurt reasoned. Blaine grinned.

"Alright. Let's do it."

The group of 15 tiptoed their way to the entrance at the back of the school, following Lauren and Puck's instructions and running like fools when a car horn beeped loudly from the next street. With nothing more than one of the numerous pins securing her hair, Lauren popped the lock and Puck disabled the alarm within seconds. The were in.

Lauren pulled a tiny LED flashlight from her purse and led the way inside. They crept down the halls, silent except for Tina, Quinn and Finn's uncontrollable giggle fits. Kurt thought they were headed to the choir room but they stopped momentarily at a bank of lockers.

"What're you doing?" Brittany asked. "Puck we graduated, at least...I think we did. I remember something about square hats." Puck ignored her and spun the lock, which popped open easily. With a creak the locker's door opened revealing an impressive stash of booze.

"How did you get that in theree?" Jay asked, sounding impressed.

"My cousin's a senior here," Puck explained.

"I'm not sure about this..." Finn spoke to no one in particular.

"Calm down Lurch, we'll be fine," teased Lauren.

"Or, you can go wait in the car," offered Puck condescendingly. Finn's resolve seemed slightly strengthened and he grinned excitedly.

"Any more Nervous Neds?" Puck asked. Everyone shook their heads, rambunctiously grabbing the small bottles from the locker and hurrying after Puck and Lauren.

The choir room hadn't changed much over the years and the group piled into chairs and got to work opening and sharing shots. After a couple shots Blaine, Puck and Finn took up instruments and lead the group in a slightly slurred version of the Beastie Boys Fight for Your Right with the rest shrieking in peels of laughter as Puck attempted rapping. He wasn't terrible, but he wasn't as good as Artie - that was for sure.

Finn's phone rang a little after midnight with a call from Rachel who demanded to be put on speakerphone so she could say hello to everyone and wish Kurt and Blaine congratulations for their engagement. With Finn on the phone and the supply of alcohol diminishing the others divided into small groups, wandering off into corners of the room or spilling out into the hallway.

Kurt and Blaine separated from the crowd with little more than a wave to Mike, Brittany and Quinn and hurried off.

"Where are you taking me?" Blaine questioned breathlessly as Kurt pulled him along.

"Well, seeing as we found some...um, privacy at Dalton, I thought we could try it at McKinley as well!" Kurt explained with a laugh. Blaine's eyes widened comically. "Never doubt my brilliance," Kurt cautioned.

"I wouldn't dare," Blaine assured. "It's just, we already...you know, once?" Kurt stopped.

"Do you not want to?"

"No! No, no I want to," Blaine hurried to say, "We just haven't gotten to do that in a while. Plus, public sex twice in a day? That's unheard of."

"Well," purred Kurt, leaning in close to kiss Blaine's earlobe, "it is our special day." Blaine groaned and stared at Kurt with pleading eyes until Kurt took pity on him and hurried along. They turned down one hallway and then another. Kurt at least seemed to know where he was going. Soon enough he came to a halt in front of a swinging door and kissed Blaine on the cheek before stealing away inside. Before Blaine could join him he was back out again.

"Eureka!" He exclaimed with a laugh, holding a strip of condoms in his hand. "I'm so glad they started teaching sex ed again."

"Me too," seconded Blaine as Kurt took off again. He hurried after Kurt, wonder where he was planning to go. Locker Room? No the smell would put Kurt off. Teachers Lounge? Maybe. Classroom? Doubtful but maybe the French classroom? Hmm. They turned another corner and Blaine suddenly knew where they were. "Auditorium? Kurt." Kurt just laughed and tugged him inside.

"Care to join me backstage?" Kurt offered. Blaine nodded enthusiastically and the two tore across the expansive room and up the backstage steps. Behind the heavy curtain were various props from McKinley's past performances as well as a menagerie of musical equipment. Kurt found a slightly rickety looking couch and pulled Blaine down into it, kissing him deeply. Melting into the kiss, Blaine's hands reached up to cup Kurt's face, rubbing his thumb along Kurt's cheekbone.

"I love you," he whispered softly.

"I love you too. Today was...a blast. I love being with you so much Blaine - and I, I feel really lucky that I can share how much you mean to me with the whole world. In novels secret romances sound like they're sexy or fun, and maybe it would be for a little while, but I'd be devastated if I was so madly in love with you and couldn't tell anyone about it." Blaine's eyes bore into his own and his mouth opened slightly and closed twice as if we was about to say something, but changed his mind at the last minute. Finally,

"You are the most precious thing in my life. I'm so grateful we don't have to hide - god - if we did I think we'd get caught immediately - I can't help myself around you. Ever since we got together - being with you - it's the one thing I'm always sure about."

Not caring about their dress clothes this time Kurt wasted no time in undressing his lover. Soon they were both only clad in their underwear, limbs intertwined on the the unfortunately pea green couch. With urgency their underwear fell away as well. Blaine reached up to roll one of Kurt's nipples between his fingers while using his other hand to pump along Kurt's cock.
Kurt breath came in harried little gasps under Blaine's ministration's, eyes darkening with desire until he couldn't take it anymore. He eased Blaine off of him, kissed him fiercely and switched their positions.

Blaine ended up underneath him, half way curled around the furniture's arm, sucking and nipping at his lower back and then dipping lower to kitten-lick down his crack, down down over his hole and making him gasp and grip the cushions for dear life, to the tender skin of his inner thighs and up again, sliding wet and hot against his opening, pushing his tongue in and working him open, Kurt held him still with a firm grip to his hips.

"Oh god, oh god, oh - fuck!" growled Blaine. He was so hard, so ready, so needy - but he knew why Kurt was spending an inordinately long time slip sliding his tongue inside him. Part of it was to drive him crazy (of which he was exceedingly successful) and also to make up for their limited supply of lube. "Please, please," he whined low in his throat. Kurt licked lavishly around his rim one more time before pulling back and rolling a condom onto his length.

The sensation of Kurt entering him, slowly sinking inside, filling him to completion - Blaine would never tire of it. Kurt knew how to completely unhinge him, the right swivel of his hips, the right pace to make him shake, just when to reach around and stroke his cock - lightly first with just his finger tips. A tease. Then harder, more insistent, more directive. Not that Blaine didn't know what to do as well. His hips thrust back and forward with their own flow, fucking himself on Kurt's cock, clenching around him for just long enough to bring him to the edge before letting off and allowing the cycle to renew.

They were being loud. Too loud. Sounds of their lovemaking carried easily in the huge room, even with the heavy curtain muffling the worst of it. Thankfully no one came around, though if anyone had the two were possibly too far gone to notice a disturbance short of outright screaming. Kurt sunk his short nails into the skin of Blaine's shoulders to steady him as their pace became erratic.

"Blaine, Blaine, oh, Blaine," he chanted, "so good - so fucking, good." Blaine pushed back suddenly, knocking Kurt backwards until his back met the soft cushions of the couch and he slid back down onto Kurt's cock, riding him fervently. Maybe he should have given him some warning, but Kurt didn't seem to mind as his hands found their way up Blaine's chest and held on for the ride. It took more exertion this way, for sure, but the pressure on his prostate was so delicious Blaine wouldn't mind the sore thighs tomorrow.

"Come on, Kurt," he growled. Kurt jerked forward once, twice, a third time and then came hard, the sensation pushing Blaine over the edge a few seconds later - streams of come shooting up his belly.

Kurt had only just slipped out of him when he couldn't hold himself up anymore and he collapsed on top of the other man with an "oomph."

"Sorry," he whispered sheepishly. Unfazed, Kurt just wrapped his arms around Blaine's chest and torso.

"I'll live," he quipped. "We're really, sweaty," Kurt observed nonchalantly. "Do you think the others will know?"

"I think they knew the moment we stepped out, but let them finish the last of Pucks supply and no one will mind. Looks like you, me and Kev are DD's tonight."

"I always forget he doesn't drink. Ugh, we can't even ride in the same car together? That sucks."

"Kurt," Blaine said teasingly, "I think we can handle one car ride apart - we did go weeks when you were in Europe." Kurt sighed grandly.

"I guess you're right. Normally I'd say the others should be responsible for being Designated Drivers for the happy couple - but seeing as we've been too busy having sex to get drunk..."

"Wonderful, fabulous, exhausting, sex," added Blaine with a yawn. Kurt tutted.

"Oh no, honeybee, no falling asleep. I'll make you teachers lounge sewer water coffee if need be, but no post-orgasm nap tonight."

"You're so mean." Blaine stuck his tongue out slightly. Kurt rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to Blaine's, pulling his tongue into his mouth and caressing it with his own.

"Yes, I'm positively dreadful I can tell from your demeanor," he joked. They laid together in comfortable silence for a few more minutes before reluctantly detaching from one another to pull on clothes and wander back to the others. Everyone clapped at their disheveled appearance upon reentering the choir room - everyone apart from Finn who covered his eyes and grumbled something about brotherly codes of discretion that Kurt promptly ignored.

The night waning the group laughed and talked for a little while longer, savoring the time together in a space that held so much meaning for all of them. Eventually, when yawns out numbered giggles they stumbled their way back to the cars - Kevin, Kurt and Blaine retrieving keys from various owners to ferry them all home.

"That was lovely, Noah, thank you," said Kurt fondly as he drove towards Lauren's parents house where Puck and Lauren were staying.

"Lovely? Dude that was fucking boss. Only the best for my boys," replied Puck happily, his voice only slightly slurred. Kurt chuckled and continued to drive on - feeling like the luckiest man alive - and in that moment, he was.

And there you have it! Reviews are endlessly flailed over - especially a the end of a 10 hour work day like I've been doing for the last 6 weeks. Songs in this chapter are Hot by Avril Lavigne, Bubbly by Colbie Callait, No One by Alicia Keys and the Beyonce Knowles version of Fever. I'll put youtube links on my tumblr.

Again, thank you for reading and sticking around. It means, well, more than you know. 3