Hi, I decided to update and put a prologue into my story.

Basically, this is a Klaine fanfic, from 'Never Been Kissed' to 'Original Songs' and possibly more, I haven't decided yet. At first it pretty much sticks to the storyline, but at Silly Love Songs it deviates into my own personal storyline.

There's a lot of angst, romance and some humour as well, especially in the Wavid subplots. (They feature quite heavily in this fic because everyone loves Wavid :))

I LOVE reviews, they make my day. If you have an opinion, or an idea, or a thought, about my story, please don't be shy to review! I jump around like a frog on LSD when I get them, no matter how long or short.

And most of all, thank you for picking my story to read! I can promise you that you won't be disappointed if you keep reading.

Biota xxx

Prologue: Thoughts

Two lives, completely separate until a chance meeting that would turn into a chain of events nobody expected.

One, a confident, bright and ambitious diva in a Prada jacket, with skin the colour of winter snow and a voice that could rival Faith Hill.

The other, a kind and generous and popular boy with chocolate-brown hair that refused to be tamed, and his singing and dancing would steal the show.

Both had secrets. Both had scars. Both had cards they revealed and cards they held to their chest. Both were missing just one puzzle piece from their jigsaw, and both had no idea where to find it.

Neither knew how things would turn out in the end. Neither do you.

You can see their every action. You can hear their every word.

But you don't know what they're thinking.

Or do you?

This is where you find out.

Here, you can see what they REALLY thought about everything that happened in those few, life-changing months.

And how everything could have been so much simpler.

But that just wouldn't have been any fun, would it?