Alright so please don't hate me! I will be updating my other stories but I just felt the need to write this one as well. The names of Harry and Dudley will be changed (Harry is Chance and Zayden is Dudley) Dudley is a wizard, there will be slash! It has a lot of music in it so i will make sure to list real names if you want to look it up. Also this is just a prelude, its unbetad because my Mentor was offline. Please Review even if just to say you don't like it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea for the story.


Dudley quickly pulled his little brother close to him yet again as he watched the students file into the great hall. Although he and Harry were a lot younger than the other students, their daddy was a teacher so they got to spend all their time at Hogwarts when it wasn't the summer. Learning their music and mastering their magic. Harry tapped Dudley and let out a silent giggle as he pointed to the twins in the crowd that where making funny faces at them. Dudley grinned and stuck his tongue out at the twins, who in turn blew raspberries at the boys. Harry let out another silent giggle and a big grin came to his face. That was one of Dudley's favorite things about Harry, even though he had it the worse, now that things were better for them Harry could smile. He gave a sad look at his little brother as he remembered what happened to them both, for just being a little different.


"Freaks! Get your lazy asses out of bed and come make me and Petunia breakfast!" shouted Vernon, the enormous whale that lived in number 4 private drive. He then stomped down the stairs and waited for his five year old son and four year old nephew to come out and make breakfast. Ever since Dudley had shown signs of magic, he hadn't been the Dursley's son, just another freak who lived in their house to do the cooking and cleaning.

Dudley quickly got Harry up and dressed before himself and pulled the smaller boy after him. Dudley hadn't grown into a whale like his father, instead he had a small form, built from abuse and neglect. His sandy blond hair reached to his back and his sky blue eyes devoid of all life. He quickly set to work on making eggs, bacon and French toast while Harry made the orange juice. He remembered the day he had saw his father hurting harry and had pushed his father to the other side of the room with his magic, ever since they he was a "freak", but he didn't care. He only cared about keeping himself and Harry safe.

He quickly flipped two pieces of French toast and put the eggs and bacon onto a plate, then onto the table, then stacked the finished food and put it on the table with the orange juice as well. But Vernon Dursley wasn't done. The little freaks needed the freakishness beaten out of them, so once they finished their breakfast and cleaned the kitchen, Vernon took off his belt and started to swing it as hard as he could at the boys, though Dudley shielded Harry. That was when they both made a wish, a wish to be safe and disappeared before the next belt strike hit either of them.

When Dudley opened his eyes, he was in a room filled with beautiful music and books. He quickly pulled Harry close and started to look around. Harry slowly pulled away from Dudley and pointed toward a closed door, wanting to go to the music. Dudley stared at Harry for a moment before nodding and slowly opening the door. Inside a man with long dark black hair and pale white skin was playing a grand piano and laughing with a man who was plucking away at a weird circular guitar. Harry quietly watched and smiled for the first time in years. Dudley knew then that they must be nice, he stepped back, only to have a board squeak and both men look up and see the two young bleeding boys.

Severus stared shocked for a moment, before putting a hand in front of Sirius and slowly walking to the boys, then getting down on his knee in front of them. "It's alright; I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Severus and the man over there is my husband Sirius. Can you tell me your names?" he asked in a gentle voice, making sure not to scare either of them.

Harry gave Dudley a shy smile and nodded towards Severus. Dudley watched for a moment, then quickly hugged Harry to him and stared at Severus. "I-I'm Dudley Dursley sir, this is Harry Potter my cousin. He can't speak," he said softly, keeping his cousin close, making sure he could keep them safe.

Sirius and Severus's eyes both widened at the names. Harry Potter was supposed to be living with family who spoiled the young boy, the headmaster had promised that the last time he checked up on Harry, he was happy and safe. Sirius slowly grew more angry and he quickly aparated to Hogwarts while Severus slowly stood and offered his hands to Dudley and Harry. "Don't worry we will keep you safe. Who did this to you boys?" he asked softly, a little scared of the answer.

"M-my parents' sir. They said freaks like us don't deserve any other treatment." Dudley replied again, showing he had more wisdom than any other five year old Severus had seen. Much to the surprise of Dudley and Severus, Harry came over and gently hugged Severus's leg before looking up with sad emerald green eyes.

Severus leaned down and gently lifted the younger of the two boys, before offering to hold Dudley too, who gladly accepted and took them both down to his potions lab to be healed. "I will personally make sure you two stay safe and here alright?" he said and smiled softly when Harry laid his head against Severus's shoulder.

Once in the potions lab, Severus set both boys down on the counter and pulled out his wand. "Is it alright if I do a medical scan with my wand to keep record and take a few photos of you boys?" he asked, making sure to keep his voice soft as to not scare the boys.

Once both boys nodded, he got to work. Meanwhile in the office of Dumbledor, two very angry animagus was yelling at the man.
"You promised me he would be taken care of, but no I doubt you even checked on the boy. He and his cousin showed up at our house and both where underfed, beaten and terrified. What do you think you were doing!" screamed Sirius, hatred filling his eyes.

Minerva had already gotten her screaming down and had called in the auroras. "Arrest this man for knowingly putting a child into an abusive home and paying the family to beat him." She said with a glare in her eyes.

Now Kingsley Shacklebolt didn't understand. Dumbledor was supposed to be the leader of the light, he couldn't possibly have done this…could he?

"I also want you to go to number four private drive in little winning to arrest Petunia and Vernon Dursley for child abuse against their son and nephew!" spat out Sirius with disgust.

The auroras though reluctant to do so, did as they were told, two days later it was found out that Dumbledor had done the same thing to Tom Riddle and had lied about the poor boy being a dark lord, it was actually him. Dumbledor got the kiss, while Vernon and Petunia got locked in Azkaban for life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Chance! Zayden! Get your little butts up and come down and eat!" shouted an excited Sirius. They had legally adopted both boys, as Harry was his godson and changed their names under the requests of the boys. Harry had written one word and that word was Chance. Dudley however liked Zayden. Today though, today was special, today was the anniversary of the adoption and Severus and Sirius had something special to ask the boys.

Chance giggled silently and jumped on Zayden, before running downstairs and tackling Sirius leg. Sirius let out a laugh and picked up the seven year old boy. It had taken a year to earn Chance's trust as well as Zayden's but now it seemed like they had always been a family, thus the special surprise today.

Once Zayden and Chance where sitting in their seats happily munching on strawberries and waffles, Sirius turned and excited look to Severus," Can we ask them now?"

"Alright, alright ask them," Sev said, chuckling lightly.

"Do you boys remember when we talked about adoption and the different kinds?" Sirius asked, a bit of a nervous smile on his lips, once both boys nodded, he continued," We told you that there was a way to adopt you so you were ours and looked like ours. It's called Blood adoption, and I and Severus would be honored if you two would consider it."

Chance looked at Zayden for a second, before moving his table and hugging Severus with a huge grin on his face. He wanted them as his daddies. Zayden soon followed only hugged Sirius instead.

Severus chuckled and gently kissed Chance's forehead. "I take that as a yes," he said softly, before picking up Chance and leading the way down to the lab. Once there, he picked up a potion and put it into a goblet, only to have Sirius add a few drops of blood, before he himself did the same. "You two will have to drink this, I know it tastes bad but it will make you fall asleep, you will wake up different okay?" he said softly.

Zayden nodded before hopping down from Sirius' arms and taking the first drink, only to have Chance follow right behind.

Five hours later, two boys slowly opened their eyes, confused as to why they were still in bed. Then it all came back to them, Zayden jumped up and ran to the mirror, only to grin widely. He was now a bit taller with midnight black hair and sapphire blue eyes. He had Sirius's nose and Severus's body structure. All he could do was grin at himself, then he noticed Chance and watched with a bigger grin. Chance now had midnight black hair as well, but it had streaks of blue in it, he was still the same height but he had a more feminine face and fuller lips. But what really stood out, was his eyes. His left eye was a beautiful violet while the right was a deep ocean blue.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chance grinned as he slowly strummed his guitar, he had been learning to play for only a year but it felt like so much longer. He played the piano as well and whenever he played, he always felt safe and at home.
Zayden had taken up the violin and was always around to practice with his little brother. Severus grinned and pulled Chance into his lap. "Alright who wants to hear Papa play his banjo and sing big rock candy mountain?" he asked and laughed when Sirius quickly ran to grab his banjo. Once he had it on as well as his picks he started plucking away and singing to his boys, just to see the grins on his face. All and all the black family was very happy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to present.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chance smiled as he watched the sorting. He grinned when the twins got put into Gryffindor and knew his Papa would have fun with that. After the sorting was finished, the headmistress stood and smiled over the students. "Now as you all know, Hogwarts is a school for magic and music. This is because music is as magical as magic itself, so one day you will have magic study, the next music, I urge you to practice but please stay out of the forbidden forest and don't cause any trouble." She said, before throwing her hands up and signaling the food to be brought. Chance looked at Zayden with a pleading look and grinned when his older brother gave in. Chance was 9 years old almost 10, but no one cared his age, they all knew they professors had a mute son and everyone loved him.

Chance shyly tapped one of the twins and wrote on a piece of paper"may I sit with you?" Only to get a nod from the twins who put the younger boy in between them.

"I'm George-"

"I'm Fred-"

"And together we are Gred and Forge." They said putting an arm each around the little boy, who grinned. Now that alone had everyone staring. Chance never warmed up to anyone that quickly and he always had Zayden with him.

Chance quickly pulled out his pen and wrote "I'm Chance. It's very nice to meet you. What do you guys play?"

"We both play the trumpet." Fred said with a small frown. He and his brother where first years this year, but their brother had told them there was two smaller boys at the school and that they had to be nice, but what they didn't understand was why Chance was writing everything.

Chance saw the looks on his face, then gently pulled down his collar and showed a large scar across his throat, once he saw they had seen it, he pulled it back up and wrote "When I was little, my relatives didn't like my crying, so they cut my vocal chords. I can't talk."

When the twins heard this, they growled. Who could do this to someone! Then and there they were the unofficial official guards of the little boy and they planned on letting everyone know that.

"So our dearest Chance, what do you play?" They asked at the same time, a smile on their faces.

Chance grinned ear to ear and wrote out "I play the piano and the guitar. If you like, I'll stay with the Gryffindor's tonight and play for you. Papa lets me stay at his house because he thinks Daddy gets jealous. Which Daddy really does." Then let out a silent giggle.

Fred and George both grinned and dug into their food so they could have the little boy lead them to a grand piano and play for them. An hour later found all three boys in the Gryffindor common room with chance warming up on the piano. He quickly wrote out, "I'm playing Kiss the rain by Yiruma. He's my favorite composer."

Once done, he started to play the notes and the whole common room grew quiet, just to hear the boy play the beautiful music. Every one of the higher years knew that even though Chance couldn't talk, he told a story with every song he played. Once he was done playing he turned his eyes to the clapping people and let a shy smile slip out before hiding behind the twins. That night found two red head boys and a little raven haired one curled up in one bed, the raven in between and the twins holding him close.

Well I hope you like it, again Please Review I would really like input on this story as it is something that has been gnawing in my brain for weeks :P oh and please leave a review of any pairs you would like to see ^.^ (ps harry is taken by draco!)