
A sequel to Discoveries



The ship was beleaguered when it came to shore. Its hull was pockmarked with dents, the sails were torn in some places.

The people crashed the ship clumsily into the beach, and staggered out, dizzy and seasick. The reason for the shoddy state of them and their ship soon followed. Rain, for the first time in her memory.

There were at least 60 of them, some in families, others alone. They said they had just left from another place, another land. Some of them had wooden cudgels that they liked to call swords, but all had no armor.

Archer and Miner took them in, let them occupy the mountain while they got things set up. Soon, they had build cottages and homes outside the mountain, although they stayed close and fenced themselves away from the monsters of the night.

And it turned out Miner would have a child, judging from the swell in her stomach. Thankfully, the second arrivals had a doctor among them, an old man, who was ponderous in his actions and mannerisms.

He said everything was in line, and really, there would be no trouble. He came often for checkups, and he charged nothing. He claimed it was nothing but a service to them, because they had saved them and provided for them.

And he wasn't the only one. Every family, every person, all gave things to Miner and Archer, things like gold, or maybe a smoked fish. And some of them stayed in the mountain, acting kind of like servants. Archer would teach them how to shoot the bow, and when she could, Miner would teach the new arrivals all about the caves and what they could do.

But the newcomers had things they soon developed. A man was particularly good at taming wolves, and he quickly moved into the mountain because of the amount of people he had to teach. The best crafter, and blacksmith, and farmer, they all were inducted into the castle so that the arrivals could learn better from them. A woman found how to power Minecart rails, and she too was accepted into the Skilled.

Then a second boat came. This one was burnt up, and its passengers were almost all wounded and dirty.

They almost immediately established themselves as the menial workers.

They built small cottages near the ocean, and started collecting resources for the crafters.

They had come from a land, they said, terrorized by packs of what they described as griefers, men who they claimed said had magic powers, and who would reign terror upon those trying to settle.

They set things on fire, tore houses apart brick by trick, flooded caverns, stole supplies, and killed innocent people.

The First arrivals noticed that they were almost downright antisocial, and when they did come into contact, their eyes were glazed over, their faces deadened and slack-jawed.

They were voluntarily submissive, bringing gifts of what they found, in return for almost nothing. Miner would have said something, but there was really no place for words.

It wasn't that long until another group came, the largest group Miner had ever seen. The new arrivals were normal, and spread out wider, some establishing homes away from the mountain, some establishing homes near the first generation. Soon, there was a city, which they named Landton, because it was the first town on land.

The most surprising thing, though, was the sudden decision by the arrivals to name Miner and Archer king and queen of the land, in recognition of the help they had given to all.

The second most surprising thing was the doctor's smiling face when he announced to the newly crowned King and Queen that they should no longer expect a child. Instead, they should expect two. Twins.

The kingdom rejoiced at the news, and there were celebrations all around. The traumatized soon forgot their fears, and joined in too.

But everyone forgot the cause of that fear, and they had no idea that the griefers were just over the horizon, waiting for their chance.