Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon… if I did then Ash would have had more rivals and there would be better characters.

I hope that you like the next scene; hopefully it will blow your minds. (Note: OC in this battle is not mine, but the way they battle will be.)

Rise of the Shadows



Ch. 4

Ash was extremely surprised; he thought this was supposed to be a one-on-one battle not a three-way. As he looked across the field he could see two more entrances with a person coming out of each of them, one was a girl with red streaks in her long raven black hair, which was tied into a ponytail, and sapphire blue eyes. She wore a red and black hat with a strange black and white symbol on it, both coming together as one and having a small spot of the opposite colour on each sidei. She also wore black fingerless gloves, dark blue jeans, black and white sneakers, and a black short sleeved shirt showing through a red vest slightly opened.

The other trainer looked like he was ready for an all-out war. He wore an orange vest over a black shirt with a single Pokeball around his neck. His hair was wild yet it seemed like he forced it to look like thatii. After his opponents were in there respective boxes, Ash heard a loud voice that seemed to come from everywhere. "Alright everyone, now that the other two challengers have arrived, let me explain the rules. First off, as you may have already noticed, this will be a three-way Pokemon battle, with each trainer only allowed to use one Pokemon." After hearing that, Ash was beginning to have second thoughts about having his friends and family in that much of a brawl, one-on-one, no problem, but two-on-one, not so much. Ash silently prayed that his Pokemon forgave him about this.

"And one more thing," Ash looked up in confusion, there was a twist, "The last two remaining trainers standing are to compete in the next round against each other, in a one-on-one battle to the finish." After hearing that, the crowd went wild with anticipation; they just couldn't wait to see who was left standing. After the crowd was finally quiet enough, they started to introduce the challengers for this battle. "In this corner we have Zoey Rhodes from Nuvema Town," as he finished the crowd went wild again, after that was the other guy. From the magnitude of the cheering, Ash had a feeling that Drake was a favourite to win this. "And last but certainly not least, we have a newcomer to the tournament circuit, Ash from Pallet Town." When he was done with that the stadium went quiet, except for an annoying cricket that kept on chirping in the background. Ash just rubbed the back of his neck and gave a cheesy smile to his opponents.

After about a minute of silence, Ash grew tired with it and called out one of his most trusted Pokemon from the shadows, surprising everyone, again. "Come forth from the shadows my trusted friend, Tyranitar!"

The giant goliath made a menacing roar that made everyone except for Ash, Drake and Zoey to flinch back in to their seats, including the announcer, who just curled into a ball a rocked back and forth. The next person to send out a Pokemon was Drake, and that Pokemon was what looked to be an overly large Dragonite. The final Pokemon was Zoey's Haxorus which had tusks that looked like they could cut through steel with ease. With three extremely powerful Pokemon brought out in the first round, the crowd knew that this battle would be a real nail biter.

Ash was the first to make an attack, "Okay Tyranitar, let's use Iron Defense and then follow that up with a Dragon Dance." Tyranitar did as Ash told him to, and just in time to, because Haxorus was charging at him with a surreal purple light surrounding him. He turned to run but only got a face full of hot air that felt like it was burning him inside out. He had to think of something quick before Haxorus crushed him, with speed that seemed unreal in a Tyranitar, he quickly side stepped Haxorus just as he was about to hit him and nailed him with a Dragon Claw in between the shoulders. He was down for now, but not out and just as he was about to finish Haxorus, Dragonite smashed into his weak spot with a powerful Iron Head. He was angry now, as anger and rage flooded his mind he unleashed it in an enormous draconic blast that slammed into both of his opponents and quickly knocking them out and leaving him with very little energy left.

The announcer was baffled; he had never seen such power in a single Pokemon before. Just as he was about to announce Ash as the only winner for this round, there was a movement in the tangled heap of two dragons. With its last show of strength for the round, Haxorus threw Dragonite from atop of him and remained standing, if only just. "And there you have it folks, our two remaining challengers for this round are Ash and Zoey!" He roared at the top of his lungs, trying to be heard over the cheers of the crowd, and only just succeeding.

The two remaining competitors from the battle both went to the center of the field and congratulated their Pokemon, and then shook hands and wished each other good luck in the next battle. With a quick wave to the crowd, Ash walked Tyranitar to the shadows and came out at the resting area at his home. He was surprised that the battle took so much out of Tyranitar and that Haxorus was still conscious. He mulled over the final few seconds before the blast reached Haxorus and found the answer he was looking for, Haxorus used Dragonite's fainted body as a shield to protect itself from the blunt of the blast.

i The Yin and Yang symbol.

ii The leader of the Orange Islands.

Finally! I thought that this chapter would never end, and it took a lot out of me to write that three way battle scene between Zoey, Ash and Drake. Zoey Rhodes is owned by Kairi Avalon, not me. Thanks for all the help and I hope that you will follow this story. R&R!

Tyranitar Out!