"Kairu, Koyuki, it's time for bed" Mai said as she walked into the children's rooms. Koyuki was crying in her bed while Kairu glared at his little sister.

Kairu was obviously, the older of the two 8 year old twins. He had short midnight blue hair and deep blue eyes. He had his fathers' personality.

Koyuki, was smaller. She had Mai's body. Small and fragile. She had midnight blue hair and eyes. Her hair was short like her brothers and she had Mai's personality when she was little. Shy and reserved.

"Yuki-chan, what's the matter?" Mai asked as she walked in.

"I called her an idiot and she started crying" Kairu sneered. Mai froze. She stared at her two children and saw herself and Naru in them so much, it brought her to tears.

Kairu was glaring at the wall now, not wanting to see the glare he was sure his mother would give him. His eyes widened though, when he heard his mother sniff. He spun around and turned to see his mother in tears.

"Kaa-san?" Kairu asked, hesitantly. His face was now a show of worry. "Daijabou kaa-san?" Kairu asked softly. Koyuki was looking at Mai through puffy red eyes. Mai laid her down and put her to bed. When Mai was certain she was asleep, she took a seat on her sons' bed.

"Please Kairu, don't call your sister names" Mai croaked.

"But-" Mai held a hand up for him to stop.

"I know we aren't a big family and I'm sorry you don't have a father but-" Mai paused as her tears fell. "Since we are all we have, you shouldn't be calling each other names"

"I only called her an idiot" Kairu defended.

"Your father always called me an idiot" Mai cried. Kairu froze. Mai hardly ever spoke of their father but when she did, she always became depressed.

"But you're not" Kairu spoke up.

"Neither is your sister but that doesn't stop you" Mai snapped. Kairu flinched back slightly and looked down in shame. "Your father would call me stupid, an idiot and names all the time but all I ever did was love him back and because he insulted me so much, I started to believe him. I told myself that I was stupid, that I was an idiot and that I was useless and brain dead" Mai said. "He was never kind to me and always demanded tea. I was a fool in love and he brushed it off" Mai said bitterly. She looked at Kairu.

"If your sister was killed, what would you do?" Mai asked. Kairu looked at her, pained at the thought.

"I-I don't know" He lied, looking away in hopes to save his pride.

"If your last words to your sister was that she was an idiot and she was taken away after, how would you feel?" Mai asked. "You're twins for goodness sake. You should be happy that you have a mother or a sister. When I was your age, my parents were gone and I had no uncles or aunties or siblings. I was alone" Mai said. A tear escaped Kairu.

"You and your sister is all that I have now" Mai said. "You don't know how easy either of us could be taken away" Mai stressed. "Your father lost his twin brother when he was 15" Mai said. Kairu's eyes widened as he stared at his mother. "He was devastated and he went searching for his body. Imagine your little sister being killed and her body was taken somewhere and you didn't know where. Imagine losing your twin, Kairu" Mai said.

"Why do you find the need to insult her all the time?" Mai asked. Kairu didn't answer and was still staring down at his hands.

"Is it because you really think she's an idiot?" Mai asked. Kairu shook his head. "Then why do you put her down? You know Koyuki is sensitive and shy. You're not helping her grow when you insult her and call her names. I expected more of you son" Mai said sadly, shaking her head and standing.

"Perhaps you're more like your father then I had hoped" Mai said before turning.

"Kaa-san I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I promise!" Kairu cried out. Mai turned to him to see he had tears leaking from his eyes.

"You shouldn't be apologising to me, Kairu. Koyuki is the one you hurt" Mai said. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

Kairu sat at his bed and cried. He looked at his sister who slept curled up in a ball with puffy eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. He imagined his sister being killed and felt his heart clench. He got out of his bed and walked to hers. He climbed in and hugged her closely.

"I'm sorry Koyuki. Please forgive me" Kairu cried silently. Koyuki uncurled herself and wrapped her arms around him, still sleeping. Kairu's eyes widened slightly before they relaxed and he looked at his twin lovingly. He fell asleep, hugging her.

Mai walked in a few minutes later and stared at her children, smiling softly. She tucked them in and kissed their foreheads.

"Good night sweeties" Mai whispered and walked out.

Mai was looking down into her children's room. She circled them and eventually lowered to the ground. She started heading towards her children. Mai turned a bit and saw a mirror and saw a bloodied little girl with glowing red eyes. Mai gasped.

Mai sat up in her bed and heard a scream. She ran into her children's room and saw the girl from her dreams staring at Koyuki and Kairu.

"Who are you! What do you want with my children?" Mai asked. The girl looked at her before appearing before her. Mai gasped. She was thrown back and smashed into a wall. The girl then turned to the kids.

"Kaa-san, help!" Koyuki screamed.

"Leave us alone!" Kairu screamed and a few objects rattled before floating up and getting thrown at the ghost. It did nothing but agitate it. The ghost stopped in front of the children.

"Hey!" Mai yelled at the ghost. It looked at her. Mai's eyes were narrowed and fury burned within them. "Get the fuck away from my kids!" Mai screamed and started the 9 cuts.

"Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!" Mai yelled. The girl screamed.

"I'll be back!" The girl screamed before disappearing. Mai stood there, panting. Koyuki ran to her and sobbed into her legs. Mai got down and hugged her. She looked at Kairu who was staring at his hands.

"Kairu?" Mai asked.

"Did you see what I did?" Kairu asked. Mai nodded. "Do you hate me?" Kairu asked sadly.

"Kairu, I don't wanna hear that ever again!" Mai yelled. "Come here" she said and Kairu walked to her. She grabbed him in a hug.

"I'm proud of you, son" Mai said. Kairu's eyes widened. "You protected your little sister. You know, your father could do the same thing. It's called PKLAT or telekinesis. You are able to move things with your mind" Mai said. "I don't hate you for having your fathers' gifts. I'm proud of you. Do you feel tired?" Mai asked. Kairu shook his head.

"Hmm….perhaps the power only became stronger with the new generation. I will help you train your powers but try not to use it in public" Mai said. Kairu nodded.

"Mother, can you teach us how to protect ourselves?" Kairu asked. Koyuki nodded.

"Alright, I have two. There's the one I did. I learnt that off a friend of mine who is a priestess. They are called the Nine Cuts. Then there is the mantra I learnt off another friend of mine who is a Monk" Mai said.

"I want the Monk one" Kairu said.

"Priestess please" Koyuki said.

"Alright then" Mai said as she began to teach them.