A/N This is a Lily and Sirius story based off of the songs on my iPod. Each chapter is obviously a different song. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the characters of the wonderful wizarding world.

Chapter 1: Hold On

We don't have time left to regret

It will take more then common sense

So stop your wandering, take a stand

'Cause there's more to life than just to live

A shadow passed over her Transfiguration essay. However, instead of continuing on its merry way, it stayed in place. She groaned inwardly.

"Go away, Potter!" Lily Evans said without even bothering to look up. "You're blocking my light." He chuckled a very un-Potterish chuckle. Lily glanced at him and was surprised to see-instead of her regular stalker, James Potter- Sirius Black. He flashed his crooked grin at her and his grey eyes lit up as he sat down beside her.

"Now, Evans, "he chided, "you're by the lake on a beautiful Saturday morning, doing homework that isn't due for another week and a half. Do you see anything wrong with that? Why aren't you out living life?" She glared at him.

"Black, can't you go pester your friends and leave me alone?" she begged.

"No, I cannot. James left for the weekend to go to his sister's wedding. Remus is in the Hospital Wing experiencing the after-effects of his time of the month. Peter is in the kitchen fattening up his already fat self. Besides, pestering Lily Evans is my second favorite sport. Right after Quidditch. You know, speaking of Quidditch, do you-"

"-Shut up! Go away! Leave me alone! Anything to stop hearing you talk!" Lily yelled, interrupting him,

"See! It's so fun annoying you! Come on, Evans, do something with me! I'm bored! Let's go to Hogsmeade!" Lily blanched. It's common knowledge that if Sirius Black is bored the school is danger of being blown up.

"Please, Evans? Everyone else is at Hogsmeade!" He begged. Lily looked at him and sighed in defeat. The Sirius Black Puppy Dog Eyes is irresistible, even if you hate Sirius Black. He grinned as she rolled up her essay and slipped it into her bag. Sirius jumped up. It was hard for her not to reflect his perfectly contagious smile, but she resisted.

She slid her bag over her should and brushed past him, allowing herself a small smile.

"Wait up! Evans, where are you going?" Sirius asked as he followed her into the castle.

"To my room. Where you can't bother me. 'Cause you know, guys aren't allowed in girls' dormitories. " Sirius scoffed.

"You must have heard the rumors, I've been in the girls' dormitories before," he said. Lily shot him a disgusted glare.

"You mean to say they're true? Wow, that's not really something to be proud of."

"It is when I'm one of the first to accomplish it." Lily groaned.

"Please tell me you didn't share the secret art with Potter." Sirius grinned at her.

"That's exactly what I did." They had arrived at the Prefects' dormitory and they entered the common room bickering.

"Just stay in here. I promise I'll be back in five minutes, okay? Just don't come in." He planted himself at the edge of the couch as she walked into her room, praying that he did as she asked.

"So, don't you ever get tired of just sitting around, doing your homework, and just being the perfect student?" Sirius asked Lily as they walked down the streets, licking the ice cream they had bought from a street vendor. Behind them floated the many purchases Sirius had made at Zonko's.

"Don't you ever get tired of being the obnoxious, irresponsible prankster?" Lily countered. Sirius scoffed.

"As if. Who could possibly get tired of that?" Lily cleared her throat and he grinned.

"Besides you. You're a classification of your own. You're a genetic abnormality.

"Gee, thanks, Black. Tell me how you really feel," she said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm just saying. You never have fun. You have like a perfect routine and you never stray from it. You do everything perfectly. You do all of your work, you're in bed on time, and I don't think you've broken a single rule in your life! Why don't you live?" Sirius demanded. Lily glared at him.

"I do live! I'm living right now!" she argued. Sirius snorted.

"No, right now, you're walking through Hogsmeade eating ice cream with a guy you hate. Living is like, walking through Hogsmeade after curfew with the guy you love. That's living."

"Except I'm not in love with anybody."

"Because you haven't let yourself fall in love." Lily stared at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"You've totally given up on love because it would stray you too far from your routine. Then you'd have to care about someone other than yourself. You'd have to care about something other than your perfection. You're scared of that. You don't even have enough faith in yourself to let yourself fall in love. So you've given up on it," Sirius watched her carefully to see how his words effected her.

"I could fall in love…if I wanted to," Lily said quietly.

"I'll believe it when I see it, Evans."

"Hold On" Jonas Brothers

A/N Alrighty, so if you really truly love me, which I'm sure that all of you do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! I LOVE REVIEWS AND I LOVE YOU! BUT I ONLY LOVE YOU IF YOU REVIEW! HAHA…just kidding, I love you even if you don't review. :D