Well. Hey, everyone.

My last author's note mentioned that I was 19 and heading off to uni. I talked a lot in these notes about how much this fic changed my life, and how the overwhelmingly positive response I got from its readers gave me the confidence to even consider pursuing writing professionally. Well, I'm 21 now, and while this fic hasn't been updated in a long while it's never been far from my thoughts.

I'm writing this note having just read through the fic in its entirety. There are some parts that I think I could have done a lot better. It wasn't edited very well, some of the chapters with River Song have been jumbled up somehow, there are plot points that could have been better planed, and so on and so on. It's easy to know what you should have done when you're on the other side, right? But even though I was relatively young when I started writing this fic, it's got one thing that I'm finding that my writing lacks now. Passion, drive, and a belief in what I was writing. Sure, this fic got me to uni, but then I was totally lost without it.

Recently, I'd been thinking of this fic more often than I had been. And then regular reader got back into contact with me on Tumblr, and someone recently reviewed with a nod to the last time it was updated and the hope that maybe I would come back to it one day. Thank you to you both – I've not had that many signs from the universe in my short time, but the ones I have had have been fairly obvious. I'm pleased to say that this fic will be coming back. Despite being totally out of practice and not having written any fanfiction in a long, long time, the Doctor and Ezio's grand adventure will finally conclude. The writing style may be different, maybe not quite as bouncy as it was, but in finishing this story I hope to find what made me a writer to begin with.

Updates won't be immediate. While I've lost my way with some elements with writing, the training I have had at university won't totally go to waste. These chapters will be edited down to the last t and formatted correctly, and I won't rest until I nail this fic's original spirit in the new chapters. The ending I had in mind for this was glorious, and even though it's been a few years wait, the gang are going out with a bang. Figuratively and literally. Spoilers.

Thank you to readers past and present for your belief in this story, and your belief in 16-19 year old me. It changed everything. At 21, I now can only hope that you'll be there to see how it ends.

See you all soon.

- IfEaRnOfIsH. (Nicola.)