Disclaimer: i think we can all tell that im not JKR, as much as i want to be, for one, if i was, (no offence) but i wouldn't be sitting here typing this. I would be on a cruise. Or somewhere hot and sunny (so, not England). Or... basically i just wouldn't be here. Dang! So, just to clear it all up, I. Am. Not. JKR. And. Have. No. Rights. To. Harry. Potter. *sniff*

In My Dreams

By Esula

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was one very happy wizard. Granted, the young Cedric Diggory had died, but it was, after all, for the greater good. He had, Albus thought, played his role of 'The Concerned Headmaster' very well…if he did say so himself. And after that little incident in the graveyard with Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, would be in need of even guidance and comfort in this sad time and Albus was more than willing to give it to him. He was, after all, quite a fine looking boy – even if he was a bit on the skinny side. But Albus knew one couldn't get everything in life, as was proven by Tom regaining a human body. It was a little unfortunate but as Albus had already stated, you couldn't get everything. With a self-satisfied, smug grin Albus popped one of those simply delicious Muggle Lemon Drops into his mouth as he surveyed his office interior.

Yes, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was one very happy wizard.


Sirius Orion Black was annoyed; no forget that, he was infuriated. His Godson's life had once more been thrust into danger and by the very man that had claimed he was protecting Harry no less. Well no longer would that happen, Sirius already felt like he had let down James and Lily and he would not allow himself to stand by and watch their son fall down the same path. Who cares if technically Sirius was still a wanted man, he wasn't going to let that stop him from looking after Harry. Properly. He wanted Harry to live with him, and as Harry's birthday was tomorrow, he wanted to be able to give Harry a birthday to remember (for all the right reasons).

And that's how and why Sirius Orion Black found himself on his way to the headmaster's office.

The place was deserted apart from the few teachers that permanently resided at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, all the students were long gone and enjoying their first week of the summer holidays.

After hearing no word from Harry in over a week, after the boy had promised to write as soon as he got home, Sirius Black wanted answers.

His storming through the castle corridors, ignoring Minerva Mcgonagall cries of outrage, left the tails of his cloak billowing in a way that would have made even Snape jealous, with a scowl to match. Upon encountering the gargoyle that stood guard over Dumbledore's office, Sirius was forced to stop and recount all the Muggle sweets that he could think of. "Sugar Mice, Liquorice Wands, Strawberry Bonbons… Mars Bars… Milkyway… Lemon Drops… SHERBET LEMON." Upon hearing 'Sherbet Lemon' the gargoyle promptly admitted entry. To be honest, Sirius was quite surprised no one had heard him.

Drawing closer to the door to Dumbledore's study Sirius was surprised to hear voices, seemingly unaware someone was standing right outside the door. With an evil smirk worthy of any Marauder, and one last glance over his shoulder to check no one had followed him up the stairs, Sirius edged himself as close to the door as possible in order to hear the words spoken behind it.

"…The Dark Lord grows angry Albus, I need more information on the Potter brat." A voice distinctly identifiable as Severus Snape's by the clear sneer on the name 'Potter'.

"Yes, yes, of course Severus. I understand, I'll arrange some Occlumency lessons between the two of you, if you do not teach the boy properly, it will give you a sufficient excuse to find out what you need." On hearing this Sirius was about ready to barge right in and kill Dumbledore and Snape, only the next words that chilled him to the bone stopped him from doing so." It should also loosen up Harry's mental defences so we can get a better view on Voldemort's actions." They were using Harry, HIS GODSON, to listen into Voldemort. Causing Harry unimaginable pain in order to get even a tiny bit of information. HOW DARE THEY. Any last respect Sirius held for the so-called Leader of the Light (which wasn't very much) vanished quicker than a Leprechaun's Gold. Unfortunately Sirius' internal ramblings meant he hadn't been able to hear Snape's response.

"Money is no object, my dear Severus, the Potter vault is more than accommodating for the galleons needed for your potions. It is after all, for the greater good." By this point Sirius was boiling point and still getting angrier. That they were using the Potter's money and Harry's inheritance for whatever sick excuse Snivellus came and Dumbledore was justifying as for the greater good annoyed one Lord Black a lot.

"And what of the brat?"

"Harry is with his Muggle relatives, I have forbidden any contact to him from his friends and placed Order members on rotational guard duty to ensure that he doesn't escape. None of the guards have seen hide or hair, as the Muggles say, of Harry since he returned there, although they have reported hearing loud voices and a lot of crashes and bangs. I suppose the Muggles are building something…" All the colour, that had risen to Sirius' face through anger, left. Something was wrong with Harry, he had known something was but he had just thought it a silly feeling, but now he knew. If the Dursley's had laid even so much as one finger on Harry or hurt even one hair on Harry's head, Merlin himself wouldn't be able to protect them from Sirius' wrath. Having heard more than enough, Sirius strode away from the office, determination clear on his handsome face, the Muggles would rue the day they hurt his Godchild and Harry was going no where near Dumbledore or Snape for a very long time. Sirius was going to get his revenge, but first he needed to get his Godson and update a certain Werewolf Marauder then they were getting the hell out of there.

Yes, Sirius Orion Black was infuriated.


Remus John Lupin was… well he was tired. He was currently sitting in study in his small cottage, still trying to find a job. As soon as potential employers knew that he was infected with Lycanthropy they wanted nothing more to do with him. And it wasn't as if he couldn't just tell them he was a Werewolf, not unless he wanted to go to Azkaban. And, apparently, Azkaban wasn't a very nice place.

"Stupid Ministery. Stupid bloody Ministery who thinks they're better than everyone else. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid…" And Remus Lupin continued to mutter the same thing to himself as he filled in dozens of applications for jobs. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"Still talking to yourself then Moony." The startled Marauder jumped into the air with warding off any possible attackers with his highly dangerous-looking quill.

"Like you can talk, Padfoot." Remus said with a smirk, after seeing the intruder was none other than his fellow Marauder, Sirius Black.

"Actually I can rather, do you want me to give you a demonstration?"

"Oh. Ha. Ha. Aren't you the funny one."

"Well I don't like to brag." Suddenly Sirius' face turned… well… serious. Never a good sign, Remus thought to himself. "I need to tell you some… information…"

Never in all his life had Remus ever seen Sirius this solemn, gesturing for Sirius to sit himself down, only to watch half-amusedly as his friend stubbornly started to pace in front where he was sat. Taking a deep, calming breath, Sirius launched into all that he had found out, "I was going to see Dumbledore, when…"

Half an hour later, Sirius had completed his tale and was trying to restrain a very wolf-like Remus from damaging Dumbledore, only Sirius' promise that they would get their revenge eventually managed to calm Moony down enough for him to sit down without struggling.

"I want in."

Both men's heads snapped up to the new voice, Nymphadora Tonks stood by the window having obviously disillusioned herself in order to hear the conversation.

"How much did you hear? What are you doing here? And how the bloody hell did you manage to stay something quiet and not knock anything over?" Sirius asked.

"Question one. Well I heard from 'I was going to see Dumbledore, when…' so I heard pretty much all of it. Question two." Here Tonks' cheeks started to glow with a faint rosy blush and her pink hair grew to cover her face as she looked down. "I was… uhh… coming to see… err… ." The last part she said so quickly that the men had to take some time to figure out exactly what she had said, and when they did Sirius' face grew into a full-blown smirk and Remus' previously angry face contained the same rosy tinge as Tonks'.

"Oh, did you Nymphadora?" Sirius started to ask. But before he could finish Tonks' first name he found himself gagged and hung up by the ankles by one very menacing looking Tonks. Raising both hands in surrender while tied by the ankles and upside down is a very hard thing to do as Sirius discovered, but eventually he managed it and was dropped down by Tonks. Who was still angry at the name-calling.

"Anyway, like I said. I want in. I heard enough tonight to confirm my suspicions I've had about Albus for weeks. While he still may be a great wizard, some of his choices aren't right, and I don't want Harry hurt any more. 'Sides this way you'll get a spy in both the Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix, since I assume you two will quit the Order, I don't particularly want to stay but this way I can give you information on what they're doing, and see if we can get Harry any more support from inside."

"You're making it sound as though we're building a bloody army!" Exclaimed Sirius.

"Shouldn't we though? The more support we can get for Harry, the better. We all know that Dumbledore's off his rocker but at the moment no one else does." Came Remus' speculative voice. "But whatever we choose, first of all, we have to get Harry safely away from those bloody Muggles. Now. And if you're right, Sirius, and they've hurt Harry… I will not be responsible for my actions."

Right, hello people, if you haven't been onto my profile (and have no intention of doing so) or read the start of my other story then i suppose i will have to write out the stuff about this story here (aren't i nice to you all)

You see, mis amigos, I'm one of those people, who gets all excited with ideas for stories in my mind, have trouble playing them out in said mind, try and write them down and then eventually get bored. Guilty as charged.

However, at the moment i have two possible stories running through the chaos that is my mind and i'm determined to complete at least one of them (if not both). They might have been done before (i don't know) but i like the ideas. Both of them are Harry Potter Alternative Universes and each preview can be seen on my profile (THIS IS ONE OF THEM!)

So could you either, please *puppy eyes*, review to me which one you prefer, vote in my poll or contact me in any way you can think of (smoke signals are accepted - if i can see them)

Any questions will also be answered

Esula x