Eternal Inferno

Summary: All liars hide behind their petty old masks.

Pairing: Gale/OC (District 2)

Time Period: Post Mockingjay (After Mockingjay)

Note: yeah, so this is going to be ten chapters/oneshots/whatever you want to call them.

i. liar, liar

She promises you years of happiness, of a life together. Liar, liar.

You promise to love her forever, to be with her. Liar, liar.

She goes away that night to a (half-ass excuse of a) bar, and comes home drunk.

You don't notice because you're away with that redhead and you're having a wonderful time. Of course you are.

If only you knew she was pregnant.




She says the baby's a girl and that it's yours. Liar, liar.

You swear on the sky and moon that you'll protect her and your little baby girl. Liar, liar.

But plans go astray and life just isn't on your side.




The baby isn't yours. (what a little liar, liar.) You know 'cause the baby's blond with blue eyes and her eyes are gray and yours are green.




Five years. You've stayed together for five years and you're a bad fucking father. And she knows it, too.

How you've stayed together is a mystery, really.




You're slowly drifting apart. She gets home from work later and later every night. You rarely see her anymore.

(not like you care at all.)

What made you love her in the first place?




She's sobbing as if she's genuinely sad or moved or something. Liar, liar. "I . . . hate . . .you. I work off my ass five days a week for this damn family!"

"Doesn't mean I have to stay."



Your (not really) little girl comes up to you one night and says, "Daddy, why do you and Mommy fight all the time now?"