Author's note: Hey guys! Okay, so this is my first story that I actually enjoyed writing. I hope you guys like it! Also, if you find some grammatical and spelling errors, just tell me. Thanks! XD

Chapter 1

Life sucks

Sakura groaned as she kicked off the covers. It was the third time this week that she'd dreamed of Him. He, who broke her heart. He, the liar. He, the cheater. Sitting up, she glanced at the pink alarm clock that sat atop her bedside table. She let out another low groan. 10 o' clock. Her mother had asked her to come to the Pancake House at half past ten sharp. She quickly stood then went to the washroom to shower and take her mind off Him.

Minutes later, she was rushing down the stairs wearing a pink tank, a pair of white capris, and black sandals. She also carried a purse with her phone, wallet, and i-Pod inside. She rushed to the counter and opened a jar of cookies, popped a chocolate chip one in her mouth, then headed out the door.

Sakura hadn't realized that she was running on the sidewalk. At least, not until she bumped to a woman with long dark hair and they both toppled over.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, miss. I'm so sorry!" Sakura said, rushing over her words as she quickly gathered herself and held out a hand to help the woman up.

Chuckling, the woman took Sakura's hand then stood up. She looked at Sakura in the face, but even if she was smiling, Sakura gasped. The woman seemed so familiar…so very familiar.

"Hi Sakura, sweetie." The woman said. "It's been a long time, hasn't it? How are you?"

Then it hit her. Sakura's eyes widened in realization, "Mikoto-sama, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?"

"Yes, you?" Mikoto asked.

"I'm okay, Mikoto-sama." Sakura replied.

"Mikoto. Not Mikoto-sama." She corrected Sakura for the nth time. "It makes me feel so old." Yet Mikoto looked only about thirty. Hard to believe she had two sons huh? And one was an adult.

"Um, okay." Sakura said, shifting her shoulders. Not entirely comfortable with calling elders simply by their first name.

Mikoto grinned, "So, you were running. Where are you rushing to?"

"Pancake House."

"With friends? It's a bit early don't you think?" Mikoto questioned. Anyone else who didn't know Mikoto well enough will say that she is simply concerned. But for Sakura, having known Mikoto before, knew better. "Friends" actually meant "Boyfriend". But who could blame her for being that way, after all Sakura had dated Mikoto's younger son for two years. And everyone in their family knew that Mikoto favored Sakura above all other girls her older son dated.

"Uhh, no." Sakura admitted, "With my mother actually. She called last night, telling me to be at the Pancake house at 10:30 sharp, or else…I dunno…something?"

Mikoto laughed then shook her head, "Honestly, that Sayuri, she has got to be more lenient to her daughter. And also be less strict." Sakura felt the sudden urge to agree. Glancing at her watch, Mikoto said, "Okay, get going now. Don't let me keep you."

Mikoto spun on her heels and started to walk away. But before she moved, she turned her head and gave Sakura a wink that was somewhat secretive. "See you soon." She said, grinning ear-to-ear.

Sakura continued walking, thinking about this and that until she heard a voice. "Sakura, you're late."

Sakura quickly walked to the source of the voice. "Sorry, mom. I bumped into Mikoto on the way." Literally, she added silently.

"Well, sit down." Sakura pulled a chair and sat across Sayuri.

"What's up?" Sakura asked.

"I've found you a summer job." Sayuri said, "It was already late when you told me you wanted one, but a friend of mine found you a place to work. It was the only place left that accepts applicants this late. I signed you up right away. Besides, they give a high pay."

Sakura asked, "Where?" please, oh please, not at...

"R&R amusement park." Sayuri replied. Sakura's eyes widened.

Damn, damn, damn! Sakura thought to herself. So that's what Mikoto meant by the wink and "see you soon." Damn!

"You're friend… Mikoto?"

Sayuri nodded, "Get packing now. You start tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Sakura shrieked, dumbfounded. "And you told me only now?"

"I got it yesterday night." Sayuri said matter-of- factly. She handed Sakura an envelope. "Inside, are instructions, forms, and the ticket for your ride. I'll have to ask you're dad to take you to the airport though, but when you arrive, the R&R bus will pick you up. I want you down and ready tomorrow at six. Prepare enough stuff, okay? They should be enough to last you two and a half months. Not that you can't go shopping there, but just in case."

Sakura forced herself to smile, "Sure, thanks. I'd better go prepare now. Bye mom." Then she hurried off.

Slamming the door to her room, Sakura screamed, "Crap! Crap!"

She slumped on the bed, thoughts swarming around her head. There was a ninety nine point nine percent that they'll come across each other. She had wanted a summer, free of him. They had broken up at the end of last summer and they were classmates the past year. So they had to see each other almost everyday. Which was exactly why she wanted a summer job, a break, to keep her busy and not be able to think about him. And more importantly, not see him.

She lay on the bed for what seemed like hours. She thought about stuff, and read and reread the papers in the envelope until the phone rang. Sakura picked it up on the second ring.


"Hey, Saku. You sound glum, what's up?"

"Oh, hi, Kiba. It's just my mother had found me a summer job."Sakura sighed.

"So, what's wrong with that? I thought you wanted one." Kiba asked, sounding confused.

"I wanted anywhere, but there. Guess where she applied for me?"

"Oh no. R&R?"

"Yep." Kiba knew that Sakura broke up with him a year ago, but he didn't know the reason why. Which was no surprise, Sakura hated talking about it.

"Aww, when are you gonna start?"

"I leave tomorrow. So I guess I start tomorrow."

"Damn, so I suppose you can't make it to the movie tomorrow?"

"Uhuh." Sakura replied glumly.

"Oooh…" Kiba treaded off.

"Uh…Kiba, I gotta go now, I still need to pack my stuff."

"Wait, how long are you gonna be there?" He asked.

"According to my mother, two and a half months." Sakura gritted her teeth.

"Aww, bummer." He said. "Why didn't you say no then?"

Sakura froze, she hadn't thought about that.

"Um, well, my mom worked real hard to get it and there's a high pay soooo..." Sakura said carefully, "I took it. Well, I gotta go, will you see me to the airport tomorrow?"

"No. I'm working."

"Okay, bye Kiba."

"Mmhm. Bye. Love ya."

Sakura put down the phone. Kiba was her boyfriend now, well sort of. He was there to comfort her when she broke up with Him. She always knew that he liked her, but she knew she didn't love him that way, he was more of a brotherly figure to Sakura, and it hurt her to give him false hopes by keeping up the relationship.

Sakura stood up and went to retrieve a suitcase from inside the washroom. 'God, it's already five,' she thought. She threw clothes in, shoes, and stuff. She also threw in a few pairs of bikinis and a few dresses just in case, then she closed it. The brown envelope her mother had handed to her was in the front pocket. She went back to bed and slowly fell asleep. That night, she dreamt of their breakup.

Sakura slowly strolled around the park. She was supposed to meet Sasuke there, and he was late by almost an hour. It was their second anniversary together as a couple. She wondered if he forgot, and if she should just go home. She walked around a pond then to the trees. She took out her phone, and decided that if Sasuke didn't arrive ten minutes later, she'd call him.

"Come on, Sasuke, you know you want to." A female voice said.

"No." A male voice said

Sakura froze. She knew that voice too well. She also knew that she shouldn't be listening in. But what choice does she have? He was her boyfriend, and he was out with another girl, on their anniversary no less.

"Sasuke-kun, why?"


Sakura placed her hands on her ears, refusing to hear anymore. She walked forward a little then gasped when she saw it, arms around Sasuke's neck, Sasuke's hands on her shoulders, gripping them tightly, they were kissing. she could only see the woman's red hair as her back was to her. And she wore the skimpiest clothing ever produced on earth. Strapless black top that showed her whole belly, low waist jean mini skirt and knee high boots that have five inches stilleto heels. Then Sasuke put his hands on her hair and pulled, the woman just crushed her mouth into his even harder.

Sakura wiped her eyes, she hadn't noticed that she was already crying. She lost hold of her phone and dropped it, and then she ran. She never thought Sasuke would do this to her, cheat on her with someone else.

She ran and ran. Twice, she tripped. Once, she hit someone. She was already in pain, but she kept on running, tears streaming down her face.

"Sakura! Sakura! What's going on?" Sasuke shouted, running after her.

Sakura finally stopped and spun around, "You cheater! You liar! I thought we were gonna meet up today. You were late, I thought something had happened. Instead, I found you with another girl in a secluded place! Jerk!"

"No, no. Sakura, that's not true-"

"Not true? I saw it with my own eyes!" Sakura screamed, tears were silently flowing down her face.

"Please Sakura. You know I love you-" Sasuke said desperately.

"Right. And you were off kissing another girl! Who knows how many more of them have you got hidden in your sleeve?"

"What-Karin? I'm not dating her. My parents set me up on an arranged marriage, but I swear, I didn't want to do it."

"What about that kiss?"

"She forced me into it."

"I'm supposed to believe that? After what I saw, You, not dating her?" Sakura cried. "You know, I thought you were a good guy, Sasuke. But I guess I was wrong. You're just like all others, Sasuke. You're just a player. You toy with a girl's heart, then throw it away. So, tell me, how many other girls have you been seeing these past two years? I pity those who don't even know that you're a two-timing bastard."

"None-just you." Sasuke said, in a panicked tone, "Please, Sakura, how could you do this to me? After all that we've been through, how can you let one scene break your faith in me? How? I love you Sakura, you know I do."

Sakura was quiet for a moment, but then she snorted, "I bet you've told that to all other girls who've caught you cheating."

Sasuke stepped forward and reached out to hold Sakura, but Sakura slapped his hand away. "Forget it, Sasuke. We're done!" She yanked off the heart-shaped locket around her neck, it was a gift from him on their last anniversary, with SxS carved on the top, and a picture of them together can be seen if you open the threw it at him then she turned around and stormed off.

Sasuke was startled, he ran after her. "Sakura!" he yelled. Every time he called out to her, all she said was, "Leave me alone!"

Finally, Sasuke couldn't take it anymore. He stopped running after her and sat on the ground. He remembered a line that people used to say, "If you love something, you'll let it go."

Sakura rushed in her house, cried to her mother, cried to her friends and every night, she cried herself to sleep.

Sakura woke with a start. Her eyelids fluttered open almost immediately right after the whole dream. She touched her face. It was wet with tears. She wiped her face on the blanket then turned around to look at the time. It was only 4 o'clock. She tried to close her eyes and force herself to sleep but failed. Finally, she decided that there was no point lying there, doing nothing. She stood up and thought, 'I might as well see what else I need to bring.' She took out a few books from her shelf then put them in a duffel bag, she also stuffed in her sketch pad and her pens and pencils. Sakura also put in a purse in and a clutch, then closed it shut. She opened her laptop and logged in her facebook changing her status to "Life's sucks".

Sakura went in the bathroom and took a quick bath, threw on a pink tank top, black vest, black shorts, and black converse hi-tops then dried her hair. She decided to just let it fall neatly down her back. She put on some bangles, a silver charm bracelet, and a black choker with a blood red teardrop pendant. She slung a black shoulder bag around her body that contained her phone, wallet, and i-Pod and other stuff such as books and her sketch pad. Calling her dad, she grabbed her laptop then brought it down the staircase. Her dad came in and helped her bring down the suitcase and the duffel bag. After putting them all in the trunk of the car, she went back in to eat breakfast.

"Sweetie, here's some pocket money that we're giving you." Her mom said as she sat down. She handed Sakura a white envelope.

"Thanks." Sakura said, looking inside, there was two hundred fifty dollars.

"Is that enough?" Her dad asked.

"Yep." Sakura said. She hadn't planned on spending a lot anyway, she was saving up for college. She wasn't really poor or anything, but the university she wanted to get into was one of the best universities, and the tuition there per year is twelve thousand dollars, not including books and food yet. The university also required them to get dorms, which costs about five thousand dollars a semester. Since Sakura was planning to major on medicine, there will be ten years of education. The total fee for all that will end up near two hundred fifty thousand, which, if she was to be honest, her family didn't have.

"Okay just call home if you need anything, okay?" Her mom said.

"Yes, we'll be there if you need us." Her dad said.


Her dad stood up and took out the car keys. "Let's go."

Author's note: So, how did you guys like it? I'm completely nervous to know. My next update will be on or before June 7, since classes start at 8. So please be patient! Anyway, please review! Flames and compleements and whatever are all accepted! XD