To anyone who doesn't know, which I'm assuming is a lot of you, this story is the prelude to my GX story Hidden Eyes Telling Lies. As this is the prelude you don't have to read that story and to the people who have read HETL then hopefully, this story explains a few things.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any or its affiliations. I do own Cassandra however.

History. What was. What happened. What does it matter? No one remembers. And those that think they do only seem to tarnish it further. After all, 5000 years is a long time to remember. A lot of history has passed between then and now. What is forgotten is overlooked by what is thought to be remembered. What is thought to be remembered is twisted and warped over time so that the history that was and the history that is are two very different things. Time does that to us all. Every story, every life; twisted, forgotten, lies. In that case, those that forget are those that are blessed for they no longer have to go through the pain to which remembering the past - the true past - leads us to.

Time. A friend and an enemy. Two close identities that pass between what was and what is. What is a friend? What is an enemy? Can the two coexist as one? Time heals everything, so I've heard, but I've yet to feel the healing touch of this friend. Or is it enemy? So many lines are blurred when you remember, examine, think. Of course, time gives one all of these options. Time to remember, to think, to examine just how I came to be in my prison of stone. What did I do wrong?

Knowledge. Wisdom, even. Hindsight is twenty-twenty and so on. Stuck in an endless cycle of what-ifs. What if I had known? What if I had stopped him? What if I had just killed myself before this even started? But then, that's selfish. The world is at stake. The world is always at stake. Leaving, abandoning this world for another would be cowardice and I was never a coward. Even facing down someone I once loved to save the one I loved now, I did not back down. I would not back down.

Love. What is it? People have often wondered. I don't care anymore.

Magic. It is a part of me, a large part. Others wonder, I know.

But the one thing that has been circling my head for 5000 years while I have been stuck in this stone prison is this: secrets. Secrets are illusions, bluffs, things only one would know. Leverage. Blackmail. Would I still have done it? Would I still have agreed to his plan if I knew that one day I would have to face him again. Would I have agreed to it if I knew that I would be forgotten. Secrets, questions, but always secrets.

One secret. One powerful secret that could undo everything that was done 5000 years earlier or it could save everything that has come after. Darkness, light. Good, evil. When does it end? It never ends. Tell, don't tell. Am I good? Or evil? Born in the light, imprisoned in the darkness? What am I?

I remember. I've seen. I know. I love. But what does it matter? I'm a secret but a secret is nothing if you don't know how to look for it. How do you look for something you don't know in the first place?

I have a secret. I am the secret. But who would I tell? All I was, all I have been, sister, friend, wife, queen; all I will be. How do I exist when all I am is


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