A/N: Now with plot!

Curled up on Brittany's lap, head resting on her chest and feeling sleepy and sated and warmed by the gentle stroking the blonde was doing to her back and side, Rachel sighed. "You're really good at that…"

A pleased giggle moving through her body, Brittany settled her chin onto Rachel's head. "Wait until I get you in a bed," she smiled, then paused. "Wait…" pulling back and urging Rachel's head up to look at her, she asked hopefully, "Will we get to do this again?"

A blush raced across Rachel's face, and she sucked her lower lip into her mouth. "I… I think I'd like that." When Brittany smiled widely, Rachel looked away and lowered her voice, "Then I could, you know… Reciprocate. Re… Mmm…" She licked her lips, "Pay you."

"Pay me?" Sounding a little puzzled, Brittany's hand stopped stroking her. "Like, give me money for sex?"

"Oh, no Brittany. No." Bringing Brittany's head to her by cupping the side of her face, Rachel softly pressed a kiss to her lips. "I'm sorry. No. I meant return the favor. Re. Repay you. Give you an orgasm." She didn't want the girl feeling like she was going to treat her like a prostitute. Certainly not.

Kissing her back, Brittany smiled. "Oh, okay. I understand. That's really sweet of you, Rachel. But don't worry. Santana will take care of me after glee."

Rachel's eyebrows rose. "So you two are back together…?"

Grinning, Brittany nodded, "Oh yeah. We're together. Just not right now, now that I'm here with you."

Alarm flared up, and Rachel stared at her. "B-because you're here with me I've made you cheat on Santana? She's going to break up with you?" She jumped off Brittany's lap, slapping her palm against the stall door to stop from crashing into it.

"What…?" Standing, Brittany settled her hands on Rachel's shoulders, pressing down enough to get Rachel to calm; when she did, the blonde smiled. "Rachel," she started, leaning down to kiss her cheek, "If I were dating Santana – like, dating-dating her – would I be doing this with you? Would Santana let me do this with you? No, because our plumbings are the same." She paused, "Well, she would if she could join in or watch. I know that for a fact."

Rachel swallowed.

"And anyway, Santana doesn't want to date-date me anymore. She's in love with someone else." Brittany sighed, smile dimming a little.

Putting her hand out, Rachel squeezed Brittany's arm, "Brittany…"

Her eyes flitting back to Rachel's, Brittany shook her head. "You know, when you're not talking, you're really nice," she complimented cluelessly, and Rachel fought to keep her expression positive, "But anyway, I understand. I love Santana, and I could easily love her, but sometimes I feel like I missed my chance. But." Brittany's face fell, and she removed one of her hands to wipe a suddenly misty eye, "I really did love Artie, and I couldn't hurt him." Chewing on her lower lip, she sighed and dropped her shoulders. "Why didn't… Why couldn't Santana understand that?"

Rachel frowned. "You… Really haven't had anyone to talk about him with, have you?"

Looking down, Brittany shook her head again.

Rachel's heart squeezed. Sighing, she smiled softly, stroking Brittany's arm before sliding and moving in to wrap her arms around her waist. "If you want," she whispered, nodding when still misty blue eyes met hers, "I can provide some impartial company." When Brittany still looked unsure, Rachel rubbed her hands up and down her back, "And cookies, if you'd like."

"Cookies!" Cracking a smile, Brittany leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Rachel's mouth. Breathing in quickly through her nose at the slight taste of herself when the blonde slid her lips along hers, Rachel closed her eyes. "What… Time is it?" she whispered, and Brittany laughed.

"San hasn't texted yet, so we're fine. Here." Pulling her lumberjack hat off and running a hand through her hair to tame it, Brittany smiled and pushed it onto Rachel's head.


Brittany grinned, then leaned forward to unlock the stall door. "So Mr. Schuester can't yell at us," she explained, giggling as Rachel lifted her hands to touch and explore the hat, "Now come on, before San does text us."

Allowing the slight pressure of Brittany taking a step forward push her outside of the stall, Rachel turned to look at herself in the mirror. Studying her reflection, she removed the hat, shaking out her hair and straightening her bangs before pulling it on again. It felt warm and heavy on her head, as well as looked slightly ridiculous as all of Brittany's hats did, but Rachel knew it did make sense for her to be wearing it.

Though, you know, the entity probably wasn't going to be interested in using ice on her head.

Rachel stilled, holding her breath. Would thinking about the entity call it up from whatever pocket of the universe it lived in? No… That didn't really make sense. The last time it had appeared (really, the first – Rachel could say that now, though she really would have rather not been able to) was three days ago, so maybe she was safe for another three…?

Oh god. Now she was thinking about it as an inevitability. What was happening to her? Was she ever going to find out?

Please not now, please not now, she whispered silently; even if knowledge was good, Rachel really did need to get back to glee before Mr. Schuester vetoed her idea just because of her absence!

Thankfully, no matter the routes her thoughts were going, the entity lay dormant. Sighing, Rachel relaxed. Moving her gaze over to watch Brittany stare at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands, Rachel bit her lip as her gaze moved up and down Brittany's body.


And Santana.

Santana. It wasn't like Rachel and Santana were in a relationship (her or Brittany, it seemed), but, would Santana really be okay with what had just happened? And… Should Rachel even be concerned about that? Though she wasn't quite sure what it was, her relationship with Santana, Rachel knew Santana could be quite possessive. But did that apply to Rachel? Or just Brittany? Would Santana (and here, Rachel didn't even know if she should even be wondering this in the first place – it wasn't like she and Santana were dating, no matter how… Loose that made Rachel sound) care that Rachel was… Being with someone else? Or care that it was Brittany she had, well, not really chosen, but accepted? Sure, Brittany had said her best friend would be okay with it (hadn't she even said Santana had said she could share?), but was that Brittany's eternal optimism speaking? Did Rachel have to fear for her life? Expect to get a Lima Heights Adjacent rant? Or get the threesome invitation Brittany had mentioned?

Awareness she wasn't sure she wanted started to coil in her stomach. Thinking about a threesome while in the middle of receiving oral sex was one thing, but thinking about one while not influenced by all the forces of a growing orgasm was another.

"Rache? You okay?" Echoing her words from earlier, Brittany's voice snapped Rachel from her thoughts.

Blinking, Rachel met Brittany's gaze and smiled. "Yes, Brittany, I'm alright. Just… Thinking about something."

"Mmhm." Looking a little suspicious, Brittany nodded, and turned back to grab a couple of paper towels. "You ready to go?" she asked perkily.

"Almost, but not quite. I wish to wash my hands as well." Sliding her gaze from Brittany to her reflection, Rachel nodded and stepped forward, pumping two good shots of pink soap into her palm. First things first. Wash her hands, then have Brittany escort her back to the choir room. Then decide if she should leave before Santana could catch her or stay to catch Santana herself.

But that really depended on figuring out how much she and Santana owed each other, didn't it?

Rachel sighed. She really had not wanted to have this discussion with herself any time soon.