
I threw my head back on the couch and looked up at the cracked popcorn ceiling. "What the hell should I do today?" I sighed, gazing over to the pile of boxes that still needed to be unpacked.

I had just moved to Virginia from Connecticut. From one boring place to another as I liked to think. Oh well, at least I had finally graduated. Only a few more days until I started college, majoring in criminology. At least something was exciting.

Not wanting to unpack, I got up and searched for something else to do.

Ah ha! Light bulb! I still needed to buy textbooks! Of course I would put that off until the last minute. I pulled my jeans on and laced up my battered Converse that I refused to throw away.

"At least I don't have to listen to Mom telling me to get rid of them anymore" I thought to myself.

I looked out the window and saw sun. Finally, something better than Connecticut weather. I threw on one of the Beatles t-shirts lying on the floor and grabbed my car keys.

"'Ello Sara!" yelled Mr. Bennet, the baker across the street. "Good to see you out and about finally."

"Don't count on it happening too much Mr. B. Classes start soon."

"Oh what I would give to be so young again, so much freedom."

I waved goodbye and hopped into the driver's seat of my yellow Volkswagen Bug that had been in my family for years. The semi-ancient car sputtered to life and I drove slowly down the street in the midst of all the traffic.

"For such a boring place they have a lot of cars" I muttered as I turned the corner to the used bookshop.

"Hopefully they have all of my textbooks. I'm screwed if they don't."

After what seemed like hours of driving, I parked my car and got out, pulling out my list of textbooks.

"Hi Mrs. Friar, good to see you again," I said to the cheerful woman behind the counter. Mrs. F was one of the first people I met when I moved to Virginia.

"Hello Sara, here for some more reading?" she asked pleasantly.

"Unfortunately no, I have to buy my college books. Hopefully I can buy real ones if I'm not completely broke after that."

"Oh, well the textbooks are over there-good luck," she replied, pointing towards the corner of the store.

I made my way through aisles crowded with books and finally turned the corner. It was dark and dusty, as if no one had been there for a while.

"Great. I'm sure they'll be here." I said sarcastically.

I scanned the books slowly, trying to find the ones I needed.

"Criminal Law, Psychology, and Intro to Law Enforcement. I need them." I muttered under my breath.

I examined the textbooks, getting more and more disappointed.

"Math Analysis, Biochemistry, World Literature. Oh my god, I don't need any of these!" I exclaimed with frustration.

Finally I walked over to the small dusty corner and my eyes lit up.

"Criminal Law! Yes! I found one!"

I guess I got a little too excited because I picked the book up and it promptly fell out of my hand with a thud.

"You alright in there?" called Mrs. Friar from the front desk.

"Sorry, Mrs. F., I dropped a book." I replied quickly as I picked it back up.

"Okay, let me know if you need any help."

"Will do."

I eagerly flipped through the contents of the textbook. Just what I needed! I guess my luck wasn't so bad after all.

After a few more minutes of perusing, I found a Psychology book, but I just could not find the last one that I needed.

"Hey, Mrs. F., do you have any Intro to Law Enforcement textbooks?" I asked as I exited the quiet corner of books.

"I'm not sure honey, let me go ask my husband-he knows the store better than I do," she responded and proceeded to go upstairs to where she and Mr. Friar lived.

"Di-did you say Law Enforcement?" asked a shy voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw a gorgeous man standing there. I mean, he was model pretty, with brown eyes and short, wavy hair. Why weren't there more guys like this?

"Uh-uh yeah, only the Intro though, I'm just a freshman this year." I replied, trying not to stumble over my words.

"I studied that too, I probably still have my textbooks if you want them," he said quietly.

"Oh, you don't have to, I'm sure Mrs. F. has some," I responded, not wanting to scare away this beautiful man.

At that moment Mrs. Friar walked back downstairs, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry dear, we don't have any of those," she said.

"Okay, thanks anyways. I'll take the other two then."

She began to ring them up and I turned to the mysterious guy. "I guess I could take you up on that offer. My name's Sara Felding," awkwardly sticking out my hand.

He grabbed my hand gently and shook it. I couldn't help but be amazed at how nice his hands were, as I tried to keep my cool.

"I'm Spencer Reid."